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Everything posted by Seoulex

  1. i'd rather not have them at all :P which is why i'd like an option to turn them off
  2. is that why surf is water gun and psychic is scratch
  3. I was searching through the ToC and noticed that https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/14770-battle-animations/ was rejected. I thought to bring it back seeing as it's completely reasonable, not to mention everyone who commented agreed on it. We should be able to turn off the animations because -it takes too much time -they're annoying.
  4. Innocence is ugly in the one who is guilty

  5. it wasn't a suggestion it was an idea
  6. So I was thinking out loud on ch1 chat about the new region that is soon to come *cough* and somehow I started thinking about it being on one server and how it would be overwhelming for two regions on one server (honestly idk much about how the new region is gonna be so i'm just talking random shit here hoping it will make sense). I thought that it would be smart to like make two servers and each server would have a different region, unless its gonna be in like two different programs, one for firered and the other for whichever rom they / you decide it to be. idk if i'm making sense seeing as i'm sleep deprived as of now but if you get what i'm trying to say then yeah idk if it will work with how devs are making it but me and some random ch.wunner thought it was smart so good night
  7. get to the end but it's never enough.

    1. Mike


      That's deep

    2. Seoulex


      i can be deeper

  8. hahahahaha i can't believe you omg...still putting both :') thanks m8
  9. Finals are done. Summer time which means being more active I hope XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bishav


      So the rumours are true, ZUBY is getting back?

    3. Akshit


      Seo utilize summer for better things...like marrying Kiera :/

    4. Seoulex


      yes ZUBY is back.

      akshit she's too young to get married right now :p

  10. breeding is already way too easy. you shouldn't be able to get what you want after just a few tries of breeding. its just a 50/50 chance so just keep breeding..
  11. [quote name="Asakano" post="741669" timestamp="1396184833"] [spoiler]Dat like quota...[/spoiler] Wynaut adjective?[/quote] adjective too difficult [img]http://i.imgur.com/eAsmsg0.png[/img]
  12. Seoulex

    Shiny Dream

    i dreamt that i found and caught a shiny vulpix
  13. yeah sure i'll take a picture of 250+ pokemon info why not XD
  14. not for me :P it literally takes two minutes for anything to load when PokeMMO is open
  15. Several times while breeding I need to see what egg group a certain pokemon is in And its too much of a hassle to open google and search and blablabla So I figured it would be much easier if on the In-game pokedex, it stated which egg group the pokemon was in I'm not very good with words so let me show you Here is an example of a pokemon's dex page Underneath "EV Yield" it could say "Egg group - Monster / Grass" This would be a better reference and much easier for breeders to just open up the pokedex to search instead of (in my case, waiting for about 5 minutes for the page to load) open google search wait for page blabla it takes a while cause for me, while PokeMMO is open, google doesn't open.
  16. I'm Ravenclaw on Pottermore x) do I still need to take the quiz?
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