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Everything posted by AmbitionSC

  1. ok 就是说我们公会想要开个小号去聚集公会资源,每个会员每个月需要给会费,而会费将全部用于活动奖励或者做精灵,而精灵也是全部放在小号里,例如搬砖队 天王队 捡垃圾的精灵和PVP的精灵。会员可以在有抵押的情况下免费借这些精灵,活动奖励也是由会员每周投票决定,而这个号只是用来收集资源,这样就很清楚公会里面剩多少钱,因为平常这个号是不会使用的,是由会长的号创建的一个人物。而收集的方式我们想要以邮件去进行,但我们担心会被判定为RMT。
  2. If team members send some pm and money to chairperson account but not the chairperson character by donation, will it be banned? Because using another character to collect money and pm is easy to show that how much we have donated.
  3. Actually, our team wanna create an account to collect the team fee and some donations like pm and money. Then use these to benefit teammates, like to hold team events, buy pm and give them some pm to PVP or earn money. That is a cycle to maintain the team's energy. But the question is we don't know if we use the chairperson account to create another character to do so, whether we get banned(RMT)?
  4. Even Garchomp was banned but i also want to know why you did this decision? Can you show the latest vote? I just want to know the reason.
  5. Yup I know that way, i can buy one from other players, but do you know the number and price in market? As i know the trade of Saiyan hair is used 9b recently, how can i earn 9b... $10=1000RP=1m 9b=900m=$9000? So that means you are rookie, you just can pay $9000 to get it? Does it make sense? Maybe you can make it to pvp reward rather than some new vanities like ufo...
  6. Will you consider to sell Saiyan hair( idk the accurate name) again? Because this hair is very popular but we can't get from any ways, nobody will sell it. You can sell high price(1b 2b) like other flash sale. At least we can have some motivation and hope to get it. I hope you can seriously consider this matter.
  7. 不甘心 辛辛苦苦肝了两个月买的鲁道夫就没了 最重要的是我没RMT也封 本来想着误封 申诉能解 结果直接驳回 也没解释和证据 上午还在搬天王 下午号就没了 天王队还是问公会的人借的 封了我拿头还给他
  8. 我大小号被判RMT封号,申诉也被驳回,但我并没有RMT,不想就这样没了辛辛苦苦肝了两个月的号。大号ID:AmbitionGG 小号ID:HideOnBash 请彻查 还我清白。
  9. AmbitionSC


    大小号互相交易被误封 两个都是我自己玩的 我大号搬砖赚钱 然后转钱给小号做PVP精灵 被判定rmt/脚本 但申诉了快10天还没处理 想问是什么原因?
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