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  1. Cosmooth, j'ai déjà eu deux déboires avec ce modérateur, dont je vais vous relater le contexte. Première contexte : Un type dans le tchat m'envoie des messages en global et m'avertis de cesser de mettre des smileys sinon il va me tabasser, donc menace physique. Il me demande si je veux me battre, je refuse. Il continue de me chambrer et ça commence à gonfler sévérement, le modo ne fout rien. Il continue ses provocations et là je lui réponds d'aller manger son caca, il vient me parler en MP en me disant que ce que je dis n'est pas approprié ce à quoi je réponds que je n'aurais jamais dit ça s'il avait fait son boulot et sanctionner celui qui me faisait rien pour ses provocations. Deuxième contacte : Lors d'un event de slogan, on doit deviner la marque du slogan, donc vous vous imaginez bien que les réponses fusent et le slogan c'est : Emma W qui nous le dit. Je réponds donc Jacquie & Michelle (oui j'ai l'esprit tordue) et ce fumier de modo me mute 1 heure pour rien.. Je suis d'accord qu'il faille respecter un règlement pour bien se comporter mais si vous pouviez embaucher des modérateurs qui ne soient pas de gros fragiles donneur de leçon alors qu'hors jeu en perso ce sont certainement les premiers à balancer des fions à leurs potes ce serait assez cool. Je ne supporte pas qu'on vienne me dire ce que j'ai le droit de dire ou pas dire et qu'on me demande de respecter des règles sur un jeu qui lui même est illégal.
  2. 1 - The race speed is obviously faster on the official games RUBIS/Green etc... It would be stupid to say the opposite. I flip these games around and I see clearly that the animation is slower. Take the persona of Poké MMO and a character of Rubis for example and race at a given place and you will see. 2 & 3 - You can not compare the speed of a 3D game and a 2D game, especially I point out that the Epee and Shield games are capped in 30 frames per second which makes it a game twice as slow as it should be. To try it in 60 Frame per second on Emulator has nothing to do with it and it’s much faster but it’s not the subject. The point is that it’s too long there where the majority of players who have done rom hack or fan games put the game faster as they have understood that the difficulty can be adapted to that. After everything between each bagde the course in level exists is not out of sight I do not see how it moans to accelerate the speed of the game. Even games like FF12 or FF10 did it because they understood that it was boring. For the shiny maybe? 1 chances out of 30,000 is totally improbable, so much so that I would not be surprised if the existing shiny be only shiny obtained with the premium. 4- Playing Pokémon in MMORPG is playing the official games as they are, that was the original promise, what people have imagined. That’s why there are so many complaints about the speed of the game, these games have aged that’s how. Modifying the lucky egg, the corner amulet has no interest here except to add what everyone hates in Pokémon, namely the grind, having to spend hours killing meows with larçin and then farming arena champions or the league it’s not Pokémon that. Moreover, if we had left things as they are, the lucky egg would have served XP the pokémon at level 100 (which is long enough without us lying) and would have simply farmer the league to get money. But when I see the clearing house, my God. Did you see what you did? You have inflated the shiny rate in order to make things impossible to buy, it is IMPOSSIBLE to assemble 80M, it takes months I am certain just to buy ONE POKEMON. So yes I hear the argument "the shiny are not mandatory, it’s only cosmetic" but those who hold this kind of discourse do not know Pokémon, seem to ignore that people love shiny hunting and spend their end game only to that.
  3. We don’t care about the anime, it’s poop anyway, to which I would add that Go captures Suicune so your argument is invalidated. The legends are unique Pokémon certainly except that if we come back to the animated I remind that Lugia has a baby too. It is obvious that it is necessary to prohibit the legendary of the strategy, however even in strategy the legendary exist and are far from being abused like Heatran for example which is made OS by seisme stab. On the other hand for the COLLECTION it is necessary to leave them and to be able to capture them but to block the exchanges with.
  4. What you're saying doesn't make sense.. That's not what this guy is about, he just asks for the possibility when he makes a lot of eggs to be able to move them from the PC to the team and vice versa without having to make unnecessary back and forth successively.It would be purely ergonomic and if the PC heals the pokémons then remove this possibility and the problem is solved but make sure that when we speak to the lady who heals the pokemon she also heals those of the PC at the same time.The only thing I fiercely disagree on is charging for this feature. We make donations because we want to make them and encouraging people to donate by putting a carrot at the end of a stick is not asking for a donation but a goodbye process of manipulation. To which I add that PokéMMO literally has no right to charge anything for his game, it's illegal.
  5. I will never understand why they removed the legendaries, another stupid measure. In the basic Pokémon games the legendaries exist and can be exchanged between players. The excuse of "Too many people would have legendary and it would be inconsistent" does not work since it is already the case on the official games and everything is fine, it would be enough to put an extremely low capture rate for this be a real challenge but because of this stupid feature the Pokédex is not complete and result it is the very interest of the game that jumps.Forbid them in strategy without a doubt I say yes, but not being able to capture them is stupid in a game where the goal is to capture ALL of them.
  6. Just increase the trainer card size..
  7. What you say is completely wrong and I will prove it: First, the character's running speed is slower and less fluid than the original games. Second, Pokémon take too long to get out of their Pokéballs in battle, as do opponents. Third, when learning a new attack, the replacement is long, easily 4-5 second unnecessary text. And finally fourth: The modification of objects such as the lucky egg and the coin amulet which adds unnecessary time-consuming during farming sessions which are already time-consuming, I mean redoing the arena champions for example that's all the 18 hours, having a delay does not bother me in itself but in this case leave these objects as they are, nobody asked for this modification, it is there to piss off the players because an MMORPG is necessarily a concentrate of non-fun according to the creators.Except that SURPRISE!!! There are many ways to make an MMORPG without doing a stupid grind of 19848941918498 years when maybe players who work and have a family life may not have time to enjoy the game because of these stupid features and unnecessary.
  8. A little ill-mannered respect. The concept of lootbox or gacha in itself is extremely bad if it's paid for in real money but if it's only with Pokédollar why not, it would add a little surprise I think.In Pokémon Sword and Shield there were the guys you paid 500W to dig up treasures, it's pretty much the same thing.
  9. For my part I agree with the author, it is quite consistent to be able to capture several at the same time and in the same case to be able to capture only one of the horde without having to eliminate the others. It is clear that refusing to modify this is only to piss off the players so that the game is even more time-consuming, because when the game is boring does it seem like it's fun? You have a funny design of the game.Either you agree to modify the game by making quality of life or other modifications to the game, or you are in #nochange but in this case you must restore what has been unfairly removed from the game or modified without valid reason. In Pokémon Arceus there are herds of Pokémon, it's even more than hordes and that doesn't prevent us from capturing Pokémon in a chain, I want to say why not after all? As much to make the hordes more attractive than to serve as a Shiny or EV generator.
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