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Everything posted by HelenaVillagra

  1. Ohhhh! at the news they were talking about that lobster 3 days ago, a chilean have it as a pet.
  2. Welcome to the forums! lol. Bueno para ayudarte un poco antes que borren el post, probablemente tu java esta desactualizado y deberías bajarte la ultima versión. Y segundo asegúrate que el rom que uses sea el "Fire red v1.0 USA", tal cual y lo guardas en la carpeta roms, suerte!.
  3. Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, I've never laughed so much with an anime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQgWsR-cgz0
  4. Uair should go for that trade.
  5. Lol, i think that's actually a good time for an afk timer (~25 mins). But for egg breeding, the best think you can do it's an egg timer. Or you'll always miss around 1-2 minutes per egg.
  6. Thanks :), any suggestion would be nice.
  7. I'm on winter break, so I work part-time as a waitress in a german restaurant nearby for the holidays.
  8. Actually W8 it's pretty good for working stuff, and the new start menu is pretty friendly when you get used to.
  9. Awww i know queue is full, but'll ask one anyway, or i might forget later. Render: Ampharos or larvitar. Text: Cafanel. Colours: Light green, yellowish colours it's up to you. Size: Standard size. Extra: Blurry alike border. Donation: Any 4k gc TM.
  10. Just formatted so it's kindda boring. [spoiler][/spoiler]
  11. Let's see if there are some musicians here :), we might think in getting other name tho. IGN: Cafanel Timezone: -4 GTM Instrument; Drums Music you like to play: Jazz, 50-70 Rock, etc. Here's a soundcloud drum test i made haha. (X)
  12. Conga! [spoiler]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b39VhSOxRcE[/spoiler]
  13. Check my ""Cover, demo, just messing around thing"" hahaha. [spoiler] https://soundcloud.com/helena-errazuriz/drums-test [/spoiler]
  14. [spoiler][/spoiler] Now! Photoshop D:
  15. Don't call us, we'll call you.
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