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Everything posted by WSTRN

  1. I often hunt to breed from scratch, and get lots of pokes with bad IVs. I usually list them all for the same low amount on the GTL, but it takes a while, dragging them to party then going to GTL, create listing etc, and do that again and again... it'd be great if we could just select them all directly on pc, right clic, and select "list all on GTL" then we'd just have to put the price, and they'd all be directly on GTL. I think I'm not the only one who'd find this very useful, what do you guys think ?
  2. I have tons, what time are you usually on ?
  3. do u still need ditto's? what's your ign ?
  4. WSTRN


    Which hordes do u do ? And where ? Please
  5. I'll never get how people can suddenly feel like typing so many words over nothing
  6. And you should be modifying further, when you realize some stuff need way more than just 20days to find a buyer. Breeders, dittos for instance, people will only buy when they have a use for them. 10days, 20days same thing, it's just too short.
  7. what do u guys think ? not worth it ?
  8. I think it'd be cool to put a star or something, next to the foe's name when you encounter a shiny, it's hard to tell the difference for some pokes (slowpoke,persian,dewgong,etc) anf probably lots in unova, it's even harder in hordes. We all know it's so rare to find a shiny, I know it says "shiny" but adding a star or something else would be safer to notice it and not run away or faint it by accident
  9. WSTRN


    Thank you for the fast answer.
  10. WSTRN


    you're hilarious
  11. WSTRN


    I was wondering, are we forced to play in 3D now ? Do we have a choice to keep 2D like it's always been ? And is it just for the new region or kanto/hoenn will be in 3D too now ?
  12. price check for 3X31 adamant metagross please ? 8 / 31 / 14 / X / 31 / 31
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