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Everything posted by GeneralVenican

  1. probably eating, been cooking all day today, rip my money but my french muffins really hit the spot
  2. heads up dark, keep it lvl1 when ur done, thanks
  3. gen4 was beast, but DP had slow af surfing speed, but fixed in platinum, which is the best game of the three
  4. as long as it isnt same speed as on diamond and pearl
  5. actually its all the funny and random things that pokemmo gives you that makes me stay also i have so many good friends on here, they are easy to talk to, and has helped me with alot with diffrent things both IRL stuff and comp etc IGN GeniVeni
  6. Sup peeps, here yall can discuss diffrent strats and card you us in your deck! here is a little form for you to fill out IGN: Trophies/Arena: Current Clan: Fav. Card: Il fill out the form too i guess IGN: Veni Trophies/Arena: 1400-1200 Current Clan: Fav. Card: Valkyrie
  7. consider changing ur uggly ass profile pic and il consider wether not il like you
  8. IGN: GeniVeni Timezone: GMT+1 Tiers: PokeMMO NU / ORAS OU (Showdown)
  9. dosnt the bases only show for ur friends and teammates? just remove them or kick them, ez
  10. i can agree on that, and thats why BO2 and maybe slighty BO3 was the best and only cods il play, ofc il try the new ones, but doubt il get into em
  11. there was a discussion where cod basicly said they were better then bf, so bf players went mental
  12. never like the battlefield games anyways, i dont feel like walking several hours to find 1 guy only to find out spawns switched #TeamCoD fam, always
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