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Posts posted by Omegalink

  1. Some weirdos breed 30's for whatever reason, So those dittos have a market but i suggest just selling em on gtl. Btw you should probably add gender on the magikarp. I'll end this with a anime Magikarp karp. (Karp karp!)

  2. 14 hours ago, RicardoFigBR said:

    if this is really impossible then it just won't happen
    I'm just making a suggestion of something I like
    I'm not doing anything else

    Oh btw if you have any future suggestions you should post it in the suggestion section not in general. Happy gayming!

  3. There really is no point though, it also wont be fun since unlike the mainline games you cannot wondertrade hacked mons or shiny legend mons. no one will use it unless they plan to for memes like wonder trading a bidoof or something. I'd rather have the devs use the time with better/more useful features and not one-off ones that will fade into obscurity.

  4. 37 minutes ago, RicardoFigBR said:

    Is it possible to put wonder trade in the game?
    I joined a few days ago and it's super fun but i miss the wonder trade i had in my 3ds
    I know the game has been around for a few years but the wonder trade still doesn't exist
    Is it very difficult to put in game? or is there another reason?

    it's probably possible but why? 


  5. 2 hours ago, Gilan said:



    My program works primarily with python dictionaries, so each pokemon is a key for the dictionary and each one has an associated count. But, the counts are divided into groups (based on profiles and hunts), furthermore, each encounter is logged such that you can query at what time an encounter happened.


    So there isn't a single variable that I increment, it's a far more complicated dictionary structure.


    I Should probably continue my course, was just wondering if what i had in mind was going to work.


    edit:wait how do you log it? using battle chat?


  6. 4 hours ago, Gilan said:

    what do you mean? Kyu is sitting on a beach drinking a pina colada. You think they actually do any work? It's just an emulator where they slapped on some multiplayer code and then released to the masses. Honestly, the whole project is just a cut and paste from various Stackoverflow answers. The only thing they actually work on, and by they I really mean Darkshade, is just some 10x10 pixel cosmetics every few months; not like they are painting the mona lisa constantly. Such lazy devs. Imagine if we actually had individuals who wanted to make a good game, and not just write 1 line of code and then reward themselves with watching 24 episodes of some shit anime show before writing another line of code. I've probably written more code in my Encounter Counter app in the last year than the devs have ever written for the entire PokeMMO game.






    Btw i stopped learning coding but does the encounter counter work like this? 


    On detect of + it adds 1 to the variable 0.

    my shit attempt at coding this (warning i only learned the first half)


    Y = 0;

    X= Console.WriteLine(Console.ReadLine()); /i know that's not how you take input with visuals like + i think

    Console.WriteLine (Y+X);



  7. 4 hours ago, Gilan said:

    what do you mean? Kyu is sitting on a beach drinking a pina colada. You think they actually do any work? It's just an emulator where they slapped on some multiplayer code and then released to the masses. Honestly, the whole project is just a cut and paste from various Stackoverflow answers. The only thing they actually work on, and by they I really mean Darkshade, is just some 10x10 pixel cosmetics every few months; not like they are painting the mona lisa constantly. Such lazy devs. Imagine if we actually had individuals who wanted to make a good game, and not just write 1 line of code and then reward themselves with watching 24 episodes of some shit anime show before writing another line of code. I've probably written more code in my Encounter Counter app in the last year than the devs have ever written for the entire PokeMMO game.






    kinda true tbh


    In game name: Omegalinkkk ( its Omegalink but it was taken so Two k's then got banned so now three)


    Join Date: 2021 but now its 2022


    Hours played: 5


    Screenshot of your character: [Two tone hat]


    Picture of yourself [Optional]: .


    Country where you live: I wish i was white


    The theme tune to a movie about your life would be: Pink triangle, Across the sea


    Your autobiography would be called: Staring at nothing


    Current occupation: student


    Sweet or Salt Popcorn: cheese


    Your super hero power would be:None


    Favourite and Least Favourite Pokemon: Favorite is zoroark. least is hypno


    Favourite Movie: trainspotting, chungking express


    Your favourite TV show as a kid was: Courage the cowardly dog, Regular Show


    Last meal you ate was: Fried fish

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