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Posts posted by Lavalu

  1. 5 hours ago, XelaKebert said:

    He literally just said the appeal was approved because the user in question was able to prove their innocence. Transparency doesn't fix the fact that the burden of proof is on you to show you did not engage in RMT or botting. How can you say you can't appeal properly when it literally, "Hey I was banned for botting/RMT but I wasn't botting or RMTing. Here's my proof." Then you show your proof. I mean, I literally wrote your ban appeal in 2 sentences, now you need to show proof of your innocence. Desu has already said they won't be showing you anything that would result in giving away capture methods for botting and RMT. This is a standard thing. Never compromise your rule enforcement system because someone is salty about enforcement action taken against them.

    He literally just said the SMG showed proof (the screenshot) first, that's why they could prove their innocence. It would be unfair otherwise; how can you proof something you haven't done.

    "Hey I was banned for RMT but I wasn't RMTing."
    "Okay, show proof you weren't."
    You can't appeal properly in this situation, that's why there always should be transparency in the sense of, you accuse someone you proof it. There should only be a few exceptions, and RMTing definitly can't be one of it. By claiming that "Hey I was [...] botting or RMTing. Here's my proof." is a proper appeal, you ignore that the banned person is not able to show proof.


    There is a fair point that they can't show everything if there's a risk of exposing capture methods, but that doesn't change the idea of presumption of innocence (Art. 6 ECHR).

    Reading this thread really makes me think more people should study law lol.

  2. Let's be real. First of al we only lose 25% of Pokéyen, Pokéyen wich undergoes huge inflation so the purchasing power is rekt. On the long run you make more money, i.e. purchasing power, because of the deflationary charachter of this patch.

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