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Posts posted by G0dPower

  1. but if she has a th8 base its harder to raid than... well.. mine hue

    all the th8s on both side get 3 starred anyways. It matters more if you can 3 star the other lower bases, so the rest of us don't have to waste attacks on them
  2. I want to test my Dragons, but no wars for me rip.

    Out of fairness, I wouldn't mind sitting my alt out, or putting out rosalia, since you guys have same lvl drags. Next war we'll see

    I hope you're upgrading your TH and not being a scrub who maxes their walls first




    You know who has a shitty base? That Tao guy, he's been TH9 for months but already got passed up by me in war rankings


    If you keep shrecking people like that who'd want to join??


    Also os has Aziz-tier base. we're not losing much here guys

  4. Tao is probably gonna give leadership if asked. I don't think he's that power hungry. Election is probably best way to go.




    Also Im late on th9 reflection I said I would do but here it is


    Farming: First off, it was nothing compared to >th8 but still good overall, especially when you see what you get as a th10…  For some reason I was in crystal when I got to th9 and even as th8, I wasnt finding much. So early on, I tried pushing and tried crystal-Masters 3 but loot was still shit. Loot bonus is nice, but lack of dead bases, regularly getting smashed by th10s anytime I had decent loot and town hall on outside, and the unreliability of lvl 5 barch killed whatever efficiency you’d want in farming. Dropping down to gold was best thing I did have done in the game since I doubt i would have continued playing otherwise. Inactives everywhere, and filled storage th8s which I could easily get with lvl 6 giants, and some with just barch made it so that I didn’t have a sleeping builder since dropping down. Pretty sure my time in crystal+ extended my time as a th9 by at least a month or so. Basically from my experience, Id say loot per hour is much higher in gold than for th9s> and you guys should probably not push (riga looking at you). Oh ya, also wish the healer change came about earlier since now you could possibly use them in place of healing spells so giant raiding woulda became easier and less time/elixir consuming.

    Warring was biggest change in th9 transition for me. One factor was going from th8 hogs/drags -> th9 gowixxxx/ lavaloonion. Troop composition wasn’t as big a deal. Once you find a generic army, its pretty straight forward to get the hang of it and the th9 army comps. were far more reliable in getting at least 2 stars. During th8s, most attacks were mostly all or nothing. Either it was a nice 3 star or fail 0/1 star, no middle ground. Drags are awful at th9 but hogs Imo can work sometimes but nerfs like skeleton traps and giant bomb buff really have made them unreliable compared to when I first started to use them. The main thing I had to change was the mindset when attacking, I was expected, and we as a clan still accept th8s and below to 3 star others of same townhall, so, early on I was being conservative with my spells or reserving troops for later in the raid, when rushing to townhall is most of the time guaranteed 2 stars, especially with jump spell buff that happened. 
    Before I go I wanna give some shoutouts, so:
    Shoutout to all my uguus who rushed their bases.
    Shoutout to all my uguus who put all their storages in one central component
    Shoutout to all my uguus who upgraded their collectors before quitting. Y’all da real mvp
    Shoutout to all my uguus who sniped my townhall for the shield.
    Shoutout to Dannnno and Cipher for filling up war bases. Rest of you uguu-gurgling fgts suck.
    Im probably forgetting some things I wanted to talk about but for now this is what I got. Im certain I have developed autism during my time playing this game and gonna see how far its willing to carry me. Thanks
    Maxed th9
    Failed attempt at taking screen with 1 sec left on upgrade..
  5. what dis game is and will me having a bunch of money to spend on it allow me to join you losers' clan and immediately make a difference?

    join. Pretty sure umad would cream his pants when he sees you. And don't spend money, at least early on, unless it's for builders. But ye join
  6. where did you go anyways

    Went over the the french pokemmo clan and just joined a couple of the higher level clans to see what it was like. Back now tho


    Im a lv 72 over here and probably about to quit playing :3

    Wait, are you in the clan?

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