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  1. Well.. I guess need to find a new modded MP then... sadly
  2. It still takes time to learn the patterns and on which frame the press needs to be done but thats something called skill and if there are any real exploits there are bans for it arent they? Or just be smart and RNG the stop between 0 and 2 so even if you hit it there is a random chance of getting to far. But for the love of god dont make shit up like this RNG crap as it really takes the fun out of it
  3. I do actually enjoy playing slots when I'm not feeling like fighting in pokemon so i want some functional slots like in the original game to get coins..
  4. I was playing slots when I saw blanks blinking in the roatation so I lowered the FPS to see what its all about and turns out it doesn't show the user anything useful. It's not even getting the right tile when pressing the correct one since this thing is more rigged than any twitch giveaway. Here is the proof. https://youtu.be/C21YdsZkcLU Here is actual slot machine on 12 FPS https://youtu.be/FXh04h2cq5g This should be fixed or remove the slots completly if they should be that way since there is no fun into it when you try to do it right.
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