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Everything posted by ASAPJozh

  1. If you want tips, the sportsbook sub on Reddit is usually pretty handy, has alot of people posting different tips from different sports
  2. I tried doing this with the NBA last season. Went $50 --> 3.5kish but then playoff basketball is harder to bet on because lines/defence gets tighter. Waiting for the next season to start so I can try and make more profits. GL tho man. πŸ™‚
  3. 5th OT, 10,530 encounters. 1 attack is ass and was going for a female but oh well lol.
  4. A fellow man of culture I see, hope to join you with a shiny green bear soon πŸ™‚
  5. Damn I misunderstood that as they only come out during winter so I planned on hunting them this month haha Oh well, next month it is, thanks for clarifying that for me πŸ™‚
  6. I read that they're in the Kanto Victory Road but I can't seem to find them anywhere, did they get taken out or am I missing something?
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