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About Gleglo411871

  • Birthday 11/26/2000

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  1. Hola hoy hare un vaporeon ( eevee) 3x31 con naturaleza serena Recientemente hubo un evento de captura no oficial en odnde se capturaron scraggys haci que hoy ocuparemos esos que nos salieron con 1x31 o incluso 2x31 lo primero que haremos es criar un scraggy con 31 en cualquiera de los 3 ivs que ocupamos por ejemplo 31 en ps y lo criaremos con otro con 31 en defensa especial y criaremos a otros 2 con 31 en ps y otro con 31 en defensa fisica cuando nascan los criaremos y escogeremos que sea sexo macho y entonces tendremos un breed 3x31 A mi me salio un scraggy 2x31 justo en los ivs que queria y macho pero si no tienes tienes que criar cualquier pokemon grupo huevo terreno 31 en ps con otro con 31 en defensa especial y escoger el sexo macho despues cazar un eevee o comprar uno con naturaleza serena no importa si es macho o hembra y lo criaremos con un ditto con 31 en defensa especial ahora si escogeremos el sexo hembra . Hasta ahora llevamos 109,000 pokeyenes despues criaremos el eevee 1x31 con naturaleza con el scraggy 2x31 y la cria la criaremos con el scraggy 3x31 el pokemon salio en un promedio de 150,000 pokeyenes a 160,000 pokeyenes mientras que en gtl estan al precio de 250,000 pokeyenes Hello today I will do a vaporeon (eevee) 3x31 with serene nature There was recently an unofficial capture event where scraggys were captured so that today we will occupy those that came out with 1x31 or even 2x31 The first thing we will do is raise a scraggy with 31 in any of the 3 ivs that we occupy for example 31 in ps and we will raise it with another with 31 in special defense and we will raise another 2 with 31 in ps and another with 31 in physical defense when We will breed them and choose to be male and then we will have a breed 3x31 I got a scraggy 2x31 just in the ivs I wanted and male but if you don't have to breed any pokemon egg group ground 31 in ps with another with 31 in special defense and choose the male sex After hunting an eevee or buying one with a serene nature, it does not matter if it is male or female and we will breed it with a ditto with 31 in special defense now if we choose the female sex. So far we carry 109,000 pokeyen then we will breed the eevee 1x31 with nature with the scraggy 2x31 and the breeding we will breed with the scraggy 3x31 the pokemon came out in an average of 150,000 pokeyen to 160,000 pokeyen while in gtl they are at the price of 250,000 pokeyen
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