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Everything posted by JohnLannister

  1. There are 5x31 everywhere going cheap anyway. it would take the alot of breeders to make prices rise. in an case, all it takes is 1 person that wants fast money make it lower again
  2. The Reason why breeding is disabled. Link to the topic page
  3. JohnLannister


    Back online if anyone didnt know
  4. JohnLannister


    I see you darkshade please tell us something
  5. I believe that the mods and devs know what is best for the game even if its the opposite of what the community wants. In my opinion if i cannot do better im in no place to judge or criticize the progress or decisions the devs and admin have made
  6. Thats exactly the point the only thing wrong with the game pre island 4-7 update ( if not b4 adding the e4 update) was some moves being broken and a few missing scripts. there is a saying if its not broken DONT FIX IT. B4 i get told how im wrong and quotes saying "what about breeding that wasnt added back then" ect ect i understand breeding was going to be added eventually but the way it has effected the community, just makes the game not as fun as it used to be. Even starting the game again only getting to the e4 before giving up due to the fact that it just was not the same. any players starting off with breeding have missed what i consider the best time and period of this game i mean i played this game hours on end even without the e4 and everything being polished and fixed( i use fixed lightly along with ruined) and kept on playing due just because.
  7. obliviously hasn't played from the start to see how sour it is already.
  8. The problem i think is that none of dev actually play this game like we do hence don't relies how much grinding there is. I get its a Pokemon game there is meant to be grinding. But still.
  9. Depending from when you started playing. Breeding is great or its crap. Breeding for me has stopped me from playing the game as much. I prefer the good old days of wild catching, and leveling to 100 at lavender tower. how the game has changed.
  10. pls draw me a luxaray ripping apart a tenta
  11. I've played since the original red but that was when i was a kid. As ive grown up i've found myself getting more free time going to ruby and emerald but the most hours spent playing a single game would be pokemmo with about 2000 hours ( not all on the 1 acc, not sure if it counts). and have come to the conclusion i have way too much time on my hands.
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