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Everything posted by kuuai

  1. 我想,楼上说的差不多,太久了很有可能没办法找回 但也许你应该联系SGM或开发团队来获得准确消息 也许你应该通过给电子邮件[email protected]发送英文的请求信?
  2. https://pokemondb.net/sprites
  3. 即使是满足所有的条件也并不能保证获得员工职位(也不是说不满足就一定不行),请耐心等待回复 工单那边是这么说的 如果真的想要申请成为CM,建议考虑好之后直接提交申请吧,看工作人员怎么回复,在这里问好像也没什么作用
  4. Oh, buddy, thank you very much. You spoke very comprehensively Thank you very much for being willing to answer my question (≧∇≦)ノ
  5. I understand. Thank you very much for giving an example I understand now Snipe cheap goods, it's not related to GTL Scamming, is it? And it won't be banned, right? If that's the case, then I won't worry about those simple minded people around me anymore. hahahaha Thank you very much for your answers!
  6. Recently, I heard that someone has been banned from their account for "picking up errors from others in a consistent and repetitive manner" on GTL. The reason for the ban is GTL Scamming Of course, I don't care what they did or whether they were telling the truth I'm just curious: What is GTL Scamming? (I don't quite understand how it was done) "Picking up mistakes from others in a consistent and repetitive manner" Is it related to "GTL Scamming'? "Picking up mistakes from others in a consistent and repetitive manner Is" it prohibited? (Or perhaps there are other related matters? But I didn't expect it, you can add) Yes, although I don't often use GTL (trading channels are more convenient for me) But there are always some simple minded people around me who have heard about shortcuts and want to try them out, even practicing for a long time Although I am also trying to find similar posts and staff responses on forums But I seem a bit foolish and don't quite understand what happened at that time, I don't understand how 'Scamming' works either (May it be because there is a problem with my translation software? Or is there something wrong with my brain?) When I receive the correct answer, I try to convey it to those with simple minds If anyone could answer, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
  7. kuuai


  8. 他们不会无缘无故封禁任何玩家,他们会收集证据,但显而易见,证据不可能会给一个可能违规的当事人看 他们说过,他们只可能在必须提交证据或"提交证据可以保护当事人不受威胁"的情况下才会这样做 但至于你觉得我的话是否值得相信,也许你可以试图搜寻官方人员曾经的回复 如果你对他们的处罚有任何不满,是绝对可以在工单那边提出你的证据和质疑以申请解封账号,工单并不是无用的 另外,他们对所有的玩家都公平对待 EN
  9. 根据某篇帖子中,工作人员Rache的回复可得知:懒得翻译了,自己点开看吧 如果你能证明自己无罪,那就去申诉吧,不然就是在浪费时间罢了 EN
  10. You're right, so I think: On this basis, add a pop-up window asking why you should report the speech Several options can be added, such as verbal abuse, pornography, harmful, etc When clicking to confirm the report, the backend server can bring the information of the reporter, just like in PokeMMO Support Perhaps this can prevent malicious players from abusing this option Of course, everything I said is my imagination, and I really don't know how to implement it
  11. I hope we can use the right mouse button to quickly report inappropriate speech Mobile devices can consider long pressing on a paragraph to speak Like this, next to 'copy information' Sometimes, we don't have time to go to PokeMMO Support to report inappropriate comments from those players because there are too many of them When I want to notify employees that someone has made inappropriate remarks, I don't know who has time to handle it If we can send the violation data to the backend server (there should be, right?) Perhaps it can be convenient for players to report to the staff
  12. 第1名 NighterQAQ 第2名 woshishuhua 第3名 SPDVA 第4名 dudiek 第5名 jjershicm 第6名 jlovela 第7名 XxSToTSxX 第8名 lemoncome 个体值奖 第1名 jjershicm 162  个体值奖 第2名 ruby 143 个体值奖 第3名 NighterQAQ 个体值 非酋奖 无
  13. kuuai


  14. I think that due to the existing permission to 'invite members' Can make the 'existing members/maximum members' visible only to those with the' invite members' permission In this way, it can not only solve your problem, but also facilitate those members who can invite others to join the team Moreover, as the permission to 'invite members' can be set by the team leader When this permission can be set to various members (captain, deputy captain, and even ordinary members), there can be more combinations, which is more free CN
  15. 一个设备可以登录多个账号 您只需要记住账号之间的密码即可 但请不要创建过多账号,因为可能会被认作是机器人账号
  16. 可以说清楚一点吗?你是需要更换游戏账号的邮箱/密码,还是想换一个账号来玩? 更换账号的邮箱/密码,可以前往PokeMMO - 账号 换一个账号玩是随意的,您只需要重新创建一个新账号来玩即可,也可以创建/删除账号里的角色 如有其他问题请使用游戏账号登录PokeMMO支持中心反馈
  17. 公会名称 [Necr] Eternal Night公会 公会会长 NighterQAQ 日期 星期六 9月30日 — 星期天10月1日 时间 UTC+8 北京时间 9月30日 20:30-22:30时 与 10月1日 21:00-22:30时 地点 合众地区 7号道路、10号道路、巨人洞窟、13号道路、丰饶之社、16号道路 时长 抓捕精灵环节每轮10分钟,共六轮,1小时抓捕时间,另外10分钟对战准备时间,后在豪宅对战1小时时间,第二天在涟漪镇(小波镇)豪宅参加PvP对战 有效的参赛宝可梦: 除去明雷与奇遇,必须是在抓捕时间内与规定地点使用任何方法遭遇并捕获的宝可梦才有效 规则 要赢得第1~8名,您需要捕获六只宝可梦后前往涟漪镇(小波镇)豪宅参加PvP对战,如未捕获满六只也将开始PvP对战 要获得"个体值奖"第1-3名 与 "个体非酋奖",需要您将参赛的六只宝可梦,选择其中一只有望获奖的宝可梦,以邮件的方式提交给主持人。平局情况下最先抓到的胜出 您必须是宝可梦的原训练家。 对战时,有效的参赛宝可梦可以携带道具,但必须保持原样(未进化、换技能、提升努力值等) 每一轮捕获的宝可梦只能选择一只来参赛,每只精灵之间不可重复 活动后半段的"豪宅PvP"规则,具体请前往公会内部QQ群的群公告详细查看,规则最终解释权归公会管理员SPDVA所有。如若记不住,记住赢就拉倒 主持人 NighterQAQ 奖励 第1名 1v闪光蜈蚣王 第2名 6v天真喵喵 第3名 头目5v爽朗叉字蝠 第4名 5v爽朗大狼犬 第5名 4v头目淘气烈咬陆鲨 第6名 4v大胆幸福蛋 第7名 4v怨影娃娃 第8名 3u2v胡地 个体值奖 第1名 5v爽朗毒骷蛙  个体值奖 第2名 4v内敛刺龙王 个体值奖 第3名 满级3v固执斗笠菇 个体值 非酋奖 三只春花质子精灵
  18. 可以的,但请记得留下截图证据,以及要使用玩家面对面交易 强烈建议不要使用邮件交易,官方现在不会受理邮件诈骗的物品追回(但诈骗犯会处理)
  19. kuuai


    难受了,因为生活原因导致不能肝MMO了 不能肝也没什么记录意义了 麻烦版主关闭下吧
  20. kuuai


    嘛,有点可惜 在刷闪的时候找歌听,导致效率大减 再加上后来家里人要借我电脑用用 导致就刷了1450只,可恶,明天要狠狠的补回来 Lisa Lisa服务器 未闪
  21. kuuai


    刷了一下午没闪,正好2700只 Wamuu服务器 晚上不刷了有点累
  22. kuuai


    呃啊,开了新号到现在224h=0有点憋屈 也断断续续刷了挺长一段时间,但还是没闪,后来彻底摆烂了 自今日起打算狠狠的刷一波,我就不信不闪 (╬▔皿▔)╯ 每日跟帖给自己报告成绩 计数器为工具-encounter-——-轻型跨平台遭遇计算器 第一只目标宝可梦,就决定是我最爱的可达鸭辣!冲啊!
  23. 除了我说的这个,其他没办法了 因为问题已经变得不是我们这些普通玩家可以解决的事了 生活愉快(*^▽^*)
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