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Alpha Swarm Personal review and requests/suggestions



Hey guys, This is just a thought i find might be beneficial for everyone in terms of the Alpha mechanic currently in PokeMMO. I may be wrong here so please lets discuss this as an option.
Right now people in the community have been concerned about how the swarms work because they cant get online or play often enough to catch alpha pokemons because of the current cycle and spawn routines etc. I don't have a problem with how it is now in terms of time playing or having difficulties getting online myself but this keeps coming up not only in my team but in and around other communities too.

For those that don't know the spawns are based on in game days.
1 Game day = 6 hours IRL
1 Alpha per In game day

I feel having the alphas spawn in the wild at a 1 in 5k rate for example would add value to them and would filter out the issue people have not being able to get on due to queue times or lack of time to play for work or irl reasons.

Lets discuss this im curious to see what people think.
I feel alpha pokemons should be looked at as more of a useful trophy rather than a common occurrence. The wild alpha spawns could come up in amongst a normal wild hoarde spawn just like a shiny would. 

Benefits of this:
Reduces queue times without extra costs of running more servers.
Allows more people to get more of an equal chance at the Alpha pokemon especially when queue times are considered here. 
Make catching the Alpha more rewarding Rather than it just being an escalated difficulty fight.
May reduce GTL flooding and increase the value of the Alpha pokemon. 

Would allow teams to host team event without the threat of queue times and forced server changes due to capacity. At the moment i feel this is a big issue for a social aspect of the game even though there are work arounds like not going through doors and into loading points of the game that force these server changes etc.

With how the game is bringing alpha's in, it is bringing larger amounts of players into the game at certain times to hunt the alpha pokemon, This may get reduced and turn some players away from the game implementing the above change and this can also take away an aspect of social interaction in the game. I personally feel this is the only real negative of the above change implementation but i also feel the benefits out way this in some ways.

Again i personally would love to hear feedback on this from the community and staff.

Edited by ItsJwOlf
Added a start to the benefits of the suggestion
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