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Posts posted by Staggiie

  1. 1 minute ago, Hirumie said:


    I appreciate this information like you don't even know. ;-; 
    Thank you so much! I'll change my client to english. 

    PD: You don't have to feel sorry... You even put a picture while you explain it. Thanks! ;-;

    No problem, I love to help :) You dont have to change your client to english, just need to update your theme. Idk what theme you're using (i dont think i've made you one) but the themes I made in this thread were only working in english client because I forgot those gift shop tags for other languages while updating them but I DID update the other parts of those themes to work with the current update. If you're using some other theme, then it probably needs other updates aside from just that. 

    I could update it for you if you wanna send it to me a download link using dropbox or mediafire, etc. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Digifanatic said:

    Thanks a lot for the information, I already fixed it and works perfectly, and dont worry. I love your work with theme making. Not everyone haves the time and the patience to make this community content.


    17 hours ago, Hirumie said:


    I'm sorry for make a random reply on this, I don't know where else I should ask for my problem. I updated the game today, after doing it by the game itself with some kind of auto-update... The problem is : If I use a theme, I get the same thing. 

    What should I do? Re-download PokeMMO from the page?

    Also... I'm new in the game (This is the first time that I lived a patch update) and I love to have a custimzed theme. I even have a wallpaper of Meowth Alola (♥)  and I really love to see it every time that I log into the game. Since the update, I can't do it anymore. </3
    I hope you can bring some light on this matter for me. It would mean a lot to me. Please, excuse me for my poor english. 


    23 hours ago, fenixdeBatalla said:

    send me the link again, I will try again, if not, just thank you ;3


    @ all of you

    Check out my post above this one, that should fix it, Im SUPER sorry, dont hate me lol

    I COULD fix all the themes myself but it's insanely easier if you guys just copy paste those images into the theme instead of me doing it and uploading half a dozen themes again, I'd super appreciate it, BUT if you need it from me I can do it, just let me know, thanks. 


    Its because they added some gift shop tags for other languages that I didnt include in my themes because I only speak English and didnt think of it/notice it until now and I'm a dumb American I'm SO sorry. Here's what you all should do to fix that:

    Open the default theme folder, go to res folder and copy the following images into your custom theme folder's res folder:


    I changed my client to Spanish, my theme wouldnt load. So I did the above and it worked after that. 

  4. 47 minutes ago, Digifanatic said:

    Thanks a lot for the information, I already fixed it and works perfectly, and dont worry. I love your work with theme making. Not everyone haves the time and the patience to make this community content.

    Was the issue with something in fonts? I'd like to fix it for everyone but I'm still confused because they all work for me lol It's hard to fix things when they test fine for me but dont work for others, I'm really sad about it :( I'm fixing to re-download the entire client and test after that.

    Edit: After downloading a new client, they all still work for me

  5. 12 minutes ago, Goku said:

    You're too good. <3

    Hey can you let me know if its working for you? Seems like some others are having issues but I dunno what it is since I've tested and re-tested....re downloaded and tested again and they all work for me. IM SO CONFUSED.

    I'm curious why they work for me and not some of you?? If anyone can explain please do, I'm friggin upset about it :(((

  6. 7 hours ago, Digifanatic said:

    For some reason the updated themes aren´t working for me too, i already tested Mega-Rayaquaza´s theme and the Dark theme you sended me and doesn´t work yet. So, i dont know why you can load it without problems. Actually i already tried to re-download PokeMMO deleting all files and downloading it with the PokeMMO_Updaer.jar but this doesn´t fix the current problem.


    There are a way to fix it making a copy of default ttheme and replace all the files except fonts.xml and theme.xml inside of the new copy of the default theme, but with this the format of the font colors of all text boxes becomes the same of the default-theme (obviously because where are using the fonts.xml from the default theme.). and... i don´t know what lines of codes i need to edit to put the font color to withe again, the font xml, only refers to battle font colors.

    Awhile back I helped someone with a similar thing in private messages, I'll just copy paste what I wrote to him (the line numbers i specified have probably changed since then since the client has been updated a few times since this interaction occurred and a few things have probably been added, but it should still give you a general idea how to do what you're describing)



    Hey! How ya been? I been fiddling with the new default theme since the update and it's really easy to change fonts now if you're still interested in that. I'd go download Notepad++ if you can' it's easier to edit the .xml files with it since it numbers the lines...makes the code easier to find.

    Open the fonts.xml file in Notepad++ and find the particular areas you're wanting to change. 

    Note: If you change the "res/fonts/YourFontFileHere.ttf"....make sure you have a matching font file in the your /res/fonts folder with the same name and dot file type as specified. You can download fonts online wherever or even use ones that are already on your pc somewhere, but I used fonts found on Font Squirrel dot com. But honestly just putting borders on the default text looks alright if you're lazy. which you can do by adding:

    border_width="YourSizeHere" border_color="#YourColorHere"


    Here's what changes what (that I know of. im no expert and self taught myself all of this shit lol) and I'll mark the changes I made in bold in some themes I been working on. And you can use .ttf, .ttc, and .otf font files that I know of so far. Those are only ones I tried and they all work.

    Battle = Text in bottom of battle screen, like where it says what's happening in battle.
    You'll probably REALLY want to change this, I personally hate that blocky looking default shit it has. It ugly.
    At line 24 
    <fontDef name="battle" filename="res/fonts/VintageAvalancheBlack.otf" color="#FFFFFF" size="24" border_width="1.2" border_color="#000000" hinting="Full"/>

    Alphabeta = MOST of the text in the client is from this. Including chat.
    At line 27 
    <fontDef name="alphabeta" filename="res/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#FFFFFF" size="11" size_cjk="13" hinting="Full" hinting_cjk="Slight" border_width="1.3" border_color="#000000" default="true" unique_atlas="true">

    And below that you can edit the colors# here to change colors of chat. I'll note what some of them changes (if I'm remembering correctly lol Sorry if I'm wrong, Im too lazy to go back and double check tbh)

    <fontDef name="alphabeta-gray" ref="alphabeta" color="#484848"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-black" ref="alphabeta" color="black"/> 
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-green" ref="alphabeta" color="#7CB147"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-blue" ref="alphabeta" color="#AACFFF"/> ----------------------- System Messages/Links
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-orange-shadow" ref="alphabeta" color="#FF9900"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-battle" ref="alphabeta" color="#FFFF00"/> ---------------------- Battle Log/Shiny Links
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-orange" ref="alphabeta" color="#FF9900"/> -------------------- Shout Chat
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-lightgreen" ref="alphabeta" color="#66FF66"/> --------------- Whispers
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-purple" ref="alphabeta" color="#FF99FF"/> --------------------- Trade Chat
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-teal" ref="alphabeta" color="#81ddf1"/> -------------------------- Global Chat
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-red" ref="alphabeta" color="#f09999"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-yellow" ref="alphabeta" color="#e2c57e"/>----------------------- Channel Chat
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-brown" ref="alphabeta" color="#ff8484"/> ------------------------ Team Chat 
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-gm" ref="alphabeta" color="#5e98ff"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-cm" ref="alphabeta" color="#58ff64"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-hgm" ref="alphabeta" color="#ff5858"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-dev" ref="alphabeta" color="#d575ff"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-admin" ref="alphabeta" color="#ff63cb"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-friend" ref="alphabeta" color="#58ff64"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-team" ref="alphabeta" color="#00ffff"/>

    Alphabeta border =
    Names above characters in overworld
    Text in top left like where it says your location , channel, money, etc.
    Text on PC Box buttons
    Pokemon summary names only (not the numbers and info and stuff, JUST the name and level)
    Certain buttons in battle like PP amount, Items, switching, and the "Go Back" button.

    At line 52
    <fontDef name="alphabeta-border" filename="res/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc" faces="sc,tc,jp" kerning="true" color="white" size="11" size_cjk="11" hinting="AutoSlight" hinting_cjk="Full" border_width="1.5" border_color="#000000">

    Below that, you can change like the color of teammates or friends names in the overworld above their character

    <fontDef name="alphabeta-border-red" ref="alphabeta-border" color="#f09999"/>
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-border-friend" ref="alphabeta-border" color="#58ff64"/> ------------ Friends names
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-border-team" ref="alphabeta-border" color="#00ffff"/> --------------- Teammates names
        <fontDef name="alphabeta-border-yellow" ref="alphabeta-border" color="#e2c57e"/>

    Alphabeta small = Pokemon summary text
    At line 60
    <fontDef name="alphabeta-small" filename="res/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#FFFFFF" size="11" size_cjk="11" hinting="Full" hinting_cjk="Slight" border_width="1.4" border_color="#000000"/>

    Tooltip font =
    Changes tooltip fonts like the popup boxes when you hover over something
    Also changes chat bubble text like when you talk to an NPC or interact with something.

    At line 66
    <fontDef name="tooltip-font" filename="res/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#ffffff" size="11" size_cjk="11" hinting="Full" hinting_cjk="Full" border_width="1.4" border_color="#000000">

    Noto-8pt = As far as I could tell this only changes your inventory numbers on your hot bar. Like x99 Repel or something, the 99 part.
    At line 83
    <fontDef name="noto-8pt" filename="res/fonts/NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#FFFFFF" border_width="1" border_color="#000000" size="9" incremental="false" characters="0123456789"/>

    Mechabold = Main things I noticed this changed were pokemon names and levels in battle, battle button text, the cities names when you're in your map screen, TM titles in your bag, battle turn and battle time text in matchmaking battles...also players names in matchmaking battles at the top where it says player vs. player, and ability popups in battle
    At line 85
    <fontDef name="mechabold" filename="res/fonts/PinkBlue2.ttf" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#ffffff" hinting="Slight" kerning="false" size="16" border_width="1" border_color="#000000"/>

    Title-font = Self explanitory....it changes titles on top your windows.
    At line 93
    <fontDef name="title-font" filename="res/fonts/PinkBlue2.ttf" faces="sc,tc,jp" color="#FFFFFF" size="15" size_cjk="15" hinting="AutoFull" hinting_cjk="Slight" border_width="1" border_color="#000000"/>

    Trainer-name = Player's name on trainer card
    At line 96
    <fontDef name="trainer-name" filename="res/fonts/PinkBlue2.ttf" color="#ffffff" size="18" incremental="false" border_width="1" border_color="#000000" characters="AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"/>

    And symbols is I guess symbols idk, i didn't change it in my theme. I wouldn't mess with it since i noticed most fonts I was looking at to download don't include all characters. 

    Hope that helps you out :)

    Sorry if any of that is off, I trial and error self taught myself this stuff lol 

  7. 8 hours ago, Hirumie said:


    I'm sorry for make a random reply on this, I don't know where else I should ask for my problem. I updated the game today, after doing it by the game itself with some kind of auto-update... The problem is : If I use a theme, I get the same thing. 

    What should I do? Re-download PokeMMO from the page?

    Also... I'm new in the game (This is the first time that I lived a patch update) and I love to have a custimzed theme. I even have a wallpaper of Meowth Alola (♥)  and I really love to see it every time that I log into the game. Since the update, I can't do it anymore. </3
    I hope you can bring some light on this matter for me. It would mean a lot to me. Please, excuse me for my poor english. 

    Only way I know how to change login background is to add these lines in main-widgets.xml and gfx.xml. (located at PokeMMO > Data> themes > "Your Theme Name")
    They are highlighted in the screenshots below






    After that, take your image you wanna use, rename it to background.png and make sure it's a PNG image and stick it in your res folder. Should work fine.

  8. 17 minutes ago, fenixdeBatalla said:

    I did all the steps to install the theme, unzip it and add it to the Pokemmo> Data> Themes folder and when I enter the game it comes out "Fatal rendering error has occurred"

    Hmmm...I dunno what the issue is then since it works for me :/ You didnt delete your default folder or anything did you? 

  9. 14 minutes ago, fenixdeBatalla said:

    unfortunately, when I try to enter the game with the updated theme, I get an error and it does not let me enter :'(

    I just tested it and it's working for me. Are you sure you've downloaded from the new link and extracted it properly into the themes folder?

  10. Sorry to double post but just thought I would update all the theme requests I've done to be compatible with the new update. Enjoy all :)
    ( I updated these kinda in a rush so if I missed fixing something just let me know.)

    EDIT: If you're using a non-english client, you'll have to add all the new gift shop tags for other languages from the default theme's /res folder into your theme's /res folder...sorry I missed that when I updated these. If you need help, feel free to ask :)

    @theboyscout - https://www.dropbox.com/s/b801zp6rx2eihqn/Gurren Lagann - MarieJoanne.zip?dl=0

    @Johnnicles - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nf9atcujd7azx3h/Darmanitan - Johnnikles.zip?dl=0

    @Goku - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcmh8dz5sj2oj8u/Shiny Archeops - Goku.zip?dl=0

    @marine85 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/52c2844or9z002x/SAO.zip?dl=0

    @santim100 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj7h7dr2w161tz6/Mega Pidgeot - PHONIX.zip?dl=0

    @JeidenGX - https://www.dropbox.com/s/12y7x3o43k3tr46/Mega Charizard X - JeidenGX.zip?dl=0

    @nestroh - https://www.dropbox.com/s/n38s5d0h6bgsu7d/Shiny Darkrai - Nestroh.zip?dl=0

    @fenixdeBatalla - https://www.dropbox.com/s/roupxsehngkboac/Mega Rayquaza - NicoFdB.zip?dl=0

  11. 3 hours ago, Digifanatic said:

    Hi, I suppose you have a lot of work because of the current PokeMMO Update. Well... i have a Theme (that you maded long time ago) and i like it a lot to get it work again, so can you update ir?

    I can donate without problems to support you.

    This is the link of your theme (i suppose is a theme you maded because haves your nickname) https://www.mediafire.com/file/jxz100q30513iqi/Staggiie's_Dark_[Default_Text].rar/file

    Here you are, it should be good to go :)


  12. 3 hours ago, fenixdeBatalla said:

    IGN: NicoFdB
    Thread: Mega Rayquaza
    Main color: Green
    Secondary color: yellow and blue.
    All the specific recommendations: I would like to see Mega Rayquaza pixelated in the pc boxes
    Donation: 150k
    Images you could use:

    Hope you like it! :)








    Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcx416ixysd50s3/Mega Rayquaza - NicoFdB.zip?dl=0

  13. 4 hours ago, nestroh said:

    IGN: Nestroh
    Theme: Shiny Darkrai
    Main Color: PURPLE
    Secondary Color: Light Blue
    Any specific instructions?:  Can You Use My Signature from The Attachment down below

    Donation?? : i will give some money if i can i am fairly new to the game

      Hide contents



    Gotcha covered. Hope you like it :)







    Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7x7qug3qoq3emsl/Shiny Darkrai - Nestroh.zip?dl=0

  14. 2 hours ago, JeidenGX said:

    IGN: JeidenGX
    Theme: Mega Charizard-x
    Main Color: Black
    Secondary Color: Blue/Dark Blue
    Any specific instructions?: I would like the mega charizard in the box to be a pixely sprite, there would be a blue flame in the coach card and the charizard would have a blue scarf with a black stripe in the middle
    Donation?: 200k.


    Hope you like it! :)







    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt8lsp1vba66uak/Mega Charizard X - JeidenGX.zip?dl=0


  15. 3 hours ago, marine85 said:

    IGN: Theme Inspi'Collection
    Theme: Inspi'SAO
    Main Color: white
    Secondary Color: yellow
    Any specific instructions?:  check this link plz

    Donation? 500k

    I just made a few adjustments from the original theme you linked to be compatible with the current theme format. So it's mostly the same as that one, I hope original creator doesn't mind ^^;; Hope you like it! 








    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/84bnvyvivuogd6z/SAO.zip?dl=0

  16. 5 hours ago, theboyscout said:

    IGN: MarieJoanne
    Theme: Tengen Toppa Gurenn Laggan
    Main Color: Red
    Secondary Color: Blue (or Dark Blue)
    Any specific instructions?: I'll DM the login screen
    Donation?: 350k

    Hey I never got any messages from you here or on Discord so i just made the login screen whatever. If you wanna change it, just remove 'background.png' from the /res folder and replace it with the image you want....make sure its a .png and is named "background"

    I didn't know anything about this anime so I hope the images I chose are alright. Here's some screenshots, hope you like it :) 






    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfi69bg4zi848am/Gurren Lagann - MarieJoanne.zip?dl=0

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