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Everything posted by Devedse

  1. @JDChaos, sorry I didn't mean that as a complaint (even though my wording could've probably been steered towards that a bit better). Is there still an option to get the big HD pack without noise? Or have they been overruled by the latest versions? I'm also interested in how you made these, did you make 3d model exports and then basically record a .gif? Or do the games themselves actually contains gifs?
  2. I really like this pack, but what I don't understand is that all sprites are so noisy. E.g. compare these: HD Battle Sprites: HD Reloded (higher quality but noisy as hell) (As if the ISO was too high when they took this picture): BSReloded SD (found this in someone's discord but can't find the forum post), no noise but a bitten off tail: As you can see the BSReloded has a lot less noise and looks by far the best in my opinion. Any reason why this pack does have so much noise?
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