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Everything posted by flavajabari

  1. well i just think you claiming the amount of gimmicks doesnt affect the standards is a bit wrong, just look at this list and lets go for december alone: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/31-events-archive/ those are alooooooot of tourneys, which is something to admire, but look at the amount of standards, almost none. when all the days where refs are available are stacked with gimmicks, there is not much room left for anything else.
  2. it's okay, 4f is a registered whiteknight.
  3. it's not like we didnt ask for more standards the last 6 months.
  4. i doubt its an attack vs Noad, it just happened to be her thread where a comment was made and people picked it up. anyways i think its pretty clear everyone wants more standards. a gimmick once in a while is cool, but there should always be the basic tournaments. TNT/FNF/WND/etc.
  5. with 3:1 i just ment 3 standards for 1 gimmick; that doesnt mean per month, that would be a rather boring month. a month should more be like 3 * 3:1 3 OU 3 UU 2doubles 1NU & 3 gimmicks, lezgo.
  6. tradechat used to be twice as busy as it is today, so it will work just fine, but agreed auction house is the way to go.
  7. well jeez i dunno. either way 3:1 is the way to go.
  8. i went with the 3:1 an official for each tier (OU/UU/Doubles) and then a gimmick seems fair. [spoiler]lolz fuck NU.[/spoiler]
  9. flavajabari

    DDOS again?

    if we could stop having lag every 40sec i would be sooooo happy
  10. yes, should be sooner than a month to
  11. you need a team to win the world cup, cant win it on your own.
  12. yes another thread to hate on breeding
  13. nice nice, thanks devs. also what does this mean? 'No whinerino about shinies'
  14. theres a bigass gap in value between ponyta & growlithe though :P but i guess its just an example. either way i'm fine with the prizes being low to mid tier shinies, looking forward to a big event with a rare once in a while though, it builds excitement. i guess money could work as a prize but it seems so... boring. TT points are not directlty tradeable so not in favor on that one, i guess you could buy a choiceband and sell it. shards meh, yay i won 150 shards. shinies are a cool prize, i dont see a problem with it. what i'd like to see more are unique vanity items, now that would get some hype.
  15. yah you still need the female shiny or (male + ditto i guess?) to get the baby offspring.
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