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Everything posted by JaviFX

  1. I'd rather be like this than throwing poison disguised as an opinion like you do in all the threads, without offending boy.
  2. I don't understand the eagerness to discuss nonsense and no logical argument in this thread, I have already mentioned before, they can add Johto and HA's and Dungeons in 1 single update. Even the dungeons could be at the end of each region, a different one in each one, which would make it mandatory to play johto, and the other regions of course, in those same dungeons include wild with HA's, it's as simple as thinking about it and arranging everything so that serve everyone. They haven't given new content for years, I guess if they're preparing something, it'll be big.
  3. As it says in the title, I look for a female of this species and shiny, I catch a male recently but I want a pichu shiny, I offer vanitys or money, I do not look for anything expensive or rare, any iv / nature. My name in the game is JaviFX. Thanks :,)
  4. I sent the money for 2 Tickets, I hope to win xD good luck to all ?
  5. I want it too, and I'm willing to buy rp for a good limited vanity, I know they want that...
  6. This is my first personal post, and I wanted to share my concern regarding these upcoming dates. First of all, I am the leader of a team, with some time existing, and since sinnoh, there has been no more fully playable content, which means that from March to October, the game dies in a certain sense, what else can be done aside to complete the dex and hunt brilliants if you don't like pvp like me? And like thousands of other players. My point is, we can't keep waiting for an event for the game to "live" as a team leader, I notice that from March to October, the rate of active players drops, maybe there will be an update with content between this period and hopefully so , but the game turned into having to wait for a next event to farm and do something "new" because the events have been the same for years. I do not intend to generate debate, I just wanted to express myself through this medium. I just hope there's something new, I'm not asking for johto, I'm not one of those, although it doesn't bother me, but more content is needed, and I think they're taking too long. ?
  7. Hello, I have taken the time to update this theme, it seems very nice, especially the icons of the characteristics and pokemon movements, I hope you like it. ? Download Link
  8. I like the idea, it is a small but nice detail, especially if all the medals have the same design (5th gen) here is an example.?
  9. Access to the event is in early cities in each region, just advance to one of them and you can play, there are still many days of event.
  10. I agree, I don't understand why some people are bothered by the idea of adding content that THEY won't "use" because of so much selfishness? It seems that the idea of them adding Johto before their precious HA keeps them from sleeping at night.
  11. I understand your point, but it is not very objective, not everything is about competitive, there are people who prefer to explore, farm, hunt brilliantly, etc. So Johto would be a good addition to that audience.
  12. Why not add both? Legendary spawning and HAs don't take much work, you can easily work on adding Johto alongside.
  13. Calling someone clueless for wanting more content in a game is ridiculous. In my opinion Johto would not add more than pokeballs and map, hordes and more shiny hunt, but the extra content is NEVER too much, they have every right to ask johto, so I hope they add it for those who are excited about it.
  14. That Cyndaquil will make all the wait worth it
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