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Everything posted by kuuai

  1. Indeed, it seems that my thoughts are a bit naive Could the moderator please help me close this post? Thank you
  2. At first, I did not release those Pokemon, but when I played with my second account, my friends told me that I could release those Pokemon I felt at that time that the Pokemon in my hand that used to help me clear customs seemed to have become worthless. So I went to look for some substitutes and found that they were quite useful To be honest, if you're just starting the game and don't have the financial resources to find alternatives, it's not recommended to release these gift Pokemon
  3. Everything is so cool! ! I am planning to plant some Berries recently, such as Cheri Berry I hope to add an estimated time in the droplet preview interface to tell us how much longer we need to water, rather than just the state of the droplets (accurate to approximately 10 minutes/30 minutes/1 hour?)😀 Beginners who plant Berry may need this very much. They may not understand how long water droplets can last without drying up, like me. X﹏X
  4. 我也说一下我个人的见解 第一种,我记得以前官方成员好像声明过,不存在这类机制 第二种类似”买彩票“有可能性,毕竟传说中的垫刀大队就是干这行的,但我想,应该不存在你所说的“当所有玩家遇怪和卵蛋等次数加起来达到三万次的时候就会有一位玩家出现闪光”,不然我们所做的努力基本都会成就了别人 熊姐(熊改改,姬佬爱上熊)的垫刀大队那边有类似的说法,不过是服务器的刷新时间,然后好像有什么在期间爆破就更有可能出闪之类的(我没有太了解) 如果是以帧率为单位,在合适的时间里想要卡到那一帧其实是很小的概率,我觉得,可能甚至比官方声称的1/30000还要小 我觉得吧,出闪的概率1/30000应该还是使用了随机数生成器。只要多刷总归还是会闪的。 我也祝大家天天出闪,刷闪不歪,单遇方块怪群多v (≧∇≦)ノ
  5. This idea is a discussion I saw in the game, where they said that in an OU level environment, Poison type and Steel type do not have much offensive value. If Fairy type is added, the situation may be significantly different. I'm thinking, what would happen if PokeMMO added Fairy type to the environment? I think if Fairy type is added, we should have good defense methods when facing the very popular Dragon type, such as using Clevable? Perhaps there are also good attacking methods, such as using Togekiss or Azumarill? Sorry, although I am a beginner in PokeMon battle and have not yet been exposed to the combat environment of Gen 5+, these are just some simple guesses from me I simply feel that the Fairy type has some offensive and defensive value, even if it may not be released for a long time. However, I believe that even without Gen 6, some Pokemon's can still obtain a Fairy type and increase the playability of the game Sorry, my ideas may not be mature enough. Please understand I hope more experienced players can trigger extensive discussions Have a good day
  6. kuuai

    Request to close

    There was an editing error, I need to rewrite it😭
  7. The shiny breeding should not have changed yet, at least I can't find similar news in the update announcement for now I think this breeding guide may have the information you need
  8. This idea is really great! It seems that many people don't know that PokeMMO has an official forum I hope the forum can have more active people to discuss more topics I hope the staff also have the ability to implement this idea Sincerely and respectfully.
  9. I think this idea is great! I think if you follow what you said, BW/B2W2 can be transformed into "Unova of the past" and "Unova of the future", but I don't know if my idea can solve this problem. I also really hope to play the B2W2 plot in PokeMMO! If we can also continue playing BW, that would be great!
  10. 不至于,往后还有很多开发的空间,比如新的副本活动玩法还有时装之类的,反正城都出之前,不都也好好玩着嘛 维护是绝对能维护的下去,只要官方还有资金维护服务器就可以
  11. 理论上来说,并不会因此款软件而导致封号,它并不会影响到游戏正常的运作 如果你需要一个确切的回答,我想,只有官方成员的话语具有正确性,你可能需要等待官方成员在该帖的回复?或在论坛私聊一位试试,具体是哪一位我不太清楚。
  12. 申诉被驳回的话,就请你自己看着办,结果是最终的
  13. 你好,账号封禁的申诉请前往PokeMMO支持,创建工单>类型:封号申诉,并耐心等待。 另外,申诉的结果是最终的,解释权由官方工作人员拥有。 至于向PokeMMO支付的款项?详情请查看PokeMMO服务条款。 祝你生活愉快 Hello, please go to PokeMMO support to create a work order>Type: Account Blocking Appeal and be patient. In addition, the outcome of the appeal is final, and the power of interpretation is vested in the official staff. As for the cash already paid to PokeMMO? Please refer to the PokeMMO service terms for details. Wishing you a happy life
  14. Please ensure that your internal storage space is large enough, approximately 1.5 times the size of the module that needs to be loaded. (This value is a bit conservative, and may even be lower.) Then patiently wait. Have a good time!
  15. 我感觉,城都以后可能会陷入很长一段时间的不再更新新地图的时期,再下一个地图要么是搬入丰原复刻的欧米伽红宝石/阿尔法蓝宝石,要么是X/Y的卡洛斯。 同时3DS版本的游戏ROM大小又会更上一层,这可能会有读取的困难,类似大型MOD载入后会卡顿几下那样,再然后又是版权之类的。 MMO要走的路还很长呢,敬请期待吧
  16. In the upper right corner of the login interface, there is a button (menu) that you can click to open. There is a 'Mod Management', click on it In the bottom left corner, there is a 'Import Mod', click on it Subsequently, the file manager will open. Please select your file path(Note: Different devices may also use different file managers. I heard that some devices may not be able to import. I'm sorry, but I'm not very familiar with the issues with these devices. If you also experience this possibility, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to solve it at the moment. I don't know if anyone else can help you solve this problem.) Select the mods file you need to import Sorry, due to some minor issues between my devices, I am currently unable to upload the images to help you understand the operation process faster. Wishing you a pleasant game. 😁
  17. As far as I know, it seems possible to use fishing on the water outside the Dragonspiral Tower, and then use Pickup Ability, with a probability of obtaining Dragon Scale. Other ways to obtain... I'm sorry, I can't remember clearly. If it's difficult to utilize Pickup Capability, I think buying directly on an exchange is also a good way, and it's not very expensive either.
  18. I also really want to join the Johto Region testing! Just, I heard that joining the test requires activating the donor status, and I am a bit lazy and may not have enough 'ability' to join it
  19. kuuai


    你好,论坛并不是申诉的地方 申诉请使用游戏账号登录PokeMMO支持,左上角支持>创建工单>类型:封号申诉 并耐心等待工作人员的答复。 另外,申诉的结果是最终的,如果回复并未说明将停止对你的服务,你还可以再创建一个新的账号继续游玩,祝你愉快(*^-^*)
  20. 更的慢了会被骂,BUG多了会被骂,说不定愤怒湖红色暴鲤龙不开放还要被骂 游戏并不能满足每个人的想法与需求,多不多些谩骂声基本都无所谓,如果玩家有比较好的游戏素养,就不应该会骂这么个游戏,工作人员大部分也都是志愿者,就连官方团队也只是很有编程经验的人而已,并不像那种专业做游戏用来盈利的 除非,马上要新出的城都地区做的非常不尽人意。一堆不该有的BUG的话,当我没说。
  21. Oh, I'm sorry, the Android version of the client currently does not support changing skins. The only way is to grant ROOT permission to your phone (it is not recommended to try, so omit subsequent operation methods), but there is a high possibility that your account will be banned due to tampering with the client. Don't be discouraged, buddy. I hope to release related features in the future so that we can change skins on Android version clients. 😊
  22. 以上是宝可梦的刻名规则攻略 不会是你的刻名。原因是孵蛋时,闪光宝可梦至少要父母有一方是自己的刻名*,后代才有可能是你的刻名 (*:详细的情况请参考以上攻略链接)
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