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Everything posted by Ithansyst

  1. I understand. I really like the community and the admins are making a fair job. Everything is nice except that little thing that despises me, the grinding overload. So I am not gonna continue playing. Wish ya the best :)
  2. Hello there, I ve been one month playing the game, then abandoned it for some weeks, then finally it seems like I am gonna be back. First of all I an mmo game player, being one that loves pvp style and completely despises grinding. When I was young I was an addicted poke player from yellow to crystal versions, tournament active and very successful on a local ratio. So I ve heard of poke mmo, I thought oh yeah, pvp is back and the whole casting was superb. But after I completed the badges etc and started to choose with what pokemon I am gonna use, I see about breeding. So, will every competitive player have to do all these: 1. Catch a billion pokemon to make the correct IVs (remember I stopped at crystal version). I think all the competitive players go for 6x31 2. Catch a billion pokemon to make the correct nature. 3. Fight a billion non-sense battles to make the correct EV and reach lvl 50 (I hope those are the tourny lvls) 4. Do it at least 6 times to make a full party. 5. Farm money for a billion of hours. Imagine this in hours spend in your life. Back then it was ok to fight the league to level up to 100, but it was a trainer battle, not hitting magicarps for EVs. So after months of preparation (or better, hundreds of hours of boring grinding) a player should be ready to play his first pvp battle. OMG. Really this may need a fix. I know I am sounding weird and you all love training and this is the point, but this is the worst grinding system ever heard in an mmo when you put together all the things you should do. In other grinding-friendly mmos you do it in form of quests at least, or dailies, so that only old players have the best equipment, not the 24/7s.
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