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Everything posted by Bilburt

  1. Im obviously asking an expert rn How do i recognize a bad fanfic? Also would love to read this and what twerkbut said dont get to "edgy"
  2. burn heals for all the burns i get
  3. Gary = pleb

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Bilburt


      What brain?

    3. Ryun


      The 1 that u hurt, keep up bil

    4. Bilburt


      Surry my math still working

  4. Bilburt

    i am back

    Hi back im bilburt Welcome to this wonderful community
  5. Confused How can england be gmt+1 and london be gmt?
  6. then why do these forum settings refer as london =Gmt?
  7. like i said speculation and yes it wouldnt be a problem then
  8. But england at least london = Gmt im confused
  9. i suppose it would have the same mechanic as tower but its just speculation
  10. Sounds like a pretty good idea but if you were to get that godly team u could litterally breeze through it and make fat stacks of bp
  11. i never said i was good but even with coaching i got from you guys i still couldnt win cuze i got got either outspeeded or just out damaged Legit i cant call anyone bad cuze that would be hypocritical
  12. tss take me as example i had decent comps i still was bad cuze everyone did have thos "godly" comps Casual comp is gone tou either are good/have good pokes or you just struggle and lose everything
  13. exactly what ive been trying to say you just said it better
  14. Told you im godly at math But you and mina didnt believe me Well sure getting casually in to comp the iv loss wouldnt be to bad but im sure you can agree with the tryhards 1 iv can kill you
  15. the more you know so whats the max total you could lose then?
  16. wow just wow Sure if you dont need speed then its fine But what poke doesnt need speed? Ofcourse certain pokes can live without it cuze shit basespeed/walls But they would hurt with lowered spdef/def/hp iv cuze even dat 1 iv can make huge difference but i agree certain pokes can live with the easy "fix"
  17. Even that 1 iv speed loss would kill certain pokes in comp
  18. breeding a poke with a 30 iv loss wont be used in comp Sure money can be a problem but then again 200k for 30 iv loss aint worth it eiher
  19. Not without losing highly valued IV's Breeding for HP is still the best solution
  20. Breeding the same pokemon with just 5x25 costs the same amount of money andbis fat fron perfect
  21. Socku 0/ gary told ne to tell you that ypu smell like socks

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