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Everything posted by SamuraiHunter

  1. If you wanna bring up gen 4 items then you would have bring in more/better items like life orb, focus sash, light clay, even black sludge to balance things out.
  2. waterfall is water type so it is special typing in this game
  3. I'm going to watch the Stanford vs UC Davis (lol) game at Stanford today
  4. IGN: SamuraiHunter Roles/Tiers: X/Y OU/ADV OU/MMO OU Timezone:PST (west coast US)
  5. idk if illuminate works for fishing but if it doesn't maybe buy bait from Marts and different kind of bait for different pokemon
  6. I thought hoenn eta was 2020 nice to see it being pushed foward
  7. ok well lets say you have a 1000 BP payout per day. items like choice band are what 12500 BP? so that means you cant get it for 13 days? moves like Extreme speed on Dragonite 25000 BP. so those people have to wait 25 days to get one move? to me it seems unreasonable....maybe its the same reason they haven't created a way to gain pokemoney through daily tasks.
  8. see but for this idea to happen it would need to be some sort of difficult task or a limit to 1000Bp a day (any task all add up to only 1000)...because for lets say your examples, - Killing 50 pokemon ( 400 BP) This gives players the oportuinity to farm money while getting BP simultaneously - Hathching 5 eggs ( 300 BP) This makes players want to breed instead of considering it a hastle - Completing the elite 4 (200BP) these can be farmed easily specially when dual tasking, as in while waiting for egg to hatch you can be paydaying and then you can kill 50 pokes easily for 5 eggs thats already 700 BP within maybe an hour (idk how long it takes but its fairly quick). also E4 only 30 min wait now so that 200 BP is easy points again..so if maybe limit 1000 BP to no matter how many times you breed or hatch or E4 you can only get the limit 1000 bp a day.
  9. doesn't this give those that cant complete it the intensive to work harder, to be better smarter then the AI, and make them want better comps? Remember the AI is still a work in progress it may even get stronger.
  10. no keep battle points to tower....they said there will be low payout in beginning
  11. yay they look so happy together. thank you very much
  12. Can i have a Phantump chillin with a cubone please
  13. either way looks good but i didn't know i just said it generally
  14. Text: SamuraiHunter Pokemon/character: Shiny Phantump Team: [ZVIS] Animated: yes please Anything else: Shiny Trevenant in background like the phantump admiring it
  15. Text: [ZVIS] SamuraiHunter Animated text?: yes please Character/Pokemon/Whatever: Shiny Trevenant Background: whatever looks good (maybe something spooky)
  16. hey the Aipom is a nice addition I like it. Thanks man
  17. Pokemon > Trevenant Name > Samurai Anything Else? na that's it
  18. lol dafuq? you go from amateur to great art in a matter of couple hours....thats some great learning curve
  19. aww man but you didn't say... um just Shiny Trevenant then
  20. ok lets see those master skills at work 3 Phantump together with a Trevenant and a shiny Phantump away from them as in odd one out
  21. actually that's true its spelled SamuraiHunter as of now its SamuriHunter
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