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Posts posted by ZedEx

  1. In the long run, I really don't think it'll help.


    1. Team names are gonna get copied but look! A character that is barely noticeable makes it cool

    2. Twelvies

    3. There's gonna be no teams with legit names 

    4. The different characters are special now. If you added all of em, they wouldn't be rare and special now would they...


    My reasons are valid.

    Fair enough! I agree with this guy!

  2. just finished it! 

    hope you like it!

    IGN : ZedEx


         ‘Thank you for waiting. We’ve restored your Pokémon to full health.’ Said Nurse Joy handing a set of different kinds of Pokéballs back to its owner and then takes a good look at his face. ‘Wait aren’t you the boy who saved the whole of Hoenn form those legendary Pokémon let loose by Team Aqua and Magma.’

         ‘Yup, that’s me the name is Ray.’ replied Ray with a bright look in his face. ‘I searched and found the legendary Pokémon of the sky in the highest floor of Sky Pillar and put an end to evil plans of Team Aqua and Team Magma. Now I’m going to challenge the Sootopolis Gym and get my final badge and then challenge the Pokémon league and become the Pokémon champion.’

         ‘Good luck with your Gym Battle.’ replied Nurse Joy with a smile.

         ‘Don’t worry I have an ace up my sleeve, nobody can beat me in a battle now.’ Replied Ray while leaving the Pokémon center.

         After entering the gym Red looks around the Gym it was dimly lit and notices two spotlights focused on opposite sides of a battle arena made of ice. Ray walked up to the closest spotlight and shouted ‘I am Ray of Littlroot and I am here here to challenge The Sootopolis Gym Leader and win my final badge.’

         ‘Welcome challenger!’ said a voice form the other side and then a man walked up towards the spotlight on the other side of an arena side of the arena and the gym was lit up ‘I am Juan the Gym Leader of Sootopolis City and I accept your challenge.’

         ‘Wait Juan? I thought Wallace was the gym leader of Sootopolis?’ replied Ray in a surprised tone.

         ‘Oh! You did not know? I was initially the Gym Leader of Sootpolis Gym. It was I who taught Wallace everything there is to know about Pokémon. Once, I had given up my position as the Gym Leader. In my place, I had entrusted Wallace with the Gym. However, a compelling reason arose for me to make a comeback. Ah, but enough chatter. Let us begin our match, shall we? ’ said Juan in a cool tone while moving his arms around to match his speech.

         ‘That sounds fine to me!’ replied Ray.

         ‘The battle will be a three on three and only the challenger will be allowed to substitute his Pokémon.’ Said Juan while taking out a Pokéball from his belt ‘Now you shall bear witness to our artistry. A grand illusion of water sculpted by Pokémon and myself! Go Walrein!’

         ‘I agree, but I don’t think it will be necessary for me to switch.’ replied Ray while sending out his first Pokémon ‘Go Blaziken!’

         ‘A Blaziken huh such a daring choice let’s see how good you are in battle now shall we!’ said Juan.

         ‘Oh I’ll be more than a challenge! Blaziken use sky uppercut’ replied Ray while giving orders to Blaziken.

         ‘Boy you take too many chances! Walrein you can take that hit use Rain Dance!’ said Juan while keeping his arms folded.

         Blaziken rushes towards Walrein and delivers a massive sky uppercut but fails to knock out Walrein, Walrein lets out a cry ‘Walllllllreeeeeiin’ and dark clouds gather over the arena and it began to rain.

         Ray now completely focused on the battle shouts out to Blaziken ‘One more hit and you’ll get it Blaziken use Sky Uppercut again!’

         ‘Walrein use surf!’ Juan shouted who is now focused in the battle as well.

         Blaziken rushes towards Walrein once again at the same moment Walrein prepares to use surf but it is too slow and Blaziken hit it first with a sky uppercut which KOed Walrein.

         ‘Walrein return.’ Said Juan while holding out his Pokéball ‘you did well Walrein now take a good rest. For my next Pokémon I choose Kingdra.’ Said Juan while simultaneously throwing out a Pokéball.

         ‘Don’t be afraid even if you have a type disadvantage Balziken go all out with Hi Jump Kick.’ Screamed Ray who had no intention of giving up.

         Juan not wasting any time gives Kingdra it’s next orders ‘I’m afraid I can’t let you do that boy, Kingdra use surf!’

         Before Blaziken could react to Ray’s orders it was hit by Kingdra’s surf and was KOed in one hit.

         ‘Little boy my Kingdra has the ability Swift Swim in the rain it becomes one of the fastest Pokémon there is you can’t beat it in terms of speed and only dragon type moves have a type advantage against Kingdra.’

         Ray got a smirk on his face and his expression turned dark‘dragon you say? Than allow me to show you the strongest dragon Pokémon you can ever find!’ saying this Ray takes out a Pokéball with a purple colored upper half and throws it towards the arena ‘Come forth Rayquaza and defeat all who stand in my path to becoming Pokémon Champion!’

         Juan who was first surprised at the sight of the legendary Pokémon immediately regained his composure and then began to smile ‘so this is your trump card? Do you think just because you have a legendary Pokémon on your side you can win every battle?’

        Ray began laughing and replied ‘Yes, with this pokemon on by side I am already champion. I went back to Sky Pillar just to catch this pokemon and all I had to do was use a Master Ball which I found in Team Aqua’s hideout.’

         Juan surprised in this sudden change of attitude started to become excited about the upcoming battle ‘Naïve boy let me show you the strength of Hoenn’s strongest Gym Leader! Kingdra use Dragon Breath!’

        ‘Rayquaza no Pokémon can hurt you! Use Ourage!’

         Once again Kingdra acts before Rayquaza can react to Ray’s order and Rayquaza gets a direct hit from Kingdra’s Dragon Breath and it dealt quite a bit of damage but it was not enough to defeat the legendary Rayquaza immediately after receiving damage Rayquaza charged straight for Kingdra while covered in a glowing light and Kingdra was KOed in one hit.

         Ray having a big grin on his face shouted out to Juan ‘In the end your Kingdra could do nothing!’

         ‘That may be what it seems like to you but to me Kingdra accomplished a lot.’ Replied Juan while taking out his Pokéball ‘Kingdra return! You did well. For my final Pokémon I choose Milotic’ then Juan throws a Pokéball towards the arena..

         ‘This Pokémon will be defeated in an instant as well just like your Kingdra! let’s go Rayquaza use Outrage’

         ‘Milotic don’t be intimidated use Ice Beam!’

         Rayquaza charged towards Milotic at top speed and landed a direct hit on Milotic, Milotic took a lot of damage and seemed to be barely holding on and Milotic opened its mouth and fired a powerful Ice Beam at Rayquaza and landed a direct hit on Rayquaza it dealt a lot of damage and Rayquaza was knocked unconscious and at the same time Rain Dance lost its effect and it stopped raining.

         Ray who was shocked of what happened in front of him fell down to his knees ‘Rayquaza was ………. was defeated! ……. but how? This is impossible… I can’t believe this happened!’

         Juan looked at Ray kneeling down and felt sorry for him ‘You became obsessed with the power of the legendary Pokémon, just like Maxie and Archie! A Pokémon team comprises of all the Pokémon in it and not just one overly powerfully Pokémon!’

         Ray suddenly realizing his was thinking to himself ‘Yes, that was how I used to battle…… why did I change? That does not matter now! I need to win this battle….. how do I defeat that Milotic?’ and suddenly coming up with a plan Ray stood up and took out a Pokéball whom his belt ‘I thank you for bringing me back to my senses but that doesn’t mean I will go easy on you. For my last Pokémon Castform I choose you’ said ray simultaneously throwing his Pokéball into the arena.

          Juan smiled ‘That is just exactly what I expect from a trainer ! Milotic use Ice Beam’

         ‘This is your chance Castform use Sunny Day’

         Castform sent out a ball of energy into the sky and the whole arena became bright and due to the change in weather Castform changed form and Milotic hit Castform with its ice beam which did little damage.

         ‘He changed forms now Milotic use Surf.’ Said Juan.

         ‘You got this Castform use solarbeam!’

         ‘So it seems like this battle will be decided in one move’ Juan remarked

         Castform reacted first and hits Milotic with its Solar Beam and K.O’s Milotic.

         ‘I did it! I won!’ said Ray happily.

         ‘Congratulations boy’ said Juan who was approaching Ray ‘you beat me now take this Rainbow Badge and proceed to become the champion’

          ‘I sure will’ said Ray leaving the Gym with high hopes.



    total 1490 words

  3. Okay. So.... I'm going to be honest here. I never 'delved deep' into pokemon or anything. I just played the game. Because it was fun. I liked capturing Pokemon. I liked battling them. I liked leveling up. I liked going through the storyline and bringing myself up to be awesome. I played it like an rpg. Because that's sort of what it felt like to me.

    I guess that's what it felt like to everyone.

    I used to play and finish the game once just for the storyline and I'd do a rerun just to make a team out of all the cool pokemon i saw during my first run. B)



    I came onto the forums because I was looking for a simple answer of  the question "Can I delete my character?". I screwed up his look and found that I couldn't change it without paying real money. And despite what the trailer told me about customization being a big feature... it feels very limited and honestly... I feel sort of lied to there. That I have to pay real money for any character customization. I feel like that kinda sucks. But whatever... I can get past that.

    Be honest did that character creation screen look "very limited" to you ? :P

    and you would have seen some of the players with lots of different costumes right that is pretty great compared to the original games.



    But here's what scared me.


    Everywhere on the forums I see a bunch of stuff about Effort Points and IV's and breeding and all this advanced stuff. And how it's all apparently broken, and how you have to learn all these weird mechanics and do calculations and dump hours into it just to be remotely decent at the game. What the hell?


    So... apparently. I can't just... play the game and be decent at it. I  can't just catch Pokemon and have fun and battle people with my caught pokemon. Because I'll get my ass handed to me because I don't have enough "hidden breeding power"???????

    And on top of that, to raise the stats properly I need to fight a whole bunch of the same pokemon? Like to raise speed I have to grind Zubats???

    So far it's seeming like I might have more fun just playing a singleplayer pokemon game where I don't have to worry about all this breeding and weird other shit. I thought that having a multiplayer Pokemon game sounded great, but if I have to get into all this weird grinding (other than levelling up my pokemon), and breeding just to be able to have a decent match against someone... forget it.

    When i started playing this game i didn't know what STAB was and if you don't as well i say welcome to my world or at least how it was when i started.but if you do imma just be like :o

    and those things you mentioned don't matter unless you want to win against all the people who play this game. you can be a decent match as long as you know how to beat the e4 cuz the majority of players(comp players i'm not talking about you) are pretty much equivalent to them in terms difficulty. ;)



    This.... is too much. I just want to play Pokemon. I liked the game because (I guess I was wrong though), it was simple. Or at least it felt simple. I want to play what I consider to be Pokemon, not breeding simulator. But I also don't want to suck at the game.

    So. really, I have to ask the community of this place. Should I even bother?

    I suggest you give this game a shot like collect all badges and by the time you finish you'll know if you want to stay for the PvP competitive play or not.
    That's what i did.

  4. Here's mine. Any feedbacks are welcome. (Word count: 676)
    My ign name is: utsavshrestha

    [spoiler] There he was. He stood there, awestruck by what had just happened. Trickles of sweat were rolling down his head. He couldn't believe it. His starter Pokemon; his most prized possession; his trump card - the great Swampert had fallen. This Crawdaunt which he had underestimated before was now starting to become a pain.

    John, the young Pokemon trainer then lowered his head, trying to decide which Pokemon he should send out next. Opposite to him was standing whom many called the best gym leader of Hoenn - Juan. Juan was elegant, yet strong. John's best bet was to send out his Ludicolo, which was part grass type. 'Go, Ludicolo!' John said. He had a strategy. He could use rain dance which would benefit Ludicolo, no doubt. But he also knew it would benefit his opponent. He decided to take the risk. So Ludicolo used rain dance. A heavy shower started pouring in. Then there came the powerful crabhammer from the Crawdaunt. Ludicolo survived. 'Ludicolo, use giga drain!' said John. Swiftly, Ludicolo swooped in and drained energy from the Crawdaunt. Surprisingly, it was no longer able to battle.

    'Not bad' said Juan. 'You seem to have a strong bond with your pokemon. Not bad at all. For my next Pokemon, I choose you, Sealeo!'

    'A Sealeo huh? This shouldn't be too hard.', thought John. Juan had two Pokemon left, so did John.

    'Ludicolo, Use giga drain!'

    Ludicolo swooped in swiftly. The rain was really boosting him, and his swift swim ability was letting him move around faster than what the eye could capture. It drained energy from the Sealeo. Sealeo, looking sturdy and bulky was able to survive. 'Sealeo, use body slam!', ordered the elegant gym leader.

    The fat blue blob literally squashed the poor Ludicolo. Ludicolo, who was so fast before now couldn't move a muscle. 'Shit!', said John. Ludicolo was paralysed and couldn't move. Taking advantage of this, Juan commanded, 'Finish him. Use aurora beam!' So Sealeo did. Ludicolo was unable to battle.

    John knew Sealeo was already weakened. Plus, Juan had one more Pokemon left. What's worst he had absolutely no idea what it was. He was left with one Pokemon. As usual, he lowered his head. Then, he slowly took out his pokeball, and sent out what was his last Pokemon.

    'Go, Gardevoir.' said John.

    'Alright, Gardevoir, your foe's weak. Go get 'em. Use psychic.'

    Gardevoir with it's psychic powers lifted Sealeo in absolute mid-air and then with a single blink of an eye sent it's foe flying. Sealeo was unable to battle.

    'You're strong John. Perhaps someday you might even beat the champion and become the champion yourself. But you'd have to beat me first. Alright. My last Pokemon. Here goes. I choose you, Kingdra!'

    A moment of quiteness filled the air, but only briefly. 'Alright, Kingdra! Let's go! Use water pulse!' said Juan. Kingdra, which was agitated then swiftly let go of a pulse of strong water blast. Gardevoir was struck by the pulse.

    'Hang in there, Gardevoir! Use calm mind.' said John.

    'What? A status move? Why would you do that? No matter, let us finish this. Use ice beam Kingdra.' A thin beam of ice struck Gardevoir. It survived, but barely.

    'You hurry a lot, Juan. It is one of your weak points'

    'Says the guy whose Pokemon is about to faint.'

    'Alright Gardevoir, hit 'em with your best shot, psychic!'

    Gardevoir then lifted Kingdra in mid air and sent it flying. Kingdra was unable to battle. 'What? Did you just one-shot my Kingdra? That is impossible! Your Gardevoir, it's really strong. Have I, the great Juan really been defeated?'

    'So it seems'

    'Well, kudos to you young lad. You are really decieving, you look so average and here you are, defeating the gym leader of Sootopolis like it was nobody's business.

    'I did struggle a little.'

    'Well, a win is a win. Here you go, this is the rain badge. You deserve it.'

    John knew what this meant. He thought to himself, 'Pokemon league, here I come!' [/spoiler]

    aw! somebody beat me to a battle with Juan >.>

    welp this is what i get for keeping it for the last minute <.<

  5. The gym leader in this story is Clair.


    If I win give the prize to Gunthug.



    Seven years. It had been seven long years since that day.

    Leon hadn't honestly remembered what caused it to happen, or the details of it. All he seemed to remember was the feelings of sadness surrounding it. He had cried but that was only natural for a boy of 3. So many times he had asked his mother about it, but she was always hesitant to speak of it, and it quickly became a topic of awkward conversation between them. But that didn't stop the fact that his father had left because of it, leaving nothing behind but his Swablu.

    But now Leon was 10, and it was time for him to make his way into the world and find answers. He brought a backpack downstairs and walked past the kitchen. A plate hit the tiled floor and shattered, followed quickly by the sounds of Leon's mother crying. "No! Not you too! I can't be alone!" Leon hated to see her like this, but he knew that some day he would be back, once he found out what had happened to his father. He muttered "I need to do this" before continuing for the door, tears streaming down his own cheeks as he lowered his head, hiding his shame behind his baseball cap.

    From New Bark to Cyanwood, from Olivine to Mahogany, Leon had traveled far and wide in search for answers, in search of clues, in search of ... anything. But nothing had been found. All he had done was what any boy of ten does on this journey - Battle. He had fought 7 Gym Leaders in all the towns he had been in, and he had won each and every time, unphased by it, as if the act of battling was below him at this point. He had never cracked a smile, he had never shed a tear, it was all just a drop in the bucket for what he had hoped would climax soon. Every battle was waged with nothing but the Swablu his father had left him and it proved to do quite nicely for him, but despite this there never seemed to be any communication between the two. Swablu became strong and went unloved, seeming to be a pawn in Leon's game.

    Finally Leon had arrived at Blackthorn, the final challenge before he would enter the Pokemon league, though something struck him as strange about this place. It was beautiful, surrounded by a lake and large walls of stone with lush green grass across the city. There was a peaceful atmosphere and many of the cityfolk seemed to be monks. It made one feel safe as though no harm could come to them here. But most of all it felt familiar, as if something had happened to Leon in his past, though he couldn't quite remember what. He quickly paced after the Gym he spotted in the distance as he had done in all towns before this, step after step, barely able to breathe with the anticipation, unable to take in the beauty of his surroundings and stop to sniff the roses. Leon had been utterly consumed by his past and felt it was impossible to move forward unless he found out what happened.

    "Hahaha! No way, get out of here you freak!"

    Leon looked forward towards the Gym where a woman with blue hair wearing a cape was laughing at a feeble man who knelt before her. The man looked weak and bony as if he didn't often eat. He wore ragged clothing that looked as though it was about to fall off his body with a few Pokeballs strewn on the grass before him. "Are you the Gym leader?" Leon said with a coldness towards the pathetic display. "Oh god, another one?" The blue woman let out a sigh and rubbed her forehead before turning to face the boy. "Look, I don't battle everybody who rolls into town, do you even have any badges?" She spoke with a heavily sarcastic and uninterested tone. Leon pulled out his case and opened it, revealing the seven other badges that he had. It was at this point that the man on the ground looked up to him wide-eyed and full of envy. "P-please, give me your badges! I'll do anything!" He spoke with a raspy voice and pathetic determination. "Get out of here!" The blue woman shouted before firmly planting the heel of her boot on the mans forehead, kicking him before turning towards the gym door, beckoning Leon to followed her as the man on the ground started to weep.

    She lead Leon through a dark hallway leading out into a wide open room with two platforms for each trainer to stand. "Alright, so you're not bad. Let's see what you got!" The woman took her footing on the opposite side of the gym, quickly grasping a Pokeball and tossing it forward, a red light erupting as a Gyarados popped out. "Rrrgggawwwwrrrh!" Echoed loudly through the stadium from the massive blue beast. Unknown to the battlers, the man from outside had followed after them and crouched in the hallway to watch the battle between the two shrouded by the darkness. As Leon had done 7 times before he tossed his Pokeball forward, his Swablu popping out in a flash. "Go, Gyarados, Bite!" The Gyarados tore forward with his jaws wide in an attempt to bite the small creature, but with a mere tilt of his head Leon sent the Swablu to fly straight up and easily avoid the barreling beast. "Take down ..." Leon muttered before the Swablu dropped down roughly on the Gyarados below him, cracking into it loudly and smashing it off of the floor below. The Gyarados had instantly fainted into a red light, returning to the Pokeball in the Blue woman's hand. "Tch!" She cracked her jaw, throwing another Pokeball forward. "Don't get confident, brat! Go, Dragonair!"

    "Thunder wave!" She yelled as electricity ripped through the stadium, enveloping the Swablu. It cried out in pain as it sunk in, stiffening it's movements as Swablu plummeted to the ground. A bead of sweat dripped down Leon's neck for the first time "Get up!" Leon shouted angrily, "Use Take Down again!" The Swablu twitched on the floor as it tried to get up, failing in it's attempt. "Kyahaha! Slam!" The blue woman shouted, the Dragonair immediately slamming it's body into the fallen Swablu, unable to defend itself. "Slam! Slam! Slam!" She kept shouting as the Dragonair did it's bidding, hitting it over and over as Leon clenched his teeth. "Swablu, c-come on! Get up!" Leon shouted, starting to for the first time get emotionally wrapped up in the well being of his Pokemon. "Y-you can do it! I believe in you!" His voice stuttered as tears streamed down his cheeks.

    It was as though Swablu heard Leon's prayers and was deeply touched by the care of his master, for it became enveloped in a yellow lightning that pulsed throughout the stadium, blinding the trainers and the Dragonair. A blast was hurt before the Dragonair cried out and a thump echoed. Finally the light subsided and before the trainer stood a fainted Dragonair returning to the Pokeball and a majestic Altaria flying above it.

    "A-Altaria! You evolved!" Leon cried out happily before wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "Alright! We can do this!" He clenched his fist and looked forward, finally acting as a team with his Pokemon. The woman narrowed her eyes and tossed her last Pokeball forward, a Kingdra popping out of it. "Alright, enough of this! Kingdra, Dragon Pulse!" Leon pushed his hand forward with a point "You too, Altaria! Dragon Pulse!"

    The lights flickered as the beams danced before the beak and snout of the beasts, clashing against eachother in a bright light that struggled, each Pokemon fighting as hard as they could for their master. Everything seemed calm for a second, and Leon felt as though he was on the edge of victory and ever closer to reaching his destiny, a smile crossing his face for the first time in as long as he could remember.

    Until - the Kingdra's blast held true and overpowered the Altaria, smashing him against the wall with the bright beam and fainting the beast which then returned to Leon's Pokeball.

    "N-no ... I ... lost?" A stunned expression was planted on his face as he stumbled back and fell onto the floor, his badge case falling and the individual badges clicking off into seperate directions. Leon didn't even pick them up, simply holding onto the Pokeball of his friend and stammered towards the entrance of the gym to where the man from outside was standing. He stepped out from the light after watching the battle, a look of sorrow on his face as he cried.

    "S-Swablu ... Leon?!"

    The shocked expression etched itself into Leon's features further as his jaw dropped, stepping backwards as he raised a hand to cover his mouth.




    Words: 1,494

    sequel pls !!

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