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Everything posted by nferguson

  1. And yes I know I don't have the right dates its the point but while we are at it let just go all the way let's just make it where alphas are just just a one time thing alpha comes once they never again so what yall got a few left to come out then we can wait till the make more
  2. Well tbh I think they should come back but question who decided in 2012 hey let's bring these for one time then in 2022-2023 they can get rammed raw so yea I think they should come back but who has 60m at least to get the 3 starters breed them to start from the first evolution to fill the dex if you got 60 mill or so can you send me some im so broke in game its not funny
  3. Hoenn Snake pillar is in granite cave Monkey pillar is in pettleburg woods
  4. Would be nice if mods would respond tell me to f off or something any response would be nice to actually hear something about it
  5. A translator would be nice is there away yall would be able to put one in since alot of functions are disabled in game
  6. Yea I see bro so this is kinda like a p2w where you pay and get everything you want lol
  7. How is everyone able to encounter shinies so much but ive been able to only see one long time ago
  8. What's a good poke team for E4 Kanto Unova Shinno
  9. Where do I get the mods at for Android
  10. Google play pay could be a good option to pay
  11. 1. Make a few extra servers so people can get on and play cuz I was close to quitting the game cuz I tried multiple times and just got server is full for around 24hrs which was very frustrating so a couple extra servers would be nice or take the player cap off. 2. Make a check box for the PC to mass release pokes you don't want
  12. I myself is about ready to quit this game cuz I wait an wait for over an hour cuz not able to get in is getting old quick so why not just have a few servers so people can get on and enjoy the game whats everyone's thought on it
  13. An OGQT I was waiting over an hour an still couldn't get in
  14. Yea it seams that way if even then we can get in lol
  15. I'm always getting server is full server is full anyone else getting this
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