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About This Club

Phoenix is a Family - core team for serious/casual players or newcomers, We hope you enjoy your stay!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. PokeMMO Shiny Bounty Event: "Dive into Depths: Treasures of the Tide" 🌊✨💰 🌊 Plunge into the Depths! 🌊 Unveil the hidden gems of the ocean depths! 💎 Embark on a quest to discover shimmering treasures and rare aquatic Pokémon. 🐠 Event Details: Start Date: July 12th 5AM UTC End Date: August 9th 5AM UTC Duration: MONTH LONG 🗓️ Rules: - Only one entry per participant. ☝️ - All Pokémon must be caught within the event time. ⏰ - Submissions must include a screenshot of the Battle feed if claimed before 1st-3rd places. 📸 - Enable "Chat Timestamps" in "Settings" > "Chat" for verification. 💬 - Egg hatches require video proof to verify non-shiny parentage. 🥚 - Entry Pokémon must have your OT (Original Trainer). 🧑‍ trainers - Link your entry to participating staff upon request. 🤝 - Participants must be part of Team [ENIX]. Only the specified evolution stages are accepted.✅ Scoring: The first to catch a shiny of each listed Pokémon claims victory! (can claim a 2nd if no one else finds by the end) 🏆 Bounties: Shiny Mantine: The Oceanic Guardian, Mantine, glides through the coral reefs, its shimmering scales reflecting the sunlight. 🪸☀️ - Reward: 250,000 Pokeyen (includes 50k Birb Bonus) 💸 Shiny Horsea: **Horsea, the Elusive Jewel, dances among the kelp forests, its fin radiating with an otherworldly glow. ✨ - Reward: **375,000 Pokeyen** 💸 Shiny Lanturn: Lanturn, the Abyssal Lantern, illuminates the darkest depths, its luminescent lure attracting unsuspecting prey. 💡 - Reward: 375,000 Pokeyen 💸 Shiny Dratini: Dratini, the Mirage of the Sea, shimmers like a mirage, its serpentine form a rare and coveted prize. 🐉 - Reward: 500,000 Pokeyen 💸 Shiny Tynamo: Tynamo, the Electric Eel, crackles with energy, its vibrant colors a warning to any who dare approach. ⚡️ - Reward: 500,000 Pokeyen 💸 Shiny Feebas: Feebas, the Hidden Beauty, conceals itself among the rocks, its true splendor revealed only to the most patient of trainers. 🪨 - Reward: 1,000,000 Pokeyen 💸 - Donations to enhance prize pools are appreciated and can be sent to BankofRuin. 🙏 --- Dive deep, trainers, and uncover the treasures that await! May your nets be filled with shimmering scales and the thrill of the hunt! 🌊✨💰
  3. "Ho-oh's Heirs: The Skyborne Flames" Shiny Bounty Ascend to the Skies Soar into the sky realms where the legendary Ho-oh once flew. Capture the essence of its fiery and aerial spirit through Pokémon that embody its legacy. Event Details: Start Date: May 2nd, 5AM UTC End Date: June 2nd, 5AM UTC Duration: MONTH LONG Rules: - Only one entry per participant. - All Pokémon must be caught within the event time. - Submissions must include a screenshot of the Battle feed if claimed before 1st-3rd places. - Enable "Chat Timestamps" in "Settings" > "Chat" for verification. - Egg hatches require video proof to verify non-shiny parentage. - Entry Pokémon must have your OT (Original Trainer). - Link your entry to participating staff upon request. - Participants must be part of Team [ENIX]. **Only the specified evolution stages are accepted.** Scoring: - The first to catch a shiny of each listed Pokémon claims victory! Bounties: - Golbat: The Nocturnal Navigator, Golbat, patrols the sky with a silent grace, its eyes reflecting the moon's glow. - Reward: 200,000 Pokeyen - Swellow: As the Aerial Acrobat, Swellow darts through the air, its sleek form a blur of speed and precision. - Reward: 300,000 Pokeyen (plus an additional 50,000 Pokeyen for the birb bonus) - Vulpix: The Enchanted Ember, Vulpix, enchants with its mystical flames, illuminating paths untrodden. - Reward: 500,000 Pokeyen - Growlithe: With the heart of a warrior, Growlithe the Brave stands resolute, its fiery mane a beacon of courage. - Reward: 500,000 Pokeyen Claimed by @VanderPK - Darumaka: The Fervent Fireball, Darumaka, embodies the joy of discovery and the warmth of new adventures. - Reward: 800,000 Pokeyen Claimed by @PolarPallas - Donations to enhance prize pools are appreciated and can be sent to "PhoenixStorage". --- Prepare for a journey of fiery ascension, trainers! Fortune favors the bold as you seek out these shining embodiments of the sky's legacy. Happy shiny hunting! 🔥🌌🦅
  4. After a tough battle, here are our winners! 1st Place zkupo with a Rhyhorn (134) ||135 final score|| 2nd Place blackjaw with a Golbat(134) ||132 final score|| 3rd Place SoullessSenpai With a rhydon (122) ||124 final score|| Congratulations to you all and prizes will be sent out later in the day, and keep an eye out for later for the winner of the bonus prize, thank you guys for making my morning 🙂 ❤️
  5. Welcome to the depths of adulting with me! Lets go catch some mons to alleviate some stress in one of the most stressful areas! Date Friday, 12th January 2024 Time 8 AM EST - Time Converter Location Cerulean Cave, Kanto, Channel 4 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for participants to submit their entries. Scoring Total Score = Total sum of IVs or Lowest IVs (only one entry) Pokémon accepted as valid entries - Rhydon +2 - Rhyhorn +1 Lickitung Golbat -1 Rules To win the 1st - 2nd places, you will need to submit an entry that scores the highest, these prizes are sorted from highest to lowest, There is a prize for the Lowest IV score, Submit your lowest if you had no luck at highest. You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (un-trained/un-evolved). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. This event is for people in the Phoenix Discord Server Only. Participating Staff @Bunnaiii(LunaDarkrose) 1st Place Prize 6x31 Rhydon 2nd Place Prize 4x31 1x25 Lickitung Lowest IV 150k Note: All who participate and submit an entry will be automatically entered in a special raffle for a mystery prize as a.... reverse birthday gift from me!! More details on how to make sure to enter will be specified in discord!
  6. 1st Place: Renpai 2nd Place: Dokigood 3rd Place: BlackJaw Thanks everyone for coming out! Prizes will be sent out within 24 hours
  7. I cast Plant Growth! I was filling out my dex and realized how much pain getting these mons caused me so i decided to share the love and help y'all fill up your OT Dex. Date Sunday, 17th September 2023 Time 11 AM EST - Convert time Location The Great Marsh, Pastoria City, Sinnoh, Channel 4 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for participants to submit their entries. Scoring Total Score = Total sum of IVs or Lowest IVs (only one entry) Pokémon accepted as valid entries - Carnivine +2 - Skorupi +1 Rules To win the 1st - 2nd places, you will need to submit an entry that scores the highest, these prizes are sorted from highest to lowest, There is a prize for the Lowest IV score, Submit your lowest if you had no luck at highest. You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (un-trained/un-evolved). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. This event is for team members only Participating Staff @RexRuin @PolarPallas 1st Place Prize 1.2m 1 mon of choice 3x31, 2x30 IV 2nd Place Prize 600k Lowest IV 300k
  8. Catching event for ENIX to celebrate return of club sunday 2nd of July
  9. 1st Place Prize 500k - Renpai 2nd Place Prize 300k - AryanUpd Lowest IV 150k - PolarPallas thank you to everyone that showed up to have a blast, totally was a lot of fun! Rewards will be sent via mail from team bank.
  10. Rats Begone! Date Sunday, 2nd July 2023 Time 3PM GMT | 1AM AEST - Convert time Location Route 1 - Kanto, Channel 4 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for participants to submit their entries. Scoring Total Score = Total sum of IVs or Lowest IVs (only one entry) Pokémon accepted as valid entries - Pidgey +2 - Rattata +1 Rules To win 1st-2nd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest There is Lowest IV, Submit your lowest if you had no luck at highest. You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. This is for team members only. Participating Staff @Queza @Bunnaiii 1st Place Prize 500k 2nd Place Prize 300k Lowest IV 150k
  11. ENIX NU Tournament, Sunday 25th June
  12. Hey all, This is our section of the forum for Team Sponsored Services and Shops! If you aren't sure what that means, this section of the club forum is used for players within ENIX to promote a service/shop that they are running with the Team essentially provide a storefront. These shops aren't inherently exclusive to team members unless listed as such, mainly this space will be used by ENIX as a means to provide an advertising board for team members to advertise their services and shops that we believe are trustworthy and worth checking out. To give a few examples, these are some of the services/shops we are accepting being listed at this time: (If you have a service that isn't listed here and would like to advertise it, please contact a Moderator to ask if it's okay) EV Training/Leveling Event Boss Particles, etc Breeding Smeargle Sketching Art/Forum Signature Shop Ribbon Collecting If you have a service/shop that you wish to advertise on our page, please adhere to the following rules: Just to restate that you must be an ENIX member in order to post your shop here, that does not inherently mean you must be ENIX to be a customer. We strongly recommend that you message a moderator either on the forums or on discord to provide a preview of your post and to bounce ideas to make sure you have all the information needed for your shop and for our approval as well! PokeMMO Rules applies when taking payments, meaning we do not tolerate RMT for your services in any way. This includes for art services.
  13. Thanks to everyone for participating and congrats to our winners! Hope to see all at our next event! Our following winners were as followed: 1st Place: @Curseman - 142 HIGHEST 2nd Place: @NoStrategy - 134 (12:52PM) 3rd Place: @Mikha - 134 (12:57PM) 4th Place: @Atlewis - 35 LOWEST
  14. Tor-Chick Date Friday, 8th of April 2022 Time 17 PM UTC | 1 PM ET | 12 PM CT | 1 AM CST | 10 AM PT | Time Zone Converter Location Rt. 112, Hoenn, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Torchic +5 Machop Numel Marill -5 Nature Bonus (example) Jolly +5 Adamant+3 Gender Bonus (example) Female+1 Rules This event is for members of the ENIX Discord Server ONLY To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff SupremeLance 1st Place Prize $700,000 2nd Place Prize $300,000 3rd-4th Place Prize $150,000
  15. Date Saturday, 11th of June 2022 Time 16:30 PM UTC | 12:30 PM ET | 11:30 AM CT | 12:30 AM CST | 9:30 AM PT Time Zone Converter Location Four Island, Kanto, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching Another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Wooper Nature Bonus (example) Careful +5 Jolly +3 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff SupremeLance 1st Place Prize 500,000 PokeYen 2nd Place Prize 250,000 PokeYen 3rd-4th Place Prize 150,000 PokeYen
  16. MagMarch Date Saturday, 26th of March 2022 Time 16 PM UTC | 12 PM ET | 11 AM CT | 12 AM CST | 9 AM PT | Time Zone Converter Location Mt., Ember, Kanto, Channel 1 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Magmar Nature Bonus (example) Modest +5 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Participating Staff SupremeLance AmineTheWhite 1st Place Prize $600,000 2nd Place Prize $300,000 3rd-4th Place Prize $125,000
  17. [Catching] Kanto Race: Hold my B-eer (Sunday, February 13th)
  18. Congrats to AvaRuta for winning this event securing 1st place! Completely "Superpowered" poor Complutum! Congrats to Complutum for making it to 2nd place! And finally congrats to Susume for 3rd place against Sogekingpp! Amazing crazy matches. Ty all for participating and attending the event! Sorry for the small prizes, i'll make sure to have bigger ones next time (Im broke ). Highlight match of the day is Ava destroying Complutum's poor team with Superpower. RiP Complutum and TKM (Luvdisc). First place - AvaRuta 4pts! - Prize of 2x31 Jolly Arbok! Second place - Complutum 3pts! - Prize of 200k! Third place - Susume 2pts! - Prize of 100k! Cya all for the next event folks! Sorry for the bad RNG, maybe the RNG be with you for your future battles~
  19. ARBOK-N-G It's a new year and what's a better time to test your new year RNG in Random Triples Battles? RNG in Triple Random Battles of course! Yes! Triple Randoms! You heard me! Test your RNG in a few days in this RNG filled yet exciting format! Apologies in advance for when RNG inevitably screws a few of you over. Details Single Elimination Tournament | Randoms Triple Battle | 6v6 Triple Battle | Timer On | Team Preview Off Date & Time Sunday January 16th 4:30 PM UTC | 11:30 AM ET | 10:30 AM CT - TIMEZONE CONVERTER Location Accumula Town, Unova, Channel 1 How to enter - The event is only available for players who are on the ENIX Discord server. - Registrations is open as of this post and all the way up until 15 minutes before the event starts. - Please contact me (@PixelBuggy#8856) via DM's in Discord if you wish to sign up in bracket. Rewards 1st Place Prize 2x31 Jolly Arbok IV: (25 / 31 /29 / 12 / 27 / 31) 2nd Place Prize 200k 3rd Place Prize 100k -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- See ya all there for this fast paced RNG filled 6v6 Randoms Triples Battle! And good luck~
  20. Description Just like the name of the title, it's a catching event, in form of racing. Pick your partner, form a team and be the very best duo racer team above all and leave the rest to dust! This is for anyone within the ENIX server. Date & Time Sunday, 13th Feb [3 PM UTC | Check Discord Calendar] Location (Race Track) Kanto, Channel 3 Following Storyline pathway: Starting from Pallet Town (Prof. Oak's Lab) -> Rt 1 -> Rt 22 -> Rt 2 -> Viridian Forest -> Rt 3 -> Mt. Moon -> Rt 4 -> Rt 24 -> Rt 25 (any water Pokémon) (Ponds in front of Bill's house) You run directly to Rt 1 from the Lab, there is no Pokémon requirement in Pallet Town. Duration 1 hour for catching marathon 10 extra minutes for participants to submit their last entries. Pokémon accepted as entries Pokémon of any species within the area on the track (shown in Location) Nature bonus: [+10] for all Neutral Nature (Bashful, Hardy, Docile, Quirky, Serious) Rules You need to find another player to be your partner to register. You can come up with the team's name for this event and report to Neuzzz. Otherwise, the default name (i.e. No.01) shall be given. In case your partner is missing at the time of event, you shall be grouped together with another player and your team's name will be combined/replaced/renamed. If there is no player to group with, you can play solo. To win 1st and 2nd places that are sorted by high to low, your team needs to the one that submits the entry earliest and reach the furthest in the race track per time (specified using 5-minute-marking). If solo racer is among top 2, the racer can only get 75% total prize. If teams are staying at the same locations, highest total IV of entries in the last location will decide the victors. Entries need to follow the racing track pathway shown on the map above. Both team members need to submit two entries total per area (one entry each member) that have at least 220 IV total before going to the next area. In solo case, the requirement is two entries total per area with at least total 205 IV. If one member of the team manages to catch a shiny, the team can move on from the current area and skip 1 area regardless of its IV. Example: Moving from Rt 1 to Rt 2 without Rt 22. Submit entries on Normal chat at Pallet Town (for hosts to see entries ) to proceed to the next area. No other chat will be accepted. Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the correct area location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). You must be the OT of the Pokémon. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time of the final latest entry given by a team member. The latest entry from the duo will be used for time evaluation. Any attempts to cheat such as submitting an invalid entry will result in disqualification. ? Fast & Furious ? $600,000 ? Runner Up ? $400,000
  21. Date Saturday, January 8th 2022 Time 1 PM EST | 6 PM UTC | Time Converter Location Pattern Bush Kanto, Channel 4 Duration 1 hour for catching Another 15 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Nature Bonus + Species Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries Heracross + 3 Weedle Caterpie Nature Bonus Adamant +5 Jolly +3 Rules This event is for members of the ENIX Discord Server ONLY To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to IGN: NecasInTrouble to submit it In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time 1st Place Prize Adamant + EV Trained Heracross 27/31/27/0/27/31 + 100k 2nd Place Prize 250k 3rd-4th Place Prize 150k
  22. Happy Holidays Birbs! To celebrate the Holidays we here have decided to host a Seasonal Art Contest! I can't wait to see what you folks come up with and I pray that I have given you enough time >.> Happy Holidays to all of you and I hope this year has treated you well! and may next year be even better! Rules All forms of art are accepted, be it digital, sculpture, animations, paintings and even crayon on construction paper if you so wish! Only one submission per person. Must have submitted in the allotted timeframe. We would prefer it to be Pokemon related but that isnt a definitive line that you have to follow. Submission Period December 13th 2021 - January 1st 2022 Judging Period January 1st 2022 - January 7th 2022 Judges @ImTheWalrusHere IGN: AvaRuta @NecasInTroubleIGN: NecasInTrouble @SusumeIGN: Susume 1st Place Prize 2nd Place Prize 1 Million 3rd Place Prize 500k Good luck to all the participants! ❤️
  23. First Clause: Team Magma wins! 1st Place [Magma]Clipsus with a 139 IV Relaxed Abra 2nd Place [Aqua]PixelBuggy with a 137 IV Bold Abra 3rd Place [Aqua]MightyLax with a 133[+3] IV Jolly Abra 4th Place [Magma]Curseman with a 135 IV Adamant Abra 5th Place [Magma]Complutum with a 134 IV Lax Abra 6th Place [Aqua]JeanMarcH with a 125[+3] IV Timid Abra Second Clause: Team Magma wins! Team Magma: 4 points Gain Points[x2]: 10 points UGUDLIGHT: 8, Maronzz: 2 Counter Points: 4 points UGUDLIGHT: 1, Clipsus: 1, Complutum: 1, Curseman: 1 Team Aqua: 0 points Gain Points[x2]: 4 points Atlewis: 2, JeanMarcH: 2 Counter Points: 6 points PixelBuggy: 2, MightyLax: 1, ICEJAEGER: 2, JeanMarcH: 1 Third Clause: Team Aqua wins! Team Magma: 14 points UGUDLIGHT: 7, Clipsus: 4, Complutum: 2, Maronzz: 1 Team Aqua: 21 points PixelBuggy: 5, Atlewis: 6, MightyLax: 5, ICEJAEGER: 1, JeanMarcH: 4 Note: UGUDLIGHT: Aqua, stop it! You will never be Magma! Complutum: Why are you trying to be like Magma? Noobs. ICEJAEGER: Et tu, Nerdy Comp?

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