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Everything posted by FlikoGaming

  1. @Patrouski2I love your content and watch every video you upload it's extremely helpfull I know I made a big mistake before but hopefully you can accept my apologies IGN: ElFliko
  2. 1 ElFliko Thanks you so much Masterkeyys
  3. thanks saprina and keyys and i wouldent care if i got 3rd or 4th place since they are basically the same lol ❤️
  4. i already chose number 3 btw so you should change if you want to participate
  5. Ign: ElFliko Number 3 Thank you Masterkeyys and good luck everyone.
  6. 3 ElFliko Thanks guys for everything
  7. i would really like to join, i am a shiny hunter i currently have 5 shinies and would really like to join the team since it sounds like a good team i currently have 750 hours in the game and i am 15 years old
  8. My IGN is: ElFliko Thanks GM's for hosting these events This is the story of my favorite pokemon Gallade Once upon a time, in a far-off region known as Sinnoh, there lived a magnificent Pokémon named Gallade. He was a proud and noble creature, known for his unmatched swordsmanship skills and unwavering courage. Gallade was a proud member of the Ralts family, a species of psychic and fighting-type Pokémon known for their mysterious powers and otherworldly grace. Gallade had lived in the vast forests of Sinnoh for as long as he could remember. He spent his days honing his combat skills, practicing his swordplay, and exploring the lush wilderness that surrounded him. Despite his fearsome reputation, Gallade was a gentle soul at heart. He was fiercely protective of his friends and family, and would stop at nothing to keep them safe. One day, Gallade received a distress call from his mentor, an old and wise Gardevoir. She was in grave danger, and needed Gallade's help to escape the clutches of a powerful and evil Team Rocket. Gallade didn't hesitate for a moment. He set out on a journey to save his mentor, facing countless dangers and overcoming incredible obstacles along the way. Gallade traveled across the region, battling Team Rocket grunts and their powerful Pokémon along the way. He encountered a wide variety of creatures, from fire-breathing Charizards to lightning-fast Jolteons, but he never lost his focus. He fought with all his might, using his powerful psychic abilities and sharp swordsmanship to defeat each of his enemies. Finally, after many days of travel, Gallade reached the lair of Team Rocket's leader. It was a towering fortress, surrounded by a moat of molten lava and guarded by the strongest Pokémon the organization had to offer. Gallade knew that this would be the greatest battle of his life, but he was not afraid. He steeled his resolve and stepped forward to face the final challenge. The battle was long and grueling, with Gallade and the Team Rocket leader exchanging powerful blows. But in the end, it was Gallade who emerged victorious. He had saved his mentor, and put an end to Team Rocket's reign of terror once and for all. With the mission complete, Gallade returned to his home in the forest. He was hailed as a hero, and his name became known throughout the land. But Gallade did not seek fame or glory. He was simply happy to have completed his mission and protected those he loved. Years went by, and Gallade continued to live in the forest, training and exploring as he always had. He became a mentor to many young Pokémon, passing down his knowledge and skills to the next generation. And although he faced many challenges and battles along the way, he never lost his courage or his noble spirit. In the end, Gallade was remembered as one of the greatest Pokémon of all time, a symbol of bravery and strength. He will always be remembered as the proud Gallade who traveled across the land to save his mentor and defeat the forces of evil. And even though he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on, inspiring generations of Pokémon to be their best and to never give up in the face of danger.
  9. I had the idea of this event and said it in team chat 😞
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