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Everything posted by cloo

  1. cloo

    Clooh's Zooh

    Leave Sand Lake, chase the Lightning Bird, they said. I used 19 perfumes, I flashed.
  2. cloo

    Clooh's Zooh

    Made these friends from 5,000 -> 6,000 hours. What will come next?
  3. 闪了 丑丑鱼!!!
  4. This was confirmed as a bug, hopefully we see it in a future patch!
  5. This suggestion is simple, enable bikes to be used in the Johto Safari Zone. It would make encounters so much more pleasant to get, as running back and forth with the encounter rate in the safari is very slow and annoying, especially on mobile. This is a feature in the base game, I'm not sure why it isn't in PokeMMO. 🙏 for all my safari shunters out there
  6. cloo

    Clooh's Zooh

    OT 50 and 51 why kyu why phase 3 and phase 2
  7. Lost the 50% Feebas with a 15% Sharpedo again..... Onto phase 3
  8. cloo

    Legendary sink

    No please I love all of my legendaries Untradable mounts would be cool tho
  9. OT 49 and 50 (-4) 37k enc and 18k enc. thanks for the charm @WestTurtle!
  10. cloo

    Clooh's Zooh

    So um 70k on feebas/repel tricking and this happened I really don't know what to say, I don't deserve this, but we take those!
  11. So um 70k on feebas/repel tricking and this happened I really don't know what to say, I don't deserve this, but we take those!
  12. V O U C H. Ordered and the art was incredible, knocked out the ball park.
  13. cloo

    Clooh's Zooh

    2023 blessed me with these beauties! I can't wait to see what 2024 will bring! These are the main targets, in no particular order. Hopefully some of them come to light this year ❤️
  14. This + having to check swarms for common and mid shinies is taking a toll on me 😛
  15. I would like to spend some quality time with my Flame Moth, please let me know when you receive this letter so I can send you the money.
  16. What did I tell you??! Huge grats on your Steven Team!
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