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  1. I appreciate all the comments here including the ones I do not agree with. The quit thing was more rant than anything serious I thought peeps would recognise that for what it was 2bh not going to go back and edit. And although I completely understand where you guys are coming from it does not change the fact that for those of us with less time to spend on the game safari zone feels like sitting on a sharp spike while being slapped in the face repeatedly. Yes i could just save up cash and buy one of the more rare pokes but that takes away one of the only aims of the game in catching Pokemon. If there was actually some level of skill involved as well as luck i would not mind the current system at all but as it stands there is none and that is where the frustration lies.
  2. You all seem to think I want some game breaking change a MINOR tweak to catch rates is not game breaking and can be balanced in other ways. As for RNG I played world of tanks and warships for years both are full of RNG but have plenty of skill involved to compensate. Safari zone is just pure RNG ok fine I can deal with that and don't mind wandering around for a while every now and then hoping to catch a rare Pokemon. I also don't expect to be catching all of the ones I do come across but seriously the rates as they are are just rubbish especially when combined with the daft rock bait ball system. Now the system can't be changed but rates can be tweaked a little to make for better balance and a more enjoyable experience. P.s. I think you are just bad ??? lol the only thing I can translate that too is unlucky seeing as there is 0 skill involved in the Safari zone.
  3. I couldn't care less about the lucky egg and and as I have stated all I am asking for is a minor tweak to catch rates. That is it nothing more I am not asking for them to spawn more often or hold items more often if u have no life and can play 24/7 good for you. I happen to work for a living and have responsibilities outside games not to mention I do still play other games not just this one. And so what if the values dropped ever so slightly is that really such a bad thing. Showing dedication to a game does not mean wandering around like an idiot for hours praying for pure luck nothing to do with skill at all. Edit. And they could always reduce the chance of held items to compensate for increased catch rates you know same goes for shinies. And as for no one saying anything two posts in this thread state otherwise and tell you what you give me the figures for how many play the game and how many use the forum pal.
  4. Lmao all two of em yeah loads eh considering how many peeps play and I would imagine that you and the people getting them obviously fall into the no life glass in their eye category or just very very lucky. Wandering in circles aimlessly for hours hoping to get a rare Pokemon spawn and having to deal with the crap system that was made for Safari zone is bad enough for those of us with a life outside the computer. To then have to deal with the god awful catch rate on top of that is just too much this is a game not a job it is supposed to be enjoyed. I am not asking for huge changes just a tweak to improve catch rates hardly game breaking is it. And if this will never change then would love a Dev to tell me now so I can better spend my time playing something else. I have over 25yrs of gaming experience across all platforms and machines and my comment about this being the most annoying and frustrating system stands true. Edit. Screwed up the quote my bad.
  5. Safari zone as it stands is nothing to do with playing a game banging your head off a brick wall could be considered more productive. It has to be the most annoying and frustrating place I have ever come across in all my years of gaming. Lets break it down spend hours looking for that rare Pokemon only to have it run as soon as you do anything. Throw ball = breaks free and flees Throw bait = Flees or breaks free from multiple balls then flees Throw rock = Flee Now I have no issue with the spawn rate of the rare Pokemon but the rock bait ball system is crap to put it politely (this is not going to change I know). Spend hours doing all of the above and when you finally do catch one it is crap and you have to repeat the whole process. Now if you do not have a life outside the game and are the sort who enjoys sticking glass in your eyes Safari zone is for you, For the rest of us we play a game to enjoy and unwind in our spare time so please please please with all the cherries you want on top tweak the catch rates of the Safari balls. And make this what it should be a game to be enjoyed ty.
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