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Everything posted by Cazts

  1. I did a one week test. The test consisted in sowing berries, blue and yellow parts. Run the gyms of the three regions and only that. at the end of this week I managed to obtain a total of 6,100,000 million pokedolars I will not lie to you, it's kind of exhausting. I just did it as an experiment to see how fucked up the gold farm system was in Pokemmo. Yes, if it is possible to make a lot of money, but this implies a lot of time of your day, and if you are a person who works and at the same time studies, it is somewhat complicated. It consisted in sowing berries in the morning, running the three gyms, and then touching blue and yellow parts all day, pausing only to recharge the PP and water the berries. It's like a job, nothing fun because, let's be honest, it's not.
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