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Everything posted by TCL

  1. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 7 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary, Torterra). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 7 Group A AW (0) VS (0) SLSY OU: Frags vs KiwamiU OU: Brumoso vs ErickECG UU: xFlorcita vs TristanGC UU: Enchanteur vs zDeviljho NU: zMisaka vs Preval NU: Tawlaa vs kalfff DB: lKillua vs Gabuchox DB: Akarukokuyo vs xAkiles LC: lLatios vs zMago UT: RealDevilLegend vs Wolfangt VOW (0) VS (0) SIÂ OU: HogniRagnar vs Gbwead OU: iloveyoubro vs Zokuru UU: Sebat vs Azphiel UU: SpartaFS vs Eastsiideboy NU: Senjutsuka vs Smadagos NU: zAlberthPujols vs Lunarck DB: NecasinTrouble vs Jgaw DB: Imabetheverybest vs Kamimiii LC: DridrigoFK vs TheDH UT: OliverXL vs Mkns RMW (0) VS (0) NORE OU: Aisker vs YaserAI OU: Locoll vs LeJovi UU: ErosG vs Flacusaurio UU: Regur vs Toxicz NU: Busso vs lHasvik NU: Fernet vs xxLazaro DB: Lokid vs Yjos DB: mugiwaraBru vs EYL LC: TeoG vs Pablobacas UT: Nicolassito vs Titinn EØS (0) VS (0) ZËRØ OU: MaxDuci vs dangelMA OU: RohMartinez vs DylanWoodz UU: zenenn vs KokoOP UU: AerithZ vs PsykoO NU: Aldahirramirez vs PokemonBR NU: JasonSparrowX vs IncursioZ DB: Tlacuacheman vs Frlobo DB: lGlaive vs ZAFIROBETHA LC: MexiDany vs Isperea UT: AnthonyAshZ vs InuYashaL Group B Oa (0) VS (0) SY OU: cangyanbaifa vs Fabrixexe OU: XDVD vs Francofts UU: Angelaba vs Kapeletini UU: VFoxdemonMax vs MallyJu NU: konishiwa vs MorrizBel NU: KDQ vs llAlexisll DB: CocoNeko vs Astterio DB: vQAQv vs Molisu LC: kokenoCastro vs TheLudus LC: Roxxxana vs Torpi Lo (0) VS (0) BR OU: NewNewDemon vs Elvessss OU: Dshadd vs Jhowteon UU: lwyuu vs makarovmaster UU: Shamelesss vs PaoloBanchero NU: TeaDance vs Deadwind NU: Pikachurbq vs Belegado DB: UT vs Shentiger DB: BMtirpitz vs Sizaz UT: EEdays vs fefeco UT: MullenYu vs RafaPallet VGC (0) VS (0) NWÖ OU: ELMALOTE vs SecretPlayerZ OU: Juanchoqui vs Dariobaco UU: Huargensy vs Alesic UU: zAnderson vs Akumalord NU: Cristi vs WarriorPast NU: AlfonsoC vs xxxvictor DB: DarkQuiler vs Eugnam DB: Gasyflour vs ManzaG LC: YEYOxD vs Mapchs UT: Wickedwanga vs BadbutG
  2. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 6 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary, Torterra). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 6 Group A AW (2) VS (8) NORE OU: Frags vs YaserAl (Activity) OU: Zhiko vs Lejovi (Activity) UU: xFlorcita vs Flacusaurio UU: Enchanteur vs CarolML NU: Tawlaa zMauri vs xXLazaro NU: OokingoO AkaruKoyuou vs lHavsik DB: TiToooo vs Yjos DB: lKillua vs EYL LC: RealDevilLegend vs QuinnW UT: lLatios vs Titinn ZËRØ (5) VS (5) RMW OU: dangelMA vs Locoll OU: DylanWoodz vs Aisker UU: KokoOP vs oslwy Nicolasito UU: PsykoO vs ElRegur NU: PokemonBR vs AngeloDLz NU: IncursioZ vs Danarchy DB: Frlobo vs LokiD DB: Daykingg vs Busso LC: Isperea vs TeoG UT: InuYashaL vs Mugiwarabru EØS (2) VS (7) VOW OU: WarwitoX vs iloveyoubro OU: RohMartinez vs HogniRagnar UU: zenenn vs JustaChamp UU: DarkarArtz vs Sebat NU: AnthonyAshZ vs Bulbasaur NU: MexiDany vs Sargeste DB: Aldahirramirez JasonSparrowX vs Necasintrouble DB: Tlacuacheman vs Parke LC: Mahitto vs DridrigoFK LC: lGlaive MaxDuci vs Onraider Chuckunso (Activity) SLSY (3) VS (6) SIÂ OU: KiwamiU vs Azphiel OU: ErickECG vs Lunarck Zbleeex UU: TristanGC vs Zokuru TheDH UU: Fersius vs Eastsiideboy NU: Preval vs Smadagos NU: zDeviljho vs pauleeee DB: Gabuchox vs Jgaw DB: xAkiles vs Kamimiii LC: zMago vs Jaawax UT: Wolfangt vs Mkns Group B Läva (5) VS (5) NWÖ OU: PoseidonWrath vs Dariobaco OU: Endii vs Goldrayer UU: Maslova xSparkie vs Alesic UU: Wallaro vs Akumalord NU: Facursa vs Warriorpast NU: ArtOfKilling vs XxVictor zVelociraptor DB: GodXebec vs Bonclayman DB: Badbaarsito vs TiburoncinDs LC: MonkeyDMathew Skylux vs ManzaG UT: DrTylerGrey vs Badbutg Lo (6) VS (4) VGC OU: Astrcat Dshadd vs ELMALOTE OU: NewNewDemon vs HeartLifeOT UU: ForFour vs zAnderson UU: Shamelesss vs RottenCorpse NU: HayaQL TeaDance vs AlfonsoC NU: KimiWaKuZu vs Huargensy DB: LoveSiNiLe vs Zoleiman DB: MarginalPersons UT vs zStrafq LC: EEdays vs YEYOxD LC: MedichamZ vs Cristi BR (4) VS (6) SY OU: Elvessss vs Fabrixexe OU: PaoloBanchero vs FrancoFts UU: RafaPallet vs MallyJu UU: makarovmaster vs Papudri NU: Belegado vs YamiGod NU: Deadwind vs TheLudus DB: Shentiger vs Astterio DB: Jhowteon vs Molisu LC: Boyscap vs Torpi UT: Fefeco vs MorrizBel All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 24th, Dec @23:59 UTC
  3. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 5 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 5 Group A RMW (3) VS (7) EØS OU: Locoll vs WarwitoX OU: Aisker vs RohMartinez UU: ErosG vs zenenn UU: AngeloDLZ vs AerithZ DarkarArtz NU: ElRegur vs JasonSparrowX NU: Fernet vs MexiDany (activity) DB: Lokid vs Aldahirramirez DB: Busso Mugimarabru vs Tlacuacheman LC: TeoG vs Mahitto IGlaive UT: Nicolassito vs AnthonyAshZ SIÂ (6) VS (4) NORE OU: Azphiel vs YaserAl JorgeFirebolt OU: Zokuru TheDH vs iRusher UU: Jawaax Zbleeex vs CarolML UU: Eastsiideboy vs Flacu NU: Lunarck MadaraSixSix vs lHasvik NU: pauleeee vs xxLazaro DB: Jgaw vs Alaniz DB: Kamimiii vs Yjos LC: Smadagos vs QuinnW UT: Mkns vs Titinn AW (3) VS (7) ZËRØ OU: Legendl vs DylanWoodz OU: Zhiko vs dangelMA UU: Enchanteur vs PsykoO UU: xFlorcita vs KokoOP NU: Tawla vs PokemonBR elizabethjc NU: Frags vs IncursioZ DB: lKillua vs Daykingg DB: TiToooo vs Frlobo LC: RealDevilLegend vs Isperea UT: OokingoO vs InuYashaL VOW (7) VS (3) SLSY OU: iloveyoubro vs Gabuchox OU: DridrigoFK vs KiwamiU UU: JustaChamp vs TristanGC UU: Sebat vs ErickECG NU: KaizakiKun drewq vs Preval NU: Senjutsuka vs zDeviljho kalfff DB: NecasinTrouble vs xAkiles DB: Togekiss vs CristianPazos NixxLeville UT: OliverXL vs Wolfangt UT: Susume vs zMago Group B Läva (6) VS (4) VGC OU: Endiii vs GoldeneKatze OU: ArtOfKilling vs AlphaxStriker UU: Wallarro vs zAnderson UU: PoseidonWrath vs Wickedwanga NU: Facursa vs Huargensy NU: HiddentrainerJ Aerun vs AlfonsoC DB: GodXebec vs DarkQuiler DB: Badbaarsito vs Zoleiman LC: MonkeyDMathew xSparkie vs YEYOxD Nowall LC: Skylux vs xWhinkz Oa (6) VS (4) NWÖ OU: cangyanbaifa vs Goldrayer SecretPlayerz OU: XDVD vs Dariobaco UU: Angelaba vs BadbutG UU: Bendantao vs vs AkumaLord NU: konishiwa vs wBanw NU: KDQ vs WarriorPast DB: CocoNeko vs TiburoncinDs DB: ATIG vs PizzaG LC: kokenoCastro vs Hernjet MapchS LC: UOR vs zVelociraptor ManzaG Lo (6) VS (4) SY OU: NewNewDemon vs FrancoFts OU: Astrcat vs Fabrixexe UU: shamelesss vs Papudri UU: ForFour vs Kapeletini NU: Pikachurbq vs YamiGod NU: TeaDance vs ScarletTempest DB: MarginalPersons vs Asterio DB: BMtirpitz vs Molisu LC: XiaBanWanWan vs Torpi UT: MullenYu vs llAlexisll Br do not play week 5 All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 17th, Dec @23:59 UTC
  4. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 4 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in November cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary, Torterra). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 4 Group A NORE (7) VS (3) SLSY OU: iRusher ZeknShooter vs Gabuchox OU: LeJovi YaserAl vs KiwamiU UU: Flacusaurio vs TristanGC UU: CarolML vs ErickECG NU: IHasvik vs zDeviljho NU: xxLazaro vs Wolfangt DB: Alaniz vs xAkiles DB: YJos vs NixxLeville LC: Pablobacas vs zMago UT: Titinn vs Preval EØS (4) VS (6) AW OU: abstractt MaxDuci vs Godhelll OU: WarwitoX vs Zhiko UU: zenenn vs RealDevilLegend UU: AerithZ vs xFlorcita NU: JasonSparrowX vs Tawlaa NU: MexiDany vs Frags DB: RohMartinez vs TiToooo DB: Tlacuacheman vs Akarukokuyo LC: Maahitto vs lLatios LC: lGlaive vs zMauri Enchanteur ZËRØ (4) VS (4) SIÂ OU: DylanWoodz vs Azphiel OU: dangelMA vs Jaawax UU: PsykoO vs Mkns UU: KokoOP vs Eastsiideboy NU: Pokemonbrz vs Lunarck NU: IncursioZ vs pauleeee DB: Daykingg vs Jgaw DB: Frlobo vs Kamimiii LC: InuYashaL vs Smadagos LC: Isperea vs TheDH RMW (4) VS (6) VOW OU: Locoll vs CHUCKunso OU: Aisker vs OoExcoveroO UU ErosG vs Sargeste UU: AngeloDLZ vs JustaChamp NU: ElRegur vs Kaizakikun Onraider NU: Danarchy vs Bulbasaur DB: xXFernetXx vs Razachu OrangeManiac DB: LokiID vs NecasinTrouble LC: Mugi vs DridrigoFK UT: Busso vs Susume Group B SY (6) VS (4) ENIX OU: Jharek vs Smoogee OU: Francofts vs GoldenNovember UU: Kapeletini vs CDomS UU: MallyJu vs GautSamm NU: YamiGod vs zKupo NU llAlexisll: vs Renpai DB: Molisu vs LyanDawn DB: Astrico vs NuraRikko LC: iMariii papudri vs PolarPallas LC: Torpi vs LunaDarkrose VGC (6) VS (4) Oa OU: Zoleiman vs cangyanbaifa OU: HearthLifeOT vs MASDK UU: zAnderson vs Bandantao UU: Huargensy vs Angelaba NU: AlfonsoC vs UOR NU: MiraiFlour vs KDQ DB: Gasyflour vs CocoNeko DB: Cristi vs vQAQv LC: YEYOxD vs XiaoSH LC: zStrafq vs KokenoCastro NWÖ (6) VS (4) BR OU: SecretPlayerZ vs Elvessss OU: DarioBaco vs PaoloBanchero UU: AkumaLord vs makarovmaster UU: Alesic vs Rafapallet NU: wBanw vs Deadwind NU: WarriorPast vs Belegado DB: TiburoncinDs vs Jhowteon DB: PizzaG vs Shentiger LC: Hernjet vs Sizaz UT: ManzaG BadButG vs fefeco Läva (1) VS (9) Lo OU: Poseidonwrath vs MedichamZ OU: ArtOfKilling vs ForFour UU: Wallaro vs shamelessss Iwyuu UU: Nestymore vs NewNewDemon NU: hiddentrainerJ vs KimiWakuzu NU: Facursa vs HayaQL DB: Necroze vs LoveSiNiLe DB: GodXebec vs MarginalPersons LC: Skylux vs EEDays UT: DrTylerGrey vs MullenYu All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 10th, Dec @23:59 UTC
  5. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 3 thread. WE WILL USE NOVEMBER TIER CHANGES FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 3 Group A SIÂ (5) VS (5) EØS OU: Azphiel vs WarwitoX OU: Lunarck vs RohMartinez UU: Eastsiideboy vs Aerithz UU: DaveN MadaraSixSix vs zenenn NU: pauleeee vs AnthonyAshZ JasonSpearow NU: Shadow Captainvolta vs MexiDany DB: Jgaw vs Aldahirramirez DB: Kamimiii vs Tlacuacheman LC: TheDH vs MaxDuci LC: Smadagos vs Maahitto SLSY (4) VS (6) ZËRØ OU: KiwamiU vs DylanWoodz OU: ErickECG vs Pelkino frlobo UU: TristanGC vs PsykoO UU: Luijoo vs KokoOP NU: Preval vs Cleivi Davidakd NU: zDeviljho vs IncursioZ DB: Gabuchox vs Daykingg DB: xAkiles vs ZAFIROBETHA LC: zMago vs Isperea UT: Wolfangt vs InuYashaL VOW (3) VS (7) NORE OU: HogniRagnar vs iRusher OU: OliverXL vs Jorgefirebolt UU: Pottina vs CarolML UU: SpartaFS vs Flacum NU: DrewQ vs xxLazaro NU: zAlberthPujols vs lHasvik DB: Imabetheverybest vs Alaniz DB: OrangeManiac vs YJos LC: Necas vs Pablobacas UT: Incognition vs Titinn AW (3) VS (7) RMW OU: ZozoMgl vs Busso OU: Brumoso vs Aisker UU: zMisaka vs ErosG UU: Chiminapio vs AngeloDLZ NU: OoKingoO vs Xfermetx NU: xFlorcita vs Elregur DB: zMauri vs MugiwaraBru DB; TiToooo vs LokiD LC: DiositoSlurpuff vs TeoG LC: lLatios Realdevillegend vs Locoll Group B BR (6) VS (4) VGC OU: Jhowteon vs GoldeneKatze OU: Elvessss vs zGrim UU: makarovmaster vs Huargensy UU: Rafapallet vs zAnderson NU: Belegado vs MiraiFlour NU: Deadwind vs AlfonsoC DB: Shentiger vs DarkQuiler DB: Sizas vs Zoleiman LC: Boyscap vs zStarfq UT: fefeco vs Wickedwanga SY (2) VS (8) NWÖ OU: GeneiRyodan vs SecretPlayerZ OU: FrancoFts vs DarioBaco UU: Papudri vs AkumaLord UU: MallyJu vs Alesic NU: TheLudus vs wBanw NU: YamiGod vs WarriorPast Dbs: Astrico vs PizzaG Dbs: Molisu vs TiburoncinDs Lc: iMariii vs Hernjet Lc: Torpi vs zVelociraptorl badbutg Lo (6) VS (4) ENIX OU: Astrcat vs smoogee OU: NewNewDemon vs GautSamm UU: ForFour vs CDomS UU: Shamelesss vs pongusjunior NU: TeaDance vs Renpai NU: ChronoRike vs zKupo DB: MarginalPersons vs PolarPallas DB: LoveSiNiLe vs NuraRikko LC: MedichamZ vs YoungAzio UT: UT vs LunaDarkrose Oa (7) VS (3) Läva OU: XIAOZIzhanznb vs ArtOfKilling OU: XDVD vs Endiii UU: Angelaba vs Maslova UU: bendantao vs DrTylerGrey NU: Konishiwa vs Facursa NU: UOR vs HiddenTrainerJ DB: CocoNeko vs dvgv DB: vQAQv vs Godxebec LC: Roxxxana vs Skylux LC: KokenoCastro vs awallz All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 3rd, Dec @23:59 UTC
  6. We no longer allow players who initially registered for one team to switch teams after week 1. This rule was discussed on the 14th of November and added by the Host and Council. Donations MonkeyDMathew - 5M Team Signups Team Lava - 15M Team Lo - 8.8M Team RmW - 11.8M Team Aw - 9M Team BR - 6 M Team Nore - 6M Team Zero - 15M Team NWÖ - 10M Team VGC - 12.8M Team Vow - 13.6M Team Enix - 7M Team EØS - 18M Team SLSY - 9M Team Sia - 6m Team SY - 14M Team OA - 6M Roster Updated Team Lo - 1.5M Team NWÖ - 7M Team RmW - 2.5M Team Aw - 1.5M Team Enix - 3.5M Team EØS - 3M team Vow - 2M Total 194M
  7. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 2 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. • Make sure you are aware of the rules for Substitutions and Activity decisions. Week 2 Group A RMW (5) VS (5) SIÂ OU: Busso vs Azphiel OU: Aisker vs Zokuru UU: ErosG vs Eastsiideboy UU: AngeloDLZ vs Mkns Lunarck NU: XFermetx vs Pauleeee NU: Elregur vs Shadow DB: LokiD vs Jgaw DB: MugiwaraBru vs Kamimiii LC: TeoG vs TheDH LC: Locoll vs Smadagos AW (4) VS (6) VOW OU: Frags vs HogniRagnar OU: Godhelll vs iloveyoubro UU: Enchanteur vs DridrigoFK UU: xFlorcita vs Sargeste NU: OokingoO vs DrewQ NU: Tawla vs OliverXL DB: Akarukokuyo vs Imabetheverybest DB: lkillua vs NecasInTrouble LC: RealDevilLegend vs Onraider UT: zMauri vs Draekyn EØS (2) VS (8) SLSY OU: ACMilanX vs KiwamiU OU: abstractt vs Gabuchox UU: MaxDuci vs TristanGC UU: zenenn vs ErickECG NU: MexiDany vs Preval NU: AnthonyAshZ vs Wolfangt DB: Aldahirramirez vs xAkiles DB: TlacuacheMan vs NixxLeville LC: KiiritoX vs zMago - FORFEIT UT: lGlaive vs zDeviljho ZËRØ (4) VS (6) NORE OU: DangelMa vs LeJovi OU: PsykoO vs iRusher UU: kokoxd vs Flacum UU: DylanWoodz vs YaserAl NU: IncursioZ vs IHasvik NU: InuYashaL vs xxLazaro DB: Frlobo vs Yjos DB: ZAFIROBETHA vs Alaniz LC: Isperea vs QuinnW LC: DavidAkd vs Pablobacas Group B Läva (5) VS (5) BR OU: Endiii vs Elvessss OU: PoseidonWrath vs Belegado UU: Maslova vs ToriTorino UU: NestyMore vs makarovmaster NU: Facursa vs Deadwind NU: RigooX vs fefeco DB: DvGv vs Shentiger DB: Chjul vs Sizas LC: Skylux vs Boyscap UT: Badbaarsito vs Jhowteon Oa (4) VS (6) Lo OU: cangyanbaifa vs OrdinaryConfiden Chintsuru OU: MASDK vs Dshadd UU: Angelaba vs shamelesss UU: UOR vs yuexiaotian NU: konishiwa vs Kimiwakuzu NU: KDQ vs iCavalry DB: vQAQv vs MarginalPersons DB: ATIG vs BMtirpitz LC: KokenoCastro XiaoSH vs MedichamZ LC: Roxxxana vs XiaBanWanWan VGC (6) VS (4) SY OU: GoldeneKatze vs FrancoFts OU: ELMALOTE vs GeneiRyodan UU: RottenCorpse vs MallyJu UU: Huargensy vs Papudri NU: MiraiFlour vs ScarletTempest NU: Zoleiman vs YamiGod DB: DarkQuiler vs Molisu DB: Gasyflour vs Astrico Astterio LC: zStrafq vs RubyFts iMariii LC: xWhinkz vs Torpi NWÖ (9) VS (1) ENIX OU: DarioBaco vs GoldenNovember OU: SecretPlayerZ vs Smoogee UU: AkumaLord vs CDomS UU: Alesic vs RexRuin NU: wBanw vs GautSamm NU: JulioZm WarriorPast vs Renpai DB: PizzaG vs PolarPallas DB: BonClayman vs NuraRikko LC: Hernjet vs LunaDarkrose LC: BadbutG vs zKupo All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 26th, November @23:59 UTC
  8. Welcome to the Teams Champions League III's Week 1 thread. Relevant Links TCL III General Thread TCL III Signups Thread TCL Discord Server TCL III Bracket Player Docs TCL III Betting • Please refer to the Little Cup Rules for LC. Join the Little Cup Club for further tiering information. • We follow regular monthly movements for UT, with the same cutoffs. Anything above 5.5% usage in NU in October cannot be used in UT (Audino, Braviary). • Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for Scheduling, Disconnections and Ghosting. Week 1 Group A VOW (6) VS (4) ZËRØ OU: HogniRagnar vs PsykoO OU: iloveyoubro vs DangelMA UU: SpartaFS vs zDyebi - BANNED UU: Sebat vs DylanWoodz NU: DrewQ vs IncursioZ NU: Kaizakikun vs Cleivi DB: NecasinTrouble vs Daykingg DB: OrangeManiac vs FrLobo LC: DridrigoFK vs Isperea UT: Susume vs InuYashaL NORE (9) VS (1) EØS OU: JorgeFirebolt vs RohMartinez OU: iRusher vs Abstractt UU: Flacum vs zenenn - ACTIVITY UU: CarolML vs Aerithz NU: xxLazaro vs AnthonyAshZ NU: IHasvik vs JasonSparrowX DB: Alaniz vs aldahirramirez DB: YJos vs Tlacuacheman - ACTIVITY LC: QuinnW vs KiiritoX UT: Titinn vs lGlaive SLSY (7) VS (3) RMW OU: KiwamiU vs Locoll OU: ErickECG vs Aisker UU: TristanGC vs ErosG UU: zDeviljho Luijoo vs AngeloDLZ NU: Preval vs Axcvy - BANNED NU: Kalfff vs Elregur DB: Gabuchox vs LokiD DB: xAkiles vs MugiwaraBru LC: zMago vs TeoG UT: Wolfangt vs Busso SIÂ (3) VS (7) AW OU: Zokuru vs OokingoO OU: Azphiel vs Godhelll UU: Eastsiideboy vs lLatios UU: Mkns vs Zhiko - FORFEIT NU: Shadow vs Tawla NU: pauleeee vs Frags DB: Jgaw vs Akarukokuyo DB: Kamimiii vs lKillua TiToooo LC: Smadagos vs RealDevilLegend LC: TheDH vs Enchanteur Group B Lo (5) VS (5) NWÖ OU: NewNewDemon vs DarioBaco OU: Astrcat vs SecretPlayerz UU: lwyuu vs Alesic UU: Forfour vs BadbutG NU: HayaQL vs WarriorPast NU: PIKACHURBQ vs wBANw DB: UT vs ManzaG DB: MarginalPersons vs TiburoncinDs LC: MedichamZ vs Mapchs LC: XiaBanWanWan vs Hernjet ENIX (5) VS (5) VGC OU: DOKIgood vs GoldeneKatze OU: GoldenNovember vs AlphaxStriker UU: CDomS vs Huargensy UU: RexRuin vs zAnderson NU: GautSamm vs AlfonsoC NU: Renpai vs Wickedwanga DB: PolarPallas vs Gasyflour DB: NuraRikko vs DarkQuiler LC: zKupo vs Filantropía LC: LunaDarkrose vs zStrafq SY (5) VS (5) Läva OU: FrancoFts VS Endiii OU: Jharek VS ArtOfKilling PoseidonWrath UU: MallyJu VS Nestymore UU: Papudri VS Maslova NU: YamiGod VS hiddentrainerj NU: ScarletTempest VS DrTylerGrey DB: Molisu VS DvGv DB: Astrico VS Seulang LC: Torpi VS NguyenHuuTai LC: iMariii VS Skylux BR (3) VS (7) Oa OU: Elvessss vs XIAOZIzhanznb OU: Rafapallet vs cangyanbaifa UU: Makarovmaster vs VFoxdemonMax UU: ToriTorino vs Bendantao NU: Belegado vs Konishiwa NU: Deadwind vs UOR DB: Jhowteon vs shuiqing DB: Shentiger vs vQAQv LC: Boyscap vs kokenoCastro UT: Fefeco vs KDQ All matches are to be played in Kanto, Saffron, in Silph Co. @tables channel 4. Deadline: Sunday 19th, November @23:59 UTC
  9. #HashtagIsBack #Week6when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek7 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen #DondeTeSentasteTez #PlayOffsWhen #ZeroPlayOof #MuyVividos #GraciasMisakaGraciasHuar #Final Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket FINAL: [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (4) vs [Oa] Original (3) OU: JorgeFirebolt vs ZioMOJI OU: Pablobacas vs Bynextdorr UU: xxLazaro vs XiaoSH NU: Tawlaa vs MertvayaRuka Dubs: Akarukokuyo vs Incineroar LC: RealDevilLegend vs KokenoCastro Captain Choice LC: NagaHex vs lQuirklesss THIRD PLACE: [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (3) vs [NoHa] NoHands (0) DQ Deadline Monday, 5th of December at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC.
  10. #HashtagIsBack #Week6when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek7 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen #DondeTeSentasteTez #PlayOffsWhen #ZeroPlayOof #MuyVividos #GraciasMisakaGraciasHuar #Semifinals Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket SEMIFINALS: [NoHa] NoHands (1) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (4) OU: zLumiere vs PabloBacas OU: zGrim vs JorgeFirebolt UU: iYaseer vs xxLazaro NU: zMauri vs Tawlaa Dubs: Yjos vs AkaruKokuyo LC: Huargensy vs Nagahex CC NoHa Dubs: Fermie vs RealDevilLegend [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (2) vs [Oa] Original (4) OU: Shulx vs Vfoxdemon OU: Rohmartinez vs GKH UU: sequia vs SHENGRUI NU: Aldahirramirez vs MertvayaRuka Dubs: Tlacuacheman vs Incineroar LC: WarwitoX vs KokenoCastro CC EØS LC: maxduci vs lQuirklesss Deadline Wednesday, 23th of November at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC.
  11. #HashtagIsBack #Week6when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek7 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen #DondeTeSentasteTez #PlayOffsWhen #ZeroPlayOof Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket [NoHa] NoHands (4) vs [OpTc] Optic (3) OU: zGrim vs TehAqua OU: lLatiosvs evxsion UU: Huargensy vs Incognition NU: Rigoox vs Halott Dubs: Yjos vs NecasInTrouble LC: awaLLz vs Onraider CC NoHa LC: Hernjet vs TehKharma [Aw] Asgard Warriors (1) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (5) OU: Enchanteur vs PabloBacas OU: Facursa vs JorgeFirebolt UU: Zhiko vs xxLazaro NU: Axellgor vs Tawlaa Dubs: TiToooo vs AaronRC LC: Arca vs RealDevilLegend CC Aw LC: KiiritoX vs NagaHex [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (4) vs [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (0) OU: RohMartinez vs Juanchoqui OU: Shulxs vs AlphaxStriker UU: sequia vs YEYOxD NU: deathsaurus vs Cristi Dubs: Tlacuacheman vs Badbaarsito LC: WarwitoX vs NoWall CC EØS UU: Shhelly vs MegaBladers [NORE] NoRematch (1) vs [Oa] Original (4) OU: kiwikidd vs ZioMOJI OU: TheLpZ vs Bynextdorr UU: Umbramol vs XiaoSH NU: tMoi vs MertvayaRuka Dubs: EYL vs Incineroar LC: MendeeZ vs KokenoCastro CC NORE LC: QuinnW vs lQuirklesss Deadline Wednesday, 16th of November at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC.
  12. #HashtagIsBack #Week6when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek7 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen #DondeTeSentasteTez Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [NoHa] NoHands (4) vs [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (4) OU: zGrim vs SpartaFS OU: Clayclover vs Jharek UU: Huargensy vs KarinaFK NU: MexiDany vs JoshueCM Dubs: Yjos vs depredadorr LC: Hernjet vs xAky CC NoHa NU: Yaritan vs llAlexisll CC K̇ÏNG OU: Wallarro vs xXArimaXx [LÂB] LabËxperiments (4) vs [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (4) OU: EliasWhiteLion vs SynthesisZ OU: AARROONN vs Asukih UU: zBasaraTojo vs AngeloDLZ NU: wBanw vs Danarchy Dubs: GabrielAZ vs Elregur LC: Skylux vs Ayooze CC LÂB Dubs: Rickypoke vs qmanzanop CC RMW UU: TiburoncinDS vs Busso [NORE] NoRematch (4) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (4) OU: kiwikidd vs JorgeFirebolt OU: TheLpZ vs PabloBacas UU: Umbramol vs xxLazaro NU: Titinn vs Tawlaa Dubs: EYL vs RealDevilLegend LC: MendeeZ vs NagaHex CC NORE LC: QuinnW vs Patatachina CC HDLM Dubs: iMat vs AaronRC [CØRË] CoreSeven (4) vs [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (4) OU: Elemtrix vs Juanchoqui OU: JaviFSD vs AlphaxStriker UU: cfaustorolando vs DarkQuiler NU: xJossue vs Cristi Dubs: darmoiZ vs Badbaarsito LC: Alesic vs YEYOxD CC CØRË OU: Nestymore vs Hiruzenkw CC VGC LC: zTitocas vs NoWall Group B: [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (2) vs [OpTc] Optic (6) OU: Maxduci vs evxsion OU: rohmartinez vs TehAqua UU: sequia vs TehKalseru NU: Aldahirramirez vs Kuramush Dubs: Tlacuacheman vs NecasInTrouble LC: DarkarArtz vs Onraider CC EØS UU: Issaac vs Incognition CC OpTc Dubs: Alaniz vs TehKharma [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (5) vs [läva] läva (2) OU: Vosfijate vs ArtOfKilling OU: DangelMA vs Meltdown UU: Gasyflour vs Mobuto NU: StokesAG vs Zymogen Dubs: DavidAkd vs GodXebec LC: SebastianRVM vs xSparkie DQ CC ZËRØ OU: PyskoO vs KaynineXL CC läva NU: Belesy vs DrTylerGrey [Oa] Original (3) vs [Aw] Asgard Warriors (5) OU: ZioMOJI vs Enchanteur OU: SHENGRUI vs Jefsu UU: XiaoSH vs Zhiko NU: Gragon vs Axellgor Dubs: Incineroar vs TiTooo LC: KokenoCastro vs Arca CC Oa OU: Bynextdorr vs Facursa CC Aw LC: lQuirklesss vs zMisaka Deadline Monday, 31th of October at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC.
  13. #HashtagIsBack #Week6when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek6 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (2) vs [NoHa] NoHands (6) OU: JorgeFirebolt vs lTakashi OU: PabloBacas vs DylanWoodz UU: xxLazaro vs Wallarro NU: Navetas vs zMauri Dubs: AkaruKokuyo vs Yjos LC: Nagahex vs awaLLz CC HDLM Dubs: Neblinamist vs Fermie CC NoHa OU: RealDevilLegend vs lLatios [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (2) vs [NORE] NoRematch (5) OU: Juanchoqui vs Kiwikidd OU: AlphaxStriker vs iMat UU: ninamik vs TheLpz NU: Cristi vs Titinn Dubs: lKillua vs EYL LC: YEYOxD vs MendeeZ CC VGC LC: NoWall vs Yettodie CC NORE NU: Wickedwanga vs tMoi [CØRË] CoreSeven (3) vs [LÂB] LabËxperiments (5) OU: darmoiZ vs AARROONN OU: JaviFSD vs Jmilan UU: cfaustorolando vs EliasWhiteLion NU: zKus vs TiburoncinDS Dubs: Ontarodt vs Rickypoke LC: Alesic vs GabrielAZ CC CØRË LC: zTitocas vs Skylux CC LÂB UU: Nestymore vs zBasaraTojo DQ [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (3) vs [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (5) OU: SpartaFS vs SynthesisZ OU: Jharek vs Asukih UU: ErisGentrina vs Jhonleites DQ NU: JoshueCM vs Danarchy Dubs: Depredadorr vs Mugiwarabru LC: KarinaFK vs Ayooze CC K̇ÏNG LC: xAky vs qmanzanop CC RMW OU: KilluaLY vs Busso Group B: [läva] läva (8) vs [NC] nightcrowguild (0) OU: Meltdown vs nokato DQ OU: ArtOfKilling vs Linthalo DQ UU: Mobuto vs gabrielltz DQ NU: DrTylerGrey vs bilusilva Dubs: Kamowanthere vs scoutsamz DQ LC: xSparkie vs nightdragonn DQ CC läva NU: Katangaa vs marchetti DQ CC NC OU: Repposh vs penaldos DQ [Aw] Asgard Warriors (1) vs [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (7) OU: Legendl vs Vosfijate OU: Enchanteur vs DangelMA UU: Zhiko vs StokesAG NU: Facursa vs Belesy Dubs: TiTooo vs DavidAkd LC: Arca vs Gasyflour CC Aw LC: KiiritoX vs SebastianRVM CC ZËRØ OU: Jefsu vs PsykO [Oa] Original (3) vs [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (5) OU: ZioMOJI vs Maxduci OU: SHENGRUI vs rohmartinez DQ UU: XiaoSH vs zXcRISSxz NU: qiuyinzeishuai vs Aldahirramirez Dubs: Incineroar vs Tlacuacheman LC: KokenoCastro vs DarkarArtz CC Oa OU: Bynextdorr vs Shulxs CC EOS Dubs: ZDBE vs Mallyju [SLSY] SoulSociety (2) vs [OpTc] Optic (6) OU: zenolf vs evxsion DQ OU: TristanCoronado vs TehAqua DQ UU: Phantomlord vs Onraider DQ NU: zDeviljho vs Kuramush DQ Dubs: Gabuchox vs TehKharma LC: Wolfangt vs Edstorm DQ CC SLSY Dubs: Yemsil vs lGlaive CC OpTc Dubs: Shiroecchi vs NecasInTrouble Deadline Monday, 24th of October at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC. Deadline to send Captain Choice Saturday, 22th of October at 12 PM UTC If the Captain does not send his Captain Choice before the Deadline, default pick will be OU.
  14. #HashtagIsBack #Week5when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek5 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar #LatamMoment #NoLaMufen Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [NORE] NoRematch (2) vs [CØRË] CoreSeven (6) OU: kiwikidd vs JaviFSD OU: imat vs darmoiZ UU: Umbramol vs cfaustorolando NU: Titinn vs xxVictor Dubs: EYL vs Ontarodt LC: QuinnW vs zTitocas CC NORE NU: tMoi vs zKus CC CØRË NU: xlunethx vs xJossue [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (5) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (3) OU: SynthesisZ vs PabloBacas OU: Scatach vs JorgeFirebolt UU: AngeloDLZ vs xxLazaro NU: Busso vs Tawlaa Dubs: Mugiwarabru vs AkaruKokuyo Deliburd LC: Ayooze vs PatataChina CC RMW NU: Danarchy vs RealDevilLegend CC HDLM Dubs: qmanzanop vs Neblinamist [NoHa] NoHands (5) vs [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (3) OU: Wallarro vs Juanchoqui OU: ClayClover vs AlphaxStriker UU: iYaseer vs AlfonsoC NU: Rigoox vs Cristi Dubs: Yjos vs lKillua LC: Hernjet vs YEYOxD CC NoHa OU: zGrim vs AlejovishGB CC VGC UU: iHavsk vs ninamik [LÂB] LabËxperiments (5) vs [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (3) OU: AARROONN vs Jharek OU: Wendelziro vs KilluaLY UU: zBasaraTojo vs ErisGentrina DQ NU: BlazikenTeams vs JoshueCM Dubs: Rickypoke vs Depredador LC: Skylux vs xAky CC LÂB UU: Jaafaar vs KarinaFK CC K̇ÏNG OU: xRafaelcubax vs SpartaFS Group B: [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (2) vs [Oa] Original (6) OU: PsykoO vs ZioMOJI OU: Vosfijate vs Solir UU: StokesAG vs XiaoSH NU: rodigosalas vs qiuyinzeishuai Dubs: Damzito vs Incineroar LC: SebastianRVM vs KokenoCastro CC ZËRØ LC: GasyFlour vs lQuirkless CC Oa OU: DangelMA vs Bynextdorr [OpTc] Optic (5) vs [läva] läva (3) OU: evxsion vs ArtOfKilling OU: TehAqua vs KaynineXL UU: TehKalseru vs Havsha NU: Kuramush vs ChronoRike Dubs: NecasInTrouble vs xSparkie LC: Onraider vs Zymogen CC OpTc Dubs: TehKharma vs Kamowanthere CC läva NU: HALOTT vs DrTylerGrey [NC] nightcrowguild (2) vs [Aw] Asgard Warriors (6) OU: nokato vs Jefsu OU: Linthalo vs CaptainVolta UU: fenken vs Zhiko (Activity) NU: bilusilva vs Facursa Dubs: scoutsamz vs TiToooo (Activity) LC: nightdragonn vs KiiritoX (Activity) CC NC OU: marchetti vs Legendl (Activity) CC Aw OU: Gabrielltz vs OoKingoO [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (7) vs [SLSY] SoulSociety (1) OU: Maxduci vs MinervaWakanda (Activity) OU: RohMartinez vs Gabuchox UU: ZcCrissxZ vs XXHeavyMetallXx NU: Aldahirramirez vs Venuxever Dubs: Tlacuacheman vs Yemsil (Activity) LC: eljeancha vs Wolfangt CC EØS NU: Shulxs vs JasielJ CC SLSY Dubs: Mallyju vs AbrahamVzla Deadline Monday, 17th of October at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC. Deadline to send Captain Choice Saturday, 15th of October at 12 PM UTC If the Captain does not send his Captain Choice before the Deadline, default pick will be OU.
  15. #HashtagIsBack #Week4when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek4 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc #HablasEspañol? #WhereistheMVPdoc? #DaleOmar Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (6) vs [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (2) OU: JorgeFirebolt vs KiritoZeroXM OU: PabloBacas vs KilluaLY UU: xxLazaro vs ErisGentrina NU: Nagahex vs JoshueCM Dubs: Neblinamist vs llAlexisll (Activity) LC: KsusG vs xAky CC HDLM Dubs: AkaruKokuyo vs SpartaFS CC K̇ÏNG UU: RealDevilLegend vs KarinaFK [CØRË] CoreSeven (4) vs [NoHa] NoHands (4) OU: DarmoiZ vs zKuroko OU: JaviFSD vs Wallarro UU: Cfaustorolando vs lLatios NU: xxVictor vs MexiDany Dubs: XJossue vs Yjos LC: zTitocas vs Hernjet CC CØRË LC: Alesic vs awallZ CC NoHa Dubs: OntaroDT vs SoumaYukihira [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (6) vs [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (2) OU: Juanchoqui vs SynthesisZ OU: AlphaxStriker vs Rozsu UU: AlfonsoC vs AngeloDLZ NU: Cristi vs Busso Dubs: lKillua vs Mugiwarabru LC: YEYOxD vs Ayooze CC VGC UU: ninamik vs TeoG CC RMW NU: Wickedwanga vs qmanzanop [NORE] NoRematch (5) vs [LÂB] LabËxperiments (3) OU: TheLpz vs AARROONN OU: xlunethx vs Jmilan UU: Umbramol vs zBasaraTojo NU: tMoi vs BlazikenTeams Dubs: EYL vs CharlsXavier (Activity) LC: QuinnW vs Skylux CC NORE LC: MendeeZ vs Edwardinho CC LÂB Dubs: iMat vs GabrielAZ Group B: [läva] läva (4) vs [SLSY] SoulSociety (4) OU: ArtOfKilling vs lPkzkkj TristanCoronado OU: KaynineXL vs MakroO UU: Mobuto vs Zenolf NU: ChronoRike vs Wolfangt Dubs: Kamowanthere vs Gabuchox LC: xSparkie vs IvanFriman CC läva UU: KevinDaPokeTrain vs XXHeavyMetallXX CC SLSY Dubs: Godxebec vs Shiroecchi [Oa] Original (7) vs [NC] nightcrowguild (1) OU: ZioMOJI vs lintahlo OU: GKH vs penaldos (Activity) UU: XiaoSH vs Gabrielltz NU: MertvayaRuka vs fenken Dubs: Incineroar vs scoutsamz (Activity) LC: KokenoCastro vs nightdragonn (Activity) CC Oa OU: SHENGRUI vs bilusilva CC NC OU: vFoxdemon vs nokato [Aw] Asgard Warriors (5) vs [OpTc] Optic (3) OU: ZozoMgl vs evxsion OU: Enchanteur vs TehAqua UU: Zhiko vs Halott NU: Facursa vs Edstorm Dubs: TiToooo vs NecasInTrouble LC: KiiritoX vs Onraider CC Aw NU: OoMizukioO vs Incognition CC OpTc Dubs: Axellgor vs TehKharma [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (3) vs [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (5) OU: PsykoO vs lManjiro OU: Amoseshomaru vs RohMartinez UU: OnlySkilln (BadButWin) vs Sequia NU: Belesy vs Aldahirramirez Dubs: DavidAkd vs Tlacuacheman LC: SebastianRVM vs Warwitox CC ZËRØ OU: dangelMA vs Maxduci CC EØS Dubs: Damzito vs Alaniz Deadline Monday, 10th of October at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC. Deadline to send Captain Choice Saturday, 8th of October at 12 PM UTC If the Captain does not send his Captain Choice before the Deadline, default pick will be OU.
  16. #HashtagIsBack #Week3when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken #SaquenANinaDeVenezuelaPls #NoMasFaseDeGrupos #FreeWeek3 #nosrobaron #Go0-8Week3 #hastagwhen? #Let’sHaveMoreDonationsThanWc Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (5) vs [CØRË] CoreSeven (3) OU: Dinoraptorr vs Elemtrix OU: SynthesisZ vs JaviFSD UU: AngeloDLZ vs cfausorolando NU: Busso vs Electrorazor Dubs: Mugiwarabru vs DarmoiZ LC: Ayooze vs zTitocas CC RMW LC: qmanzanop vs Alesic CC CØRË NU: Danarchy vs xJossue [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (2) vs [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (6) OU: XxArinaxX vs Juanchoqui OU: Jharek vs AlphaxStriker UU: ErisGentrina vs AlfonsoC DQ NU: JosueCM vs Cristi Dubs: llAlexisll vs lKillua LC: xAky vs YEYOxD CC K̇ÏNG Dubs: Akumalord vs Badbaarsito (Activity) CC VGC LC: KarinaFk vs DarkQuiler [LÂB] LabËxperiments (3) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (5) OU: Wendelziro vs JorgeFirebolt OU: AARROONN vs PabloBacas UU: zBasaraTojo vs xxLazaro NU: BlazikenTeams vs Nagahex Dubs: Rickypoke vs AkaruKokuyo LC: Skylux vs KsusG CC LÂB Dubs: GabrielAZ vs RealDevilLegend CC HDLM Dubs: CharlsXavier vs Neblinamist [NoHa] NoHands (6) vs [NORE] NoRematch (2) OU: Wallarro vs TheLpZ OU: zLumiere vs iMat UU: Huargensy vs aftershocker NU: zMauri vs xLuneth Dubs: Yjos vs EYL LC: Hernjet vs QuinnW CC NoHa UU: lLatios vs Umbramol CC NORE LC: Awallz vs MendeeZ Group B: [OpTc] Optic (3) vs [Oa] Original (5) OU: spelenn vs ZioMOJI OU: evxsion vs Bynextdoor UU: Onraider vs XiaoSH NU: Kuramush vs MertvayaRuka Dubs: TehKharma vs Incineroar LC: Edstorm vs KokenoCastro CC OpTc Dubs: NecasInTrouble vs TheGreatestLYW CC Oa OU: TehAqua vs GKH [SLSY] SoulSociety (3) vs [Aw] Asgard Warriors (5) OU: MakroO vs OoKingoO OU: TristanCoronado vs Enchanteur UU: XXHeavyMetallXX vs Zhiko NU: zDeviljho vs Facursa Dubs: Yemsil vs TiToooo LC: Gabuchox vs Arca CC SLSY NU: Wolfangt vs Axellgor CC Aw LC: IvanFriman vs Kiritox [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (5) vs [läva] läva (3) OU: lManjiro vs ArtOfKilling OU: Rohmartinez vs GlazeQT UU: isssaac vs Mobuto NU: Aldahirramirez vs Skipping Dubs: Tlacuacheman vs Kamowanthere LC: WarwitoX vs ItsGray CC EØS LC: ElJeancha vs xSparkie CC läva UU: Shhelly vs DrTylerGrey [NC] nightcrowguild (2) vs [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (6) OU: lintahlo vs Vosfijate OU: penaldos vs PsykoO UU: Gabrielltz vs StokesAG NU: marchettiii vs Belesy Dubs: scoutsamz s IncursioZ LC: nightdragonn vs GasyFlour CC NC OU: fenken vs dangelMA CC ZËRØ LC: nokato vs SebastianRVM Deadline Monday, 3rd of October at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC. Deadline to send Captain Choice Saturday, 1st of October at 12 PM UTC If the Captain does not send his Captain Choice before the Deadline, default pick will be OU.
  17. #HashtagIsBack #Week2when #NewTourNewDrama #OhShitHereWeGoAgain #IsCoachingAllowed #SendMoreDonationPls #LetsGooooooo #Hype #Go0-8 #zenennOut #OaBroken Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [NORE] NoRematch (5) vs [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (3) OU: TheLpZ vs ErikECG OU: Kiwikidd vs SynthesisZ UU: Umbramol vs AngeloDLZ NU: Titinn vs Danarchy Dubs: EYL vs Mugiwarabru LC: MendeeZ vs Ayooze CC NORE UU: QuinnW vs qManzano CC RMW NU: xhidden vs XxXWhiteDemonXxX [NoHa] NoHands (4) vs [LÂB] LabËxperiments (4) OU: Wallarro vs Tartaleta OU: DylanWoods vs Wendelziro UU: iHasvik vs zBasaraTojo NU: JasonSparrowX vs AARROONN Dubs: Fermie vs Edwardinho LC: Awallz vs Skylux CC NoHa UU: Yaritan vs Jaafaar CC LÂB Dubs: zMauri vs xMrDark [CØRË] CoreSeven (6) vs [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (2) OU: JaviFSD vs KiritoZeroXM OU: darmoiZ vs KilluaLY UU: Cfaustrolando vs ErisGentrina NU: xxxVictor vs JoshueCM Dubs: xJossue vs SpartaFS LC: zTitocas vs xAky CC CØRË Dubs: Ontarodt vs llAlexisll CC K̇ÏNG OU: ElectroRazor vs Ainsvelt [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (3) vs [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (5) OU: Juanchoqui vs PabloBacas OU: AlphaxStriker vs JorgeFirebolt UU: ninamik vs xxLazaro NU: Wickedwanga vs Tawlaa Dubs: lKillua vs Neblinamist LC: YEYOxD vs Nagahex CC VGC LC: xJhonatan vs RealDevilLegend CC HDLM Dubs: Badbarsito vs AkaruKokuyo Group B: [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (4) vs [OpTc] Optic (4) OU: DangelMA vs Spelenn OU: Vosfijate vs TehAqua UU: BadButWin vs TehKalseru NU: Belesy vs Kuramush Dubs: IncursioZ vs TehKharma LC: SebastianRVM vs ImAndromeda CC ZËRØ LC: Gasyflour vs HALOTT CC OpTc Dubs: DavidAkd vs NecasInTrouble [NC] nightcrowguild (0) vs [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (8) OU: nokato vs maxduci OU: Linthalo vs Rohmartinez UU: fenken vs Warwitox NU: scoutsamz vs aldahirramirez Dubs: bilusilva vs Tlacuacheman LC: nightdragonn vs ElJeancha CC NC OU: Penaldos vs lManjiro CC EØS UU: Gabrielltz vs Isssaac [Oa] Original (4) vs [SLSY] SoulSociety (4) OU: GKH vs lPkzkkj OU: Bynextdoor vs Zenolf UU: XiaoSH vs PhatomLord NU: MertvayaRuka vs zDeviljnho Dubs: reddevilshym vs Yemsil LC: KokenoCastro vs Gabuchox CC Oa OU: SHENGRUI vs MakroO CC SLSY NU: qiuyinzeishuai vs Wolfangt [Aw] Asgard Warriors (5) vs [läva] läva (3) OU: OoKingoO vs Artofkilling OU: Enchanteur vs KaynineXL UU: Zhiko vs mobuto NU: Facursa vs ChronoRike Dubs: TiToooo s Kamowanthere LC: Arca vs xSparkie CC Aw UU: xNotyourfriend vs Tez CC läva NU: Axellgor vs DrTylerGrey Deadline Monday, 26th of September at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC. Deadline to send Captain Choice Saturday, 24th of September at 12 PM UTC If the Captain does not send his Captain Choice before the Deadline, default pick will be OU.
  18. #HashtagIsBack#Week1when#NewTourNewDrama#OhShitHereWeGoAgain#IsCoachingAllowed#SendMoreDonationPls#LetsGooooooo#Hype Hey so here it is. If you have any questions ask your captain or check the general thread Regular Season Round Robin: Bracket Group A: [LÂB] LabËxperiments (3) vs [VGC] Vermilion Golden Champions (5) OU: AARROOONN vs Juanchoqui OU: Jmilan vs Wickedwanga UU: xBasaraTojo vs ninamik NU: BlazikenTeams vs Cristi Dubs: CharlsXavier vs lKillua LC: Skylux vs YEYOxD CC Dubs: RickyPoke vs Badbaarsito CC LC: Edwardinho vs Filantropia [HDLM] SonsOfTheDeath (6) vs [CØRË] CoreSeven (2) OU: PabloBacas vs ElectroRazor OU: JorgeFirebolt vs xJossue UU: xxLazaro vs Cheslon NU: Tawlaa vs xxxVictor Dubs: Neblinamist vs Ontarodt LC: Nagahex vs Alesic CC LC: KsusG vs soynul CC Dubs: RealDevilLegend vs Shadowmany [K̇ÏNG] Kingdom Of Doom (0) vs [NORE] NoRematch (8) OU: KiritoZeroXM vs TheLpZ OU: KilluaLY (ErnestoYaneslina) vs Kiwikidd UU: ErisGentrina vs Lejovi DQ NU: JoshueCM vs tmoi Dubs: Depredadorr vs EYL LC: xAky vs Mendeez CC OU: AkumaLord vs iMat CC NU: SpartaFS vs titinn [RMW] RedmarkWarriors (2) vs [NoHa] NoHands (6) OU: Syntesis vs Wallarro OU: ErickECG vs lTakashi UU: AngeloDLZ vs iYaser NU: xXwhitedemonXx vs xJoseee Dubs: Mugiwarabru vs Yjos LC: Busso vs Hernjet CC OU: Dinoraptor vs zGrim CC Dubs: Freezersama vs SoumaYukihira Group B: [EØS] EagleOtlawSports (4) vs [Aw] Asgard Warriors (4) OU: Maxduci vs Jefsu OU: Rohmartinez vs Legendl UU: zenenn vs Enchanteur NU: Aldahirramirez vs Facursa Dubs: tlacuacheMan vs TiToooo LC: Warwitox vs Arca CC NU: Esseba vs OoKingoO CC UU: Shhelly vs Axellgor [läva] läva (2) vs [Oa] Original (6) OU: ArtOfKilling vs bynextdorr OU: ChronoRike vs ZioMOJI UU: CarolML vs XiaoSH NU: DrTylerGrey vs MertvayaRuka Dubs: Kamowanthere vs CocoNeko LC: ItsGray vs KokenoCastro CC OU: GlazeQT vs Radmiki CC UU: Mobuto vs Gragon [SLSY] SoulSociety (1) vs [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (7) OU: lPkzkkj vs Vosfijate OU: TristanCoronado vs DangelMA UU: PhatomLord vs BrunoBz NU: zDeviljnho vs Belesy Dubs: Gabuchox vs DavidAkd LC: IvanFriman vs SebastianRVM CC Dubs: ShiroeSeichi (Shiroecchi) vs IncursioZ CC OU: Ryuner vs PsykoO [OpTc] Optic (7) vs [NC] nightcrowguild (1) OU: TehAqua vs linthalo OU: Evxsion vs penaldos UU: Justachamp vs fenken NU: Kuramush vs marchettiii Dubs: TehKharma vs scoutsamz LC: ImAndromeda vs nightdragonn CC Dubs: NecasInTrouble vs bilusilva CC OU: HALOTT vs gabrielltz Deadline Monday, 19th of September at 12 PM UTC Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time at least 10 minutes before it starts. All battles shall be played in Viridian Channel 4 PC.
  19. Hello Everybody!! We finish our elimination stage already and these are our 4 Winners team and will be take part of this TCL season: [EØS] Eagleotlawsports [CØRE] CoreSeven [LAB] LabExperiments [OA] Original So far We have already 14 teams on the tournamen. We have 2 spots left. Now We will begin with our auction stage. Remember on this Auction the 4 teams left will be able to purchase the 2 pots left. This auction will begin with 4M for each spot. The teams listed below are eligible for participate on the auction: [NC] nightcrowguild [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors [RyFu] RapidashyFurio [NazC] NazarickComfort Remember that the auction be on this actual post. When We reach the deadline on Friday, We will take the best 2 offers of the elegible teams, and they will earn the last 2 spots This auction will end up on Friday 00:00 GMT
  20. [EØS] Eagleotlawsports (4) vs [RyFu] RapidashyFurio (0) OU: maxduci vs ZeroGamerOO UU: zXcrissXz vs DarnellEK NU: aldahirramirez vs wBANw Dubs: Iglavie vs BonClayman LC: rohmartinez vs Endernone [ZËRØ] Elitewarriors (2) vs [CØRE] CoreSeven (3) OU: Vosfijate vs Elemtrix UU: BrunoRZ vs Cheslon NU: StokesAG vs xJossue Dubs: DavidAkd vs OntaroDT LC: SebastianRVM vs Alesic [LAB] LabExperiments (4) vs [NC] nightcrowguild (1) OU: AARROONN vs Fenken UU: zBasaraTojo vs Bilusilva NU: Edwardinho vs marchetti Dubs: GabrielAZ vs Scoutsamz LC: Skylux vs nightdragonn [OA] Original (5) vs [NazC] NazarickComfort (0) OU: zhoudaoguxian vs rozsu UU: XiaoSH vs Mapchs NU: MertvayaRuka vs qmanzanop Dubs: ZDBE vs MAllyJu LC: KokenoCastro vs TeoG Deadline Monday, 5 September 23:59 GMT All games in Viridian ch4 and posted in discord with @matchping The 4 teams that win will enter the TCL.
  21. Greetings everyone! We the TCL hope You are having an excellent Friday and weekend. We are gonna be doing some announcements. Due to reaching 18 teams sign up for the tournament. We were discussing the number of teams allowed in the tournament. WE ARE GONNA BE ALLOWING 16 TEAMS IN THE TOURNAMENT AND WE ARE GONNA SPLIT THEM INTO 2 GROUPS OF 8 TEAMS FOR A TOTAL OF 7 WEEKS GROUP STAGE. Taking that on mind. The Council instead of voting 2 teams to take 1 spot each one. The Council has vote for 4 teams, and the teams who will have a guaranteed spot in the tournament will be: Noha RMW OPTC Nore We have a total of 10 teams with a guarantee spot on the tournament already. We will list below the remaining 8 teams: [OA] (Original) [RyFu] (RapidashyFurio) [CØRE] (core seven) [EØS] (Eagleotlawsports) [ZËRØ] (Elitewarriors) [NazC] (Nazarick Comfort) [LAB] (lab experiments) [NC] (nightcrowguild) The remaining 8 teams must remember that We are gonna be given the last 6 spots in the tournament in the next way: - 4 Spots will be given on a tournament. - 2 Spots will be given with an auction. We are gonna be announcing the day of the tournament and the auction in the next couple of days on this forum thread and on our official discord channel. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!
  22. Sign ups closed and these are the results. 1st - The first 6 teams of the tt ranking in the middle of the year (after june tt) in case one does not sign up, the next one in the ranking will take his place. [Aw][VGC][HDLM][SLSY][Läva][K̇ÏNG] Axellgor, NoWall, Nagahex, Gabuchox, ChronoRike and SpartaFS they will be council. Option 2: 6 tiers + 2 Manager Choice Option 1: Vote (the two selected teams will be announced throughout the week)
  23. Welcome to the TCL registration thread. Teams that wish to participate in this event may do so, by filling out the following form: Before signing up, make sure your team meets the minimum [Min 12 players / Max 25 players] and keep in mind that only 12 teams will be selected according to the selection process. IMPORTANT: All teams must have a mínimum of 12 players signed up and cannot exceed 25 signed up players. All the registered players cannot change teams after the sign-up deadline. All the registered players must be part of the team before the sign-up day. If a player from a team would like to join a different one during sign-ups, the recruiting team must pay a total of 500K for each player. Only a maximum of 3 players can be recruited this way. Selection process: The manager of the team is not necessarily the boss of the team. It's up to each team to decide who will manage them. The manager will be allowed to participate as a player as well. Deadline: Sign ups start from today until Sunday, August 21
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