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Everything posted by Riesz

  1. 你暂时可以查看这个贴 有空的话我会翻译的 同步率- 必须队首,不能濒死,20% (本酋测出来并没有20%) 迷人身躯- 增加25%遇到异性 (暂不确定群怪有效无效
  2. 祝各位虎年大吉,心想事成
  3. As discussed above, when you are using brace on both parents and both parent has different IV maxed, there is a 1/6 to get 4x31 and 4/6 to get 3x31. Says 1.5m per 31 for field group, you have 1/6 chance to get 4x31 with only 6m Similar chances are for 3x31 parents to get a 5x31 (not natured, 4% chance to get lucky)
  4. It seems some Chinese, who are using translator didn't translate Kyu's recent comment properly and let their imagination ran wild. Words + fear are truly best weapon
  5. Nah, some rumors (around 10 hours ago from time of this reply) is spreading among Chinese. It says dev is gonna punish hoarders in some way and causing all Chinese selling them. -I do not know where this news comes from and pretty sure it is just rumors-
  6. Hmm please let me know if I'm wrong
  7. Still, 3 out of 5 will be maxed and rest average. You will not get minimum value for shiny breeds (not sure if it is lucky shiny breed) Hence, lowest IV you get is average of the two, unless it was intended
  8. In shiny breeding, you will get 4x Iv roll for max (including braced IV) instead of 3 max IV For example, 31/31/31/X/X/X X/X/X/31/31/31 Whether you brace or not, you are guaranteed for a 4x31 baby Ofc we normally don't do this, IT IS MERELY FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES Details is depends on your current Ivs and breeders available to you
  9. 我希望新一年各位不需要在游戏里继续卷下去,并与我一起在2022年努力挣脱MMO这个泥沼
  10. The only thing that surprised me is that Ice cream hood is first colorable vanity from goodie bag
  11. Do you offer pure pokeyen or mixed offer with vanities
  12. Tbh, money received from limited released 3(or more?) times a year could make you surprised
  13. This is just one of his alt in forum Christmas isnt a justification for someone who always spams forum
  14. Can you ever stop spamming by starting another thread with exactly same title without any meaningful purpose?
  15. Only if you can understand that in 2013, there is no Soak in PokeMMO
  16. 很遗憾,重生吧 官方在这里明确说明了大于6个月的账号无法进行申诉。只要没通知你“另寻游戏,祝你生活愉快”,你就能重新开账号 Unfortunately, your account is likely to remain banned. Create a new one and start afresh
  17. 新品,满级浸水图图一只
  18. Riesz


    走错地方了,你可以去建议箱,建议关闭交易行,交易频以及玩家交易 链接:https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/18-suggestion-box/ 不过记得用英语 既然没人开价,那关了吧,我等伊布升SGM再回来
  19. There is another way to remove * without catching the mon. I bred a Riesz* mon I change my name to RRiesz The Riesz* is now Riesz (no longer seen) But this is costly for sure ?
  20. 以前已经有sgm确认不会出梦特药丸了 梦特闪,重新刷吧
  21. Imo the most important thing to snipe is how well you understand specific market For example, a shiny female 1x31 speed field will not be sniped for ~2m But a shiny scraggy with similar stats will be gone in a sec if listed for the said price. It is same for other Pokemons (shiny/non shiny) While sniping for breeders, you would watch out for gender ratio, for comps their egg moves, moveset and ev spread (if any) Other than these, there are many interesting breeders worth to take note of their market price I will leave this for you to explore yourself
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