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Everything posted by MjMJD

  1. is this thread still active? Need some anime reccomendations
  2. Can i get added back to the team??? My PC broke and i was unable to play at all... I just got a new PC and noticed i was kicked out :( @ozzie @matt @fixedgaming
  3. Ive heard great things about Hero Academia, is it worth a watch in your opinion?
  4. WOW! this is super dope! i really appreciate you taking the time to make this for me! When i get the cash, ill mail it to you ASAP! EDIT: Hey Staggiie, i tried to load up the theme as instructed, but my client crashed! i tried to restart my pc after i followed your instructions to reset the client, but it crashed again!
  5. Squirtleeeee... Squirtle squirt squirt!

  6. IGN: MJMJD Theme: Kanto Region pokemon/ Shiny Mew! (Screenshots of iconic cities or routes with pokemon on it, etc for the login screen). Ik this is a bit of a strange request, if you cant find anything to use, Mew theme would be cool! Main Color: Probably white or whatever color works out best depending on which theme is made! Secondary Color: whatever works out best! Custom or Default fonts?: Clean/crisp fonts, nothing hard to read Any specific instructions?: Ik i requested a mew theme but i dont really want TOO MUCH pink or blue for shiny mew, you know what i mean xD? a good blend of synergistic colors would be nice! Donation?: i am relatively new to the game, dont have any money at the moment due to failing at learning how to breed, but i PROMISE once i have the cash, ill donate 100k!
  7. - Template1 - Name: MJMJD Team: Render: Shiny Charizard OR Mew, whatever looks cooler! :D Text color (optional): Honestly up to you, you have so much talent, so whatever you think fits nicely! Stain color (optional):^^ Donation: (My IGN is Bryen) I literally only have 50k rn from breeding, but im willing to give you all of it and when i get cash (i already made a note to donate more) ill give you another 50k on top of that for a total of 100!
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