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Posts posted by Deshar

  1. I'm having trouble finding the berry crush NPC, can anyone point me in the right direction?


    Edit: And 5 seconds later I find out how to crush them...


    Edit: Actually I still need to find the NPC in order to craft, can anyone point me in the right direction?


    Edit: Ok, found the one in slateport, where's the one in Celadon?

  2. Guys, look at this, we're actually in it.

    You can pretty much predict the winners based on the number of members in a Team. Popularity would play a slight role but the biggest Teams would dwarf the smaller Teams on member votes alone.

    Case and point, the top four teams are large teams and the only time a large Team was knocked out was by another large Team.
  3. Hi Desh

    Hi Lios, I would like to return to the Team. Also I took the test with some interesting results.

    Red: direct/straightforward personality
    result image
    A direct (red) person focuses on getting results, being in control and responds well to challenges. They are usually outspoken, analytical and self-confident and often self-made people. In dealings with them, get to the point, tie things to results and let them decide.

    I like that I got red but I don't see myself doing either of the Red roles. Put me down as Councillor.
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