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About This Club

Come drink Lemonade with us and join a fun friendly and competitive team slowly emerging onto the scene.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Prizes will be posted out soon (maybe hopefully 👀 ). Thank you for all who entered and better luck next time for those who didn't win! (a consolation prize might be coming your way 😉 )
  3. 1 breed worth 950k plus 1 pokemon EV training from Quackin' Eggs WON by Nathan 5 free EV training and level 50 (510 EVs and level 50, can substitute for LC EVing if wanted) from Quackin' Eggs WON by RNGTIME 3m donated by GeneralGrim WON by SecretMudkip An art commission from @SwaggyHarpy worth up to $60, information can be found ---> here PLUS a personalised battle theme, with interactive idea mapping and consultation written by @Interloping WON by PhonenixNoah Shiny Torkoal donated by @DeGarzo (Grzo) with SEVEN PARTICLES WON by Joe 200 Premier Balls and 200 Luxury Balls WON by BiWhite Shiny Durant jolly level 50 OT TWOTAM WON by Habitatt 3 Prismatic Pearls WON by Sidereus 5x31 natured breed plus EV training from @Argorok2017(xArgorok) (no genderless, no male only) WON by Rasikop TM bundle (Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball) from @Interloping WON by Crimzoon TM bundle (Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, Bulk Up, Calm Mind) WON by NekorzOfBrionac Battle Box Upgrade from EldenSoul WON by atclifestyle 300 repels donated by @Interloping and 100 expert lures donated by atclifestyle WON by SwaggyHarpy 1 Blue Flaming Dragon Skull donated by @rngtime WON by cccx 1 steel elfbot hat and steel elfbot outfit donated by @rngtime WON by FrankLinda 6x31 naive Hydreigon with Phantom Particle Effect OT RNGTIME WON by Iapapa 5x31 adamant Entei OT Bzuuggoo WON by Pokemitsch 2 ditto boxes from NateNewb WON by NiceAndFabulous
  4. PeanutKaas best of luck to all of you ❤️ LETS GO LEM!!!
  5. ATCLIFESTYLE 😄 ps. eldie is a noob ❤️
  6. Pokemitsch need some good stuff here i am frkn broke after event
  7. hannahtaylor EldenSoul (doesn't have a forum account)

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