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Found 8 results

  1. Guide source en Anglais par @MightyBoxer [Storyline guide] Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Unova complete walkthrough (all items + hidden items) Salut a toi jeune dresseur ! J'ai le plaisir de te proposer un guide de l'aventure de Kanto, j'espère que tu y trouveras ton bonheur en quête de récolter tous les badges et devenir maître de la ligue ! Tu retrouveras, dans ce guide, des textes colorés/soulignés sur lesquels tu pourras cliquer pour afficher une image afin de retrouver plus aisément un lieu, PNJ ou pattern de grotte pour éviter de se perdre 🙂 N'hésitez surtout pas a parler aux PNJ que vous verrez au cours de l'aventure, vous pourriez avoir de bonnes surprises 🙂 Astuce : Si tu souhaites retrouver directement un passage précis de l'aventure, le raccourci CTRL + F te permettra de rechercher directement un mot clé. Bourg Palette Bienvenue au Bourg Palette, ville de départ de la région de Kanto. Vous apparaissez dans votre chambre, a l'étage de votre maison. - Descendez les escaliers et sortez de la maison. - Allez au nord, vers l'herbe. Le professeur Chen vous interpelle alors ! Vous allez le suivre jusqu'à son laboratoire. - Choisissez votre starter. Votre Rival choisira également un starter et vous affrontera ! Un combat d'anthologie s'annonce ! - Après votre combat acharné, sortez du laboratoire et dirigez vous vers le nord, cette fois-ci vous parviendrez a sortir du Bourg Palette ! Route 1 - Dirigez vous au Nord, en direction de Jadielle. Jadielle - Dirigez vous vers la maisonnette bleue (Boutique), afin de récupérer un colis pour le Professeur Chen auprès du vendeur. - Sortez de la boutique et rebroussez chemin vers le Bourg Palette. Vous pouvez également soigner vos Pokémons depuis le Centre Pokémon. Bourg Palette - Rendez vous au laboratoire du Professeur Chen afin de lui remettre le colis. Le Professeur Chen vous donnera alors votre Pokédex ! Vous pourrez l'ouvrir en Cliquant sur la Touche "N" (La version du Pokédex de PokeMMO contient beaucoup de fonctionnalités très utiles ! Vous pouvez consulter la liste des capacités d'un Pokémon, la liste des lieux de rencontre, ainsi que la ligne évolutive d'un Pokémon). - Sortez du laboratoire et entrez dans la maison au Nord du Laboratoire pour récupérer la Carte auprès du PNJ a l'intérieur. - Retournez a Jadielle. Jadielle - Dirigez vous vers le Nord. Route 2 Rien de bien intéressant ici, continuez votre route vers le Nord. Forêt De Jade - Frayez vous un chemin vers la sortie de la forêt. Route 2 - Continuez vers le Nord. Argenta - Dirigez vous vers l'arène. - Affrontez Pierre, le champion d'Argenta, Il utilise des Pokémons de Type Roche (Table des Types). - Une fois Pierre battu, sortez de l'arène et dirigez vous a l'Est. - Parlez a l'assistant du Prof. Chen a l'entrée de la route 3, vous récupèrerez alors les chaussures de sport, vous pouvez les activer a l'aide de la touche assignée a "B" (Voir paramètres des touches) Vous pouvez également paramétrer le jeu afin de n'avoir qu'a presser une seule fois la touche pour courir (Voir Image). - Continuez vers la Route 3. Route 3 - Continuez vers l'Est en affrontant les dresseurs qui se dresseront sur votre chemin. Route 4 Vous pourrez soigner votre équipe au Centre Pokémon. - Entrez dans la grotte. Mont Sélénite - RDC. - Sous Sol 1. - Sous Sol 2. - Prenez les échelles 3 puis C. Vous tomberez sur un dresseur qui vous donnera un fossile lorsque vous le battrez. Ces fossiles permettront d'obtenir un Pokémon plus tard, le fossile Dôme vous donnera Kabuto et le fossile Nautile vous donnera Amonita. - Prenez l'échelle D puis sortez. Route 4 - Une fois sorti du Mont Sélénite, continuez vers l'Est, vous arriverez alors a Azuria. Azuria - Rendez vous au nord d'Azuria (Le Pont Pépite) Votre Rival vous y attendra, vous devrez alors l'affronter pour continuer. - Continuez votre chemin au Nord, vers la Route 24. Route 24 - Allez a l'Est vers la Route 25. Route 25 - Vous y trouverez la maison de Leo. - Parlez au Pokémon dans la maison, c'est en fait Leo transformé. - Aidez le en utilisant son ordinateur, il vous donnera alors le Passe Bateau (Objet qui servira pour la suite de l'aventure). - Retournez ensuite a Azuria. Azuria - Vos Pokémons auront surement besoin d'un bon repos bien mérité au Centre Pokémon. - Rendez vous a l'Arène d'Azuria pour affronter Ondine et ses Pokémons Eau (Table des Types). - Une fois le badge Cascade obtenu, rendez vous dans la maison au Nord-Est. - Passez par le trou dans le mur. - Allez au Sud, vers la Route 5. Route 5 - Continuez vers le sud. - Empruntez le passage souterrain. Route 6 - Continuez vers le Sud, direction Carmin-Sur-Mer. Carmin-Sur-Mer Vous pouvez alors récupérer un bon pour obtenir le vélo en parlant a un PNJ dans le FAN CLUB POKEMON. - Dirigez vous au port, sur l'embarcadère de gauche vous présenterez votre Passe Bateau pour monter a Bord de l'Océane. Océanne - Vous pourrez soigner vos Pokémons dans l'une des chambres du bateau (Voir Image). - Baladez vous dans le bateau pour trouver le bureau du Capitaine et obtenir la CS Coupe. - Une fois la CS Coupe en poche, quittez le bateau. Carmin-Sur-Mer - Apprenez Coupe a l'un de vos Pokémons afin de couper l'arbre qui bloque l'accès a l'arène. - Réussissez l'énigme des poubelles, une fois le premier bouton trouvé, le 2e se situe dans l'une des poubelles autour dans un rayon d'une poubelle. - Une fois les rayons électriques désactivés, affrontez Major Bob et ses Pokémons Electriques (Table des Types). - Dirigez vous vers la cave taupiqueur a l'Est de Carmin-Sur-Mer. Cave Taupiqueur - Frayez vous un chemin vers l'autre coté de la grotte, vous atterrirez a la Route 2, de l'autre côté des arbres qui vous bloquaient autrefois le passage. - En vous dirigeant vers le Sud, vous trouverez dans un bâtiment, un assistant du Prof. Chen qui, si vous avez capturé 10 Pokémons, vous donnera la CS Flash, très utile a l'avenir. - Vous pouvez ensuite remonter vers argenta. Azuria - Vous pouvez récupérer le vélo dans la boutique vélo. - Dirigez vous maintenant a l'Est, vers la Route 9. Route 9 - Continuez vers l'Est, puis au Sud. Route 10 - Entrez dans la grotte. Grotte - Grotte RDC. - Grotte Sous-Sol 1. - Frayez vous un chemin a travers la Grotte. Route 10 - Cap au Sud, direction Lavanville. Lavanville - Cap a l'Ouest, direction la Route 8. Route 8 - Continuez vers l'Ouest. - Passez par le passage souterrain. Route 7 - Allez au Nord-Ouest. Céladopole - Pour commencer, faites cap a l'Ouest, vers la Route 16, au début de la route 16 vous verrez un petit arbre. - Allez a l'Ouest, vous verrez une maison bleue, un PNJ a l'intérieur vous donnera la CS Vol. - Retournez a Céladopole. - Direction la Résidence Céladon. - Entrez et parler a un PNJ pour récupérer le Thé, a donner aux gardes qui bloquent le passage vers Safrania. - Allez au Sud, coupez l'arbre qui bloque le passage, et continuez vers l'Arène. - Affrontez la Erika la championne et ses Pokémons de type Plante (Table des Types). - Allez parler a un PNJ dans le Restaurant pour récupérer la Boite Jeton pour pouvoir jouer au Casino si le cœur vous en dit! - Rendez vous maintenant au Casino. - Parlez au Sbire Rocket qui surveille le Poster. - Une fois battu, parlez au Poster, un passage secret sera découvert! Repaire Rocket - Repaire Rocket Sous-Sol 1. - Repaire Rocket Sous-Sol 2. - Repaire Rocket Sous-Sol 3. - Repaire Rocket Sous-Sol 4. - Trouvez et battez Giovanni, le chef de la Team Rocket. - Vous aurez besoin de trouver la clé Ascenseur pour accéder au Bureau de Giovanni. - Une fois Giovanni vaincu, vous obtenez le Scope Sylphe, Direction Lavanville. Lavanville - Rendez vous a la Tour Pokémon. - Grimpez tout en haut de la Tour pour libérer Mr.Fuji. - Allez ensuite le voir dans la Maison Pokémon pour obtenir la Pokéflute et réveiller le Ronflex qui dort, Bloquant des Routes. - Direction Safrania maintenant, depuis Lavanville, passez par la Route 8 mais ne prenez pas le passage souterrain cette fois, passez par la frontière. Safrania - Direction la Sylphe SARL ! Sylphe SARL - Sylphe SARL RDC. - Sylphe SARL étage 1. - Sylphe SARL étage 2. - Sylphe SARL étage 3. - Sylphe SARL étage 4. - Sylphe SARL étage 5. - Sylphe SARL étage 6. - Sylphe SARL étage 7. - Sylphe SARL étage 8. - Sylphe SARL étage 9. - Sylphe SARL étage 10. - Frayez vous un chemin vers le sommet pour libérer le Président et Obtenir la Master Ball. Safrania - Dirigez vous maintenant vers l'arène. - Utilisez les téléporteurs pour changer de salle et trouver la championne (Carte de l'arène). - Affrontez Morgane la championne et ses Pokémons de type Psy (Table des Types). - Cap maintenant vers Parmanie, libre a vous de passer par Lavanville ou Carmin-Sur-Mer, les deux choix mèneront a la Route 12. - Vous pouvez aussi passer par la Route 16 (Piste cyclable) a l'Ouest de Céladopole. Route 12 - Continuez vers le Sud. Route 13 - Allez vers l'Ouest Route 14 - Continuez vers l'Ouest Route 15 - Continuez vers l'Ouest Route 16 - Passez par le bas. Route 17 - Faites cap au Sud. Route 18 - Dirigez vous vers l'Est. Parmanie - Dirigez vous vers l'arène de Parmanie. - Frayez vous un chemin vers le Champion (Carte de l'arène). - Affrontez Koga, le champion et ses Pokémons de type Poison (Table des Types). - Allez maintenant au Parc Safari, au Nord de Parmanie. Parc Safari - Parc Safari Zone Centrale. - Parc Safari Zone 1. - Parc Safari Zone 2. - Parc Safari Zone 3. - Rendez vous a la Cabane Secrète pour parler a un PNJ et obtenir la CS Surf. - Récupérez également la Dent d'Or. - Dirigez vous vers la maison a droite du Centre Pokémon de Parmanie pour rendre sa Dent d'Or a un PNJ, il vous récompensera avec la CS Force. - Dirigez vous maintenant au Sud de Parmanie. Route 19 - Continuez vers le Sud. Route 20 - Continuez vers l'Ouest et entrez dans les Iles Ecume. Iles Ecume - Iles Ecume Sous-Sol 1. - Iles Ecume Sous-Sol 2. - Iles Ecume Sous-Sol 3. - Iles Ecume Sous-Sol 4. - Résolvez l'énigme des Iles Ecume pour poursuivre vers Cramois'ile. Route 20 - Continuez votre route vers l'Ouest. Cramois'ile Pour réveiller le fossile de Pokémon obtenu au Mont Sélénite, vous pouvez aller au Laboratoire et parler au chercheur dans la salle la plus a droite. - Dirigez vous vers le Manoir Pokémon. Manoir Pokémon - Manoir Pokémon RDC. - Manoir Pokémon étage 1. - Manoir Pokémon étage 2. - Manoir Pokémon Sous-Sol 1. - Récupérez la Clé secrète au Sous-Sol, elle vous donnera accès a l'arène. Cramois'ile - Entrez dans l'arène. - Affrontez le champion Auguste et ses Pokémons de type Feu (Table des Types). - En sortant de l'arène, Leo vous proposera d'aller aux Iles Sévi, vous pouvez refuser pour le moment et retrouver Leo dans le centre Pokémon de Cramois'ile plus tard. - Utilisez Vol pour vous rendre a Jadielle plus rapidement. - Sinon, dirigez vous au Nord pour revenir au Bourg Palette par la Route 21 et continuer vers Jadielle. Jadielle - Rendez vous a l'arène, elle sera désormais accessible. - Affrontez le champion (également leader de la Team Rocket) Giovanni et ses Pokémons de type Sol (Table des Types). - Une fois le 8e Badge obtenu, direction la Route 22, a l'Ouest de Jadielle. Route 22 - Passez l'entrée de la Ligue Pokémon. Route 23 - Continuez vers le Nord. - Entrez dans la Route Victoire. Route Victoire - Route Victoire RDC. - Route Victoire étage 1. - Route Victoire étage 2. - Frayez vous un chemin a travers la Route Victoire Plateau Indigo - Continuer vers le Nord pour entrer dans la Ligue Pokémon Ligue Pokémon L'ultime épreuve vous attends ici ! Vos Pokémons seront automatiquement soignés a la fin de chaque combat et le nombre d'objets utilisables en combat sera limité. - Votre premier adversaire sera Olga et ses Pokémons de type Glace (Table des Types). - Votre second adversaire sera Aldo et ses Pokémons de type Combat (Table des Types). - Votre troisième adversaire sera Agatha et ses Pokémons de type Spectre (Table des Types). - Votre quatrième adversaire sera Peter et ses Pokémons de type Dragon (Table des Types). - Et votre ultime adversaire sera nul autre que votre Rival ! Félicitations pour votre victoire contre la Ligue Pokémon de Kanto, Vous pouvez maintenant retourner voir Leo a Cramois'ile pour déverrouiller les Iles Sévi, ou changer de région en prenant le bateau a Carmin-Sur-Mer.
  2. SAFARI ZONE GUIDE Welcome on a Safari Zone Guide. You can find here all items & encounter rate's pokemons can be find. This is for beginners and experimented players too. Safari zone is located in Fuchsia City, with a 500 $$ entry fees, you can catch all pokemons you want with a limit of 30 safari balls and/or 500 steps. ITEMS - HM 03 : Surf - TM 32 : Double Team - TM 11 : Sunny Day - TM 45 : Steel Wings - Leaf Stone x2 - Quick Claw - Max Potion x2 - Full Heal - Protein - Max revive - Gold Teeth (to obtain HM 04 Strength) - Revive - Nugget - Full Restore POKEMONS Entrance GRASS Nidoran m -> 20% Nidoran f -> 20% Rhyhorn -> 20% Exeggcute -> 20% Venonat -> 15% Nidorino -> 10% Nidorina -> 5% Parasect -> 5% (Can hold Big & Tiny Mushroom) Pinsir / Scyther -> 4% Chansey -> 1% (Can hold Lucky Egg) SURFING Slowpoke/Psyduck -> 100% day and night Lotad -> Rare % (Only at night) FISHING Old Rod Magikarp -> 100% Good Rod Goldeen -> 60% Poliwag -> 20% Magikarp -> 20% Super Rod Goldeen -> 40% Seaking -> 40% Dratini ->15% Psyduck -> 4% Slowpoke -> 4% Dragonair -> 1% _____________________________________________ Area 1 GRASS Exeggcute -> 20% Nidoran m -> 20% Nidoran f --> 20% Doduo -> 20% Paras -> 15% (Can hold Tiny & Big Mushroom) Nidorino -> 10% Parasect -> 5% (Can hold Tiny & Big Mushroom) Kangaskhan -> 4% Scyther / Pinsir -> 1% SURFING Psyduck / Slowpoke -> 100% FISHING Old Rod Magikarp -> 100% Good Rod Goldeen -> 60% Poliwag -> 20% Magikarp -> 20% Super Rod Goldeen -> 40% Seaking -> 40% Dratini -> 15% Psyduck -> 4% Slowpoke -> 4% Dragonair -> 1% _____________________________________________________________________ Area 2 Grass Nidoran m -> 20% Nidoran f -> 20% Rhyhorn -> 20% Exeggcute -> 20% Paras -> 15% (Can hold Tiny & Big mushroom) Nidorino -> 10% Lickitung -> 10-5% Venomoth -> 5% Nidorina -> 5% Chansey -> 4% (Can Hold Lucky Egg) Tauros -> 1% SURFING Psyduck / Slowpoke -> 100% FISHING Old Rod Magikarp -> 100% Good Rod Goldeen -> 60% Poliwag -> 20% Magikarp -> 20% Super Rod Goldeen -> 40% Seaking -> 40% Dratini -> 15% Psyduck -> 4% Dragonair -> 1% _______________________________________________________________________ Area 3 Grass Doduo -> 20% Nidoran m -> 20% Nidoran f -> 20% Exeggcute -> 20% Venonat -> 15% Nidorino -> 10% Venomoth -> 5% Nidorin f -> 5% Tauros 4% Kangaskhan -> 1% SURFING Psyduck / Slowpoke -> 100% FISHING Old Rod Magikarp -> 100% Good Rod Goldeen -> 60% Poliwag -> 20% Magikarp -> 20% Super Rod Goldeen -> 40% Seaking -> 40% Dratini -> 15% Psyduck -> 4% Dragonair -> 1% I tried to do a complete and helpful guide, so please if i made some mistakes or if something missed, thanks to post in comment.
  3. Hello Internet! This will be my unofficial beginner guide to basic things regarding Pokemmo and a whole lot more! I will begin each "section" by have a large font clearly displaying the name of the section, then have the section underneath like normal English Speakers are used to. Enjoy! Forum: The forum is a wonderful place, and judging by the fact that you managed to get here, you are on it. Here you will find wonderful staff members, cranky normal members, and a bunch of stuff you might wish you hadn't seen. Creating an Account: If you haven't already, you might want to go up to the top of the screen, right up there where the big black bar is, and click the green, "Create an account" button. This will set you up to create an account! Do as you always do to create accounts on forums, and implying you do it correctly, you will find yourself with a Pokemmo account! It should be noted that when picking an account name, you do not necessarily have to pick your in game name (commonly referred to as, "ign") as your forum name, although some people do. Posting: Now that you have your account, assuming everything went well, there are a few things you might find useful. Firstly, regarding posting. There are a few things you may want to keep in mind when posting. Please remember to be respectful as I'm sure you are, And to avoid cyber-bulling, because even if you have absolutely no morals, and you don't care how you make other people feel, its still not a very, "samaritan" like thing to do (and depending on where you are, its also slightly illegal). So it is not encouraged. Now that we have that out of the way, please remember to also be respectful to staff members like I said before, and to all members likewise. And also remember, this is the internet. You may take that however you wish. Creating new Topics: Creating new topics can be a fun venture, as I can tell you, from making this topic. For starters, when you just joined the Pokemmo community, (excluding the "introduction" section, thats what its for) try to "join" the community before you start making Topics left and right. Also remember to have your topic have a point, although reading a topic that soley says, "Hi" can be entertaining, depending on who's reading it, its largely not appreciated by the Pokemmo community. When creating one be sure to steer clear of making "random" or pointless topics as you wish, as they probably will get locked. And when creating a topic, please be aware of the rules for the section of the forum you are posting in, and please take care to post in the correct section of the forum. And to abide by the rest of the forum rules. CAN I BE CM: Asking for CM: Don't. At least not at first, its like "asking for OP" on any other game, you won't get it. Also, the same rule applies to "GMs" etc. Pokemon: Pokemon are a very instrumental part of pokemmo, and here I will be showing you a lot that you might not know about pokemon. I will only go over the basics, so if you want to learn more, I might include links(?) So here we begin! Stats: This will be something you need for a good understanding of your pokemon, and how to best understand how to use them to the best of your ability. There are 7 stats in the world of Pokemon, HP, Attack, Defense, Special attack, Special Defense, and Speed. You can find these in-game by right clicking on your pokemon (in the pokemon bar on the right) and going to the second tab in your pokemon summary that looks like a graph. It will show a number for each, and a number such as 54/60 in HP. Each of these stats can be increased in various ways and parts are set with your pokemon, such as your pokemon IV and its base stat. Everything will come together to give you a set value for your pokemon's Attack/Defense/HP/etc. And we will go more into that later. Now though, we will delve into what each of these Stats do. HP: HP is the overall health of your pokemon, if your health goes to zero, your pokemon "faints" and you can no longer use it. The "50/60" Is how much out of your maximum health you currently have for that pokemon. If you have a full "60/60" then your good, otherwise, visit a pokemon center. Attack: Your attack is how much damage your pokemon does with physical attacks, thats basicly it. Defense: Your defense is how much your pokemon is defended from physical attacks. Sp. Atk: Sp. Atk is your special attack, it is how much damage your pokemon does with non-physical attacks (waterbeam, etc) Sp. Def: Sp. Def is your special defense. It is how much your pokemon is defended from non-physical attacks. Got it? Good, its about to get much more confusing. Natures: Pokemon natures can be confusing to understand their point in the game at first, but a good understanding of them can lead to a much more efficient team. If you mouse over your nature, it will tell you what stat is raises (normally by 10) and what stat is lowers, or if it has no affect. EV/IV: EVs and IVs are possibly one of the most confusing things to a newcomer of pokemmo if they had not been previously a competitive battler. Lets start with EVs. EVs stand for Effort Values, and is "trained" into your pokemon based on what pokemon you battle. Your total amount of EVs can be found in the tab to the right of the "graph" or stat tab. It should be noted that for every 4 EVs you acquire in one stat, you gain 1 in that stat, not 4. Like I mentioned earlier, EV is dependent on what pokemon you battle, if you battle a lot of "zubat" then you get more speed, while other pokemon may give you more of different stats. Now lets start with IVs. IVs, unlike EVs cannot be trained into your pokemon, and are essentially your pokemon's "genetics" so you get what you get. The highest value of IVs being 31. Sadly, there is no integrated way to find your pokemon's IVs. So to find your pokemon's IVs, you'll have to level your pokemon to around level 10 (although I normally do 20), and check with something called an IV calculator Breeding: Breeding is a bit more complicated, and although the premise of it is fairly easy to understand, if you want to start breeding for competitive pokemon, then it gets much more complicated. The basics of breeding are: There are 13 basic egg groups in which the basic premise of every pokemon in the same egg group as another pokemon can breed. This allows some oddities, such as Skitty and Wailord being capable of breeding. And there are a few additional egg groups which the same rules do not apply. Such as the "gender unknown" egg group in which the members have no assigned gender and therefore cannot breed with each other but can breed with ditto, the undiscovered egg group (which mostly consists of baby pokemon and legendary) which cannot breed with each other nor ditto, and the ditto egg group, which consists solely of ditto, and can breed with any pokemon in any other egg group excluding its own and the undiscovered egg group. Trading: Ok, so you've breed your pokemon, you found a shiny, you have something other people will want, now you want to trade it! This will show you the bare bones of trading. Lucky Eggs: Lucky eggs are a fairly rare item found rarely on the rare appearing chanseys in the Safari. They provide an XP bonus, but in the eyes of traders, the XP bonus is not what many people are looking for. Lucky eggs are a sort of Currency in pokemmo, and are used to trade shinies, and other valuable pokemon. If you happen to catch a chansey in the safari, consider yourself lucky. If you happen to find a lucky egg on said chansey, consider yourself a lottery winner. That said, this can be used to trade your shiny rattata and your shiny gyarados for something you really might like. How to Trade: Trading can be a fun experience, but only if you know how to do it. Firstly, check everything there is to check when trading, if you are "scammed" then most of the online community won't really pity you, they might say that you had to check it twice in order to trade, and they, for the most part, are correct. Even though we look down at scamming, not many people empathise with the scammed. Be sure to know what your getting in return. What to look out for: As a basic rule, when trading, unless you have complete and utter faith in the person your trading with, always trade everything then and there (No, oh, I forgot my gyarados in the PC, lets just trade now, and i'll trade it to you after), and always check for what your looking for, everything your looking for, every time you trade. I find this extremely helpful for whenever I trade. FIN I intend to be adding more soon, I just had to stop here because it was getting late, and i'm getting tired, so good night to all, and to all, i'm tired, good bye. Also, I intend to add more information to each section and to add more relevant links. If you have any relevant links/informations you think I might need to add, please feel free to tell me.
  4. [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]So you wanna be the very best, well now you have more competition than ever, and they all have the same goal, think of your rival, now back to me, now back to your rival, now back me and I'm on a horse, now back to your rival, now multiply him by a few hundred and now subtract a social life from all of them and boom, pure fear and stiff 24/7 competiton. I know that this is all in the FAQ but that can be hard to swallow, so here is my simplified version.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][u][b]Choosing your team[/b][/u][/size][/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]When choosing your team you need to fill several basic archetypes:- Physical Sweeper, Special Sweeper, Special/Physical/Mixed Wall and Tank. There are several sub-archetypes, but we'll go into them as and when they become relevent, for now we'll overview the main few. When choosing which archetypes your pokemon will fill check their base stats as well as move pool, I find www.pokemondb.net to be useful when doing this all you have to do is search your pokemon and check their movepool and base stats (NB the movepool lists are are for Gen 5, the MMO is Gen 3 be sure to click the III to see the relevent movepool.) You always want to plan your pokemon from the very start down to it's moves and ev's (see EV training section) ad make sure to capitalise on the highest base stat [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][u][b]Physical Sweeper:[/b][/u] This is your heavy hitter, he must be fast (see IV's and Natures, as well as EV's for information on increasing speed and hitting power) most will rely on speed to avoid taking hits, or super effective moves to KO pokemon before they can start dealing damage, so try to make your pokemons movepool as verstaile as is possible, be wise with your Sweepers as most people will try to carry counters for the over used ones such as Scyther/ Scizor. There's not much to be said one the topic of sweepers, more wiil be said below in team work section. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][u][b]Special Sweeper:[/b][/u] Similar to your Physical Sweeper, in most aspects with the exception of moves and half of their ideal base stats, these obviously need high speed and special attack base stats.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][u]Mixed Sweeper:[/u][/b] This guy is your Jack of all trades master of none, he has amazing vesitility so can take advantage of a wide movepool, giving the ability of super effective moves on most types. Similar base stats desired speed and att/spatt. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][u]Physcial Wall:[/u][/b] Very similar to your Sweeper but rather than moving fast they sponge, they can take hits and a often have the ability to regen hp in some way or another, they will still have good attacking base stats, but rather than speed it's typically hp, def or spdef [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][u]Special Sweeper:[/u][/b] Similar physical just slightly different in that he uses special attacks opposed to physical ones. Still looking for same base stats with def/spdef/hp and spatt rather than att [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][u]Tank:[/u] [/b]This will take hits like a sponge, almost always packing hp regen moves, but due to low spatt and att he will employ status damaging moves such as toxic and will-o-wisp as well as status boosters such as calm mind, a hp regen move and a good STAB move (see battle tactics.) Here you want good spdef def and HP base stats.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]When choosing which archetypes your pokemon will fill check their base stats as well as move pool, I find www.pokemondb.net to be useful when doing this all you have to do is search your pokemon and check their movepool and base stats (NB the movepool lists are are for Gen 5, the MMO is Gen 3 be sure to click the III to see the relevent movepool.) You always want to plan your pokemon from the very start down to it's moves and ev's (see EV training section) ad make sure to capitalise on the highest base stat so if I had Scyther his highest stats are attack and speed (110 and 105) making him ideal for a physical sweeper (see above.) Also check the moves it can learn if it learns mostly physical and moves and has base stats like those your decision is very easy, but sometimes stats are close together with one type barely taing the advantage over the other and the movepool favours the other attacking type the player must decide what he thinks would be effective in battle the movepool or the slight advantage in base stats, there is no way I can help you here, if you are really stuck and can't decide message me on here or in-game (my IGN is TopNotchChap.)[/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][u][b]Team Work:[/b][/u][/size][/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]This is crucial and will win a battle for you if used correctly (go into to greater detail in battle tactics) this is all about making your pokemon help each other rather than just using them individually a very basic example of this is rain dance, thunder and swift swim, say you had Jolteon Dragonite and Kingdra; Jolteon has thunder but this is inaccurate Kingdra has Swift Swim making it faster in the rain and Dragonite had the ability to use rain dance, this wouldn't help it but it would the others, as thunder is 100% accurate in a rain and Kingdra would be faster. They don't only have to directly help each other out, you could use a pokemon with a weakness to fire but have a pokemon that could switch in and use surf, try to have your entire team taking 1/2 damage from every type or dealing x2 damage to every type. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=5][b][u]IV's and Natures[/u][/b][/size][/font][/size] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Now you have a good idea of your team and your going to catch the pokemon you want, you need to make sure your pokemon is worth training (or comp as it has become known) or should you keep looking for another one, most people know about natures already, each nature sublements one stat whilst subtracting from another, make sure a relevent stat to the archetype you want to build is sublemented whilst an irrelevent one is subtracted, since this is one of the first things you get told about your pokemon the moment you catch it, what people some don't know or choose to disregard is the effect they have on your pokemon for example an adament nature scyther is a good nature for that pokemon as scyther is an attacking sweeper and adament adds to attack whilst taking from special attack, here is a list of all natures and archetypes to use for each nature:[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Hardy: (no change) Try to avoid Bold: +DEF, -ATK Special Wall/ Tank Timid: +SPD, -ATK Special Sweeper [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Lonely: +ATK, -DEF Physical Sweeper Docile: (no change) Try to avoid Hasty: +SPD, -DEF Special Sweeper/ Physial Sweeper Brave: +ATK, -SPD Physical Wall Relaxed: +DEF, -SPD Tank/ Special Wall/Physical Wall Serious: (no change) Try to avoid [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Adamant: +ATK, -SP.ATK Physical Wall/ Physical Sweeper Impish: +DEF, -SP.ATK Tank/Physical Wall Jolly: +SPD, -SP.ATK Physical Sweeper [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Naughty: +ATK, -SP.DEF Physical Sweeper Lax: +DEF, -SP.DEF See below Naive: +SPD, -SP.DEF Special Sweeper/ Physical Sweeper [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Modest: +SP.ATK, -ATK Special Wall/ Special Sweeper Calm: +SP.DEF, -ATK See Below/ Tank [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Mild: +SP.ATK, -DEF Special Sweeper Gentle: +SP.DEF, -DEF See Below Quiet: +SP.ATK, -SPD Special Wall Sassy: +SP.DEF, -SPD Tank/either wall [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Bashful: (no change) Try to avoid Careful: +SP.DEF, -SP.ATK Physical Wall [/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]Rash: +SP.ATK, -SP.DEF Special Sweeper/ See below Quirky: (no change) Try to avoid NB Any +def/spdef (make either a good Physical/Special wall depends on what type of wall you want, except if they have -spatt/att this makes the decision for you, go with which ever doesn't have a minus stat. Same applies if reversed and Att/Spatt is plused) Now that you have your nature selected and archetypes choosen, it's time to check their IV's, IV's are like a Pokemons genes they govern how high or low their unEV'd stats will be, (see EV training) each stat has a value out of 31 the closer to 31 the IV's are the better that stat will be, but bear in mind that a pokemon with 31 IV's in any stat (that's relevent) is rare so you may have to settle for 25+ in any relevent stats the rest it would be ideal to have at 20 or higher, however this isn't crucial. You can find out the IV's of your pokemon here: [url="http://www.psypokes.com/dex/iv.php"]http://www.psypokes.com/dex/iv.php[/url] [b][u][size=5]EV Training:[/size][/u][/b] Now that you have a team of pokemon you are happy with your team it's time to make them stronger EV training is the way to do that. We have established which stats your pokemon is strong in now we want to max them out to their full potential, take Scyther, for example, it has 25+ in Speed and Attack and is a nature that adds to either now you have a maxinum of 510 EV's overall and 255 per stat, every 4 EV points is one stat point now 255 isn't a multiple of 4 so just do 252 per stat (this leaves you 6 extra making you 1 stat stronger anywhere you like.) Now to raise these stats you must KO 252 specific pokemon per stat, but there are short cuts, such as the magic of over counter pharmasuticals, each pill is worth 10 ev points but can only be used for the first 100 EV's here is a list of them and what they do: HP up Raises H by 10 Protein Raises Attack by 10 Iron Raises Defense by 10 Carbos Raises Speed by 10 Calcium Raises Special Attack by 10 Zinc Raises Special Defense by 10 When they stop working you must do the final 152 by hand, you could use a Macho Brace to half that and make it quicker for you (give it to your pokemon and it gets 2 evs per KO) You can use the exp share to transfer EV's to another pokemon but it'll only give the regular amount not the doubled one offered by the macho brace. You can get EV's by KOing these specific pokemon: HP Caterpie Viridian Forest Attack Paras Mount Moon Basement Defense Tangela Patch South of Pallet Town Special Attack Gastly Pokemon Tower Special Defense Tentacool EVERYWHERE THEY NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE WHEN SURFING Speed Magikarp/Rattata and pidgey south of viridian[/size][/font] [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][size=4]NB sometimes it can be difficult knowing what EV's to go for I often check pokemon of the week for a good set. [size=5][u][b]Competitions and Tactics[/b][/u][/size] Most competitions are usually 3v3/4v4 level 50/100 so make sure your pokemon are within the bracket since they will be excluded for being 1 level greater and disavantaged if one level lower. So now for the fun part, we've covered basic team structure. Now for my idea of a good attacking team you want to open with a wall/tank and a stat booster with Calm Mind baton pass a sweeper in, when that stops being usable switch to a spiker use that and roar until you trap a good pokemon for you then oblitorate. If all else fails tank, use Toxic, leach seed sand storm what ever it takes to lower hp, try to keep moves like light screen and reflect up as much as you can. Make sure to have a mixed sweeper for when blissey/ skarmory are inevitably used.[/size][/font] I dont want to give too mucg away as it might destroy my strategies XD. O yeh and have fun that's kinda what the game is about, just out of intereste anyone get the Old Spice reference? If any help is needed with anything mentioned here PM me my IGN is TopNotchChap or just pm on the forums. Helpful sites: [url="http://www.smogon.com/"]http://www.smogon.com/[/url] [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Individual_values"]http://bulbapedia.bu...dividual_values[/url] [url="http://www.psypokes.com/dex/iv.php"]http://www.psypokes.com/dex/iv.php[/url] [url="http://pokemondb.net/"]http://pokemondb.net/[/url] if anyone has anyother sites they think might help leave it below and I'll add it
  5. Another guide for all of you! This guide shows you where to find Aerodactyl and how to make him come to life! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob882-eCyD0
  6. I decided to add the 'EV Yields' of all the 'Island Pokemon' since Galium's Guide doesn't contain them! :3 The guy who created a thread saying that he'll add all the 'New Pokemon' didn't add any of the Pokemon he said he was gonna add, so I took the liberty of doing it! :D Enjoy! :3 P.S- Use my other thread to help you with this Guide! :) https://forums.pokem...n-guide-010113/ 'Limited Edition' Pokemon's EVs Recommended: Reason: It has a 100% encounter rate. Go grind on him for Speed EVs while you still can! Spheal: 1 HP EV Stantler: 1 Attack EV Snorunt: 1 HP EV Girafarig: 2 Special Attack EVs Smeargle: 1 Speed EV Teddiursa: 1 Attack EV Pineco: 1 Defense EV Spinda: 1 Special Attack EV Feebas: 1 Speed EV HP Recommended: Reason: It has a 100% encounter rate. Dunsparce: 1 HP EV Wooper: 1 HP EV Phanpy: 1 HP EV Marill: 2 HP EVs Lapras: 2 HP EVs Wobbuffet: 2 HP EVs Attack Recommended: Reason: It has a 50% encounter rate and appears the majority of the time in Icefall Cave. Swinub: 1 Attack EV Sentret: 1 Attack EV Qwilfish: 1 Attack EV Spinarak: 1 Attack EV Larvitar: 1 Attack EV Heracross: 2 Attack EVs Defense Recommended: Reason: Simply because it has a higher encounter rate than Skarmory. Don't bother grinding for Defense EVs with Magcargo and Skarmory as it will only be a waste of time. Magcargo: 2 Defense EVs Skarmory: 2 Defense EVs Special Attack Recommended: Reason: It has a 100% encounter rate on the B3F of Ruby Path when walking. Slugma: 1 Special Attack EV Remoraid: 1 Special Attack EV Natu: 1 Special Attack EV Magmar: 2 Special Attack EVs Special Defense Recommended: Reason: It has a 100% encounter rate when walking in the grass nearby Memorial Pillar. Hoppip: 1 Special Defense EV Misdreavus: 1 Special Defense EV Ledyba: 1 Special Defense EV Mantine: 2 Special Defense EVs Speed Recommended: Reason: ​Simply because it has the highest encounter rate(30%) out of all the following Pokemon who give Speed EVs. Ponyta: 1 Speed EV Delibird: 1 Speed EV Sneasel: 1 Speed EV Murkrow: 1 Speed EV Yanma: 1 Speed EV Rapidash: 2 Speed EVs Multiple EVs Unown: 1 Attack EV, 1 Special Attack EV These are NOT 'Island Pokemon' but they will also help you train your EVs for Special Attack and Speed very quickly! Located in Lost Cave(Five Island): Zubat- 1 Speed EV Golbat- 2 Speed EVs Ghastly- 1 Special Attack EV Haunter- 2 Special Attack EVs Please note that Ghastly has a bit of a higher encounter rate in a room which didn't contain an item and Golbat has a lesser encounter rate in a room which contained an item! :3
  7. Introduction The first game I ever remember getting was Pokemon Yellow for the original Gameboy™. If memory serves, it even came with the legendary yellow version of that awesome handheld console. Clearly, times have moved on, and over time, I became rusty and lost my passion for this amazing series. Upon starting PokeMMO, I had no idea what to do in Pallet Town, even though I must have done the same thing a hundred times before on my little old Gameboy™. So, this guide is dedicated to those of us who havn't played in a while, or might even be completely new to the series, and want to begin playing as quickly and painlessly as possible. Guide We begin in our hero's bedroom in Pallet Town. I assume you've chosen the name Ziggy Stardust for your character. If you havn't, go back and start again. How could your first thought be anything other than Ziggy Stardust? Now that your hero is correctly named, proceed directly out of Pallet Town. Ignore the fact that you're told Oak is waiting next door. He will only present himself to you when you attempt to leave the Town. He will drag you back to his lab, where he will proceed to perform hideous experiments upon you. Just kidding, he gives you your very own Pokemon, from a selection of three. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charizard. I suggest selecting Charizard, because who wants to have SOUPERDOOPER VINE POWERS or WATERY POWERS. All the effectiveness of taking a whizz on your opponent, when you could be rocking a mother****ing DRAGON up in this place. Now, your rival will throw a tantrum when you attempt to leave and fight you. Clearly, you should whoop his ass and make him cry like a hussy. Upon doing so, he'll throw a uguufit. From here, simply head on out of town and go level up that Pokemon of yours! Once you've had fun whaling on rats and chickens, head up to the Viridian City, and visit the Pokecenter to heal up your likely bruised and battered Pokemon, before moving on to the Pokemart. Here, you'll enter a scripted sequence and acquire a package for Oak. Immediately take it back to Oak, and you'll recieve a Pokedex and five free Pokeballs! Hooray for free stuph! Your rival will throw another fit of angst and run home to get a map. Simply leave the lab, go to the building North of the lab and collect a map from the girl in the building. Congratulations! You've started playing Pokemon! Enjoy your new non-existant life style! Have fun! -Kingsley
  8. Hola mi nombre es Mighter, he visto muchas dudas dentro del juego, no dudas del servidor, modo de juego o del programa, si no que dudas directas acerca de los pokemons. Es por eso que he decidido hacer estas Mini-Guías/Clases. Una de las dudas/preguntas que más me llamó la atención fue por que la gente busca tanto un Pokemón con cierta naturaleza específica. Y aqui nace la pregunta.. ¿Cual es la mejor naturaleza para mi Pokemón?... lo gracioso es que no lo se.. pues no se cual es tu Pokemón pero si se cuales naturalezas hay y por qué son importantes, y por supuesto en que influyen. Cada Pokémon posee una naturaleza distinta de otro. Esta naturaleza "Distinta" hace y marca la diferencia entre 2 Pokemones iguales, de mismo nivel pero distinta naturaleza. En total, un Pokémon puede pertenecer a 25 naturalezas diferentes: Las naturalezas de los Pokémon afectan principalmente al crecimiento de sus habilidades (Ataque, Defensa, Velocidad, etc). Dependiendo de su naturaleza, el Pokémon desarrollará más una habilidad que otra que es lo que hace el tema de la naturaleza importante, hay naturalezas que son neutras, y estas no tienen efecto alguno sobre estas características, es decir, no aumentan ni disminuyen ninguna característica. Aqui esta la tabla de Naturaleza - Carácteristicas Bueno, espero que les haya gustado este "Tip", para la captura de pokemones y entrenamiento. quizás creas ridículo este post pero creeme a muchos les servirá. Fuentes: -Pokemon wikia -Wikipedia -Serebii PD: Disculpen el error de los acentos en el título. PD: TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH
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