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Everything posted by Moovnv

  1. 那同郵箱同號的不同人物 比如說是A 和B 用A人物 合 B人物刻名的閃會不會變Unknown OT..?
  2. rt, 代上价格 我的游戏名称是 moovnv 您可以向我的收件箱发送消息/私信
  3. As topic, In-game mail, or whisper me IGN: moovnv
  4. But the difficulty of matchup is really harsh,😥 its not easy to find other players with same thought through matchup You hv to find 3players in global in order to finish it easily tbh, i hope theres two levels to attempt with one easy mode and difficult mode.
  5. ys I would like to matchup players with 5v+nature rather than gift alpha its not single issue, it happenes so many times,
  6. I can only say that at least i use 5v or above pokemon, in random matchup, you can even see alpha gift 85lv, at least this is my best pokemon i can use :v
  7. the main point is that the raid is too hard for normal players who don't have enough good IV+nature Pokemon, specially Steel-type AND using random matchup I seldom PVP, so for a PVE player, the Pokemon in the PC's choice is limited, but is it reasonable for an event to have high requirements? At least release two mode for players love to challenge themself for players would just like to finish the match the pokemon i hv with 5iv nature or above is just ten of them, so what combination you think i can?
  8. I spent abt 30~40 game to finish the monkey... I can only say that I use 5v pokemon with nature so many times, but the match finish the monkey is not all 5v or above Golurk with imprison to block his move, but it is not always what you want, there's a situation, so here I am, So do you think how many games won through the matching system? The threshold of event I think should be easy, what is the reason to make it so difficult? At least have two grading, let players decide themself rather than only one difficult grading So you think Pikachu Volt tackle 6v naive does 39 damage is reasonable?🤔 2.5% of Boss hp 😁
  9. the RAID system starts the page of unfair A Pokemon can own 4moves or above the damage also, please remove the damage cap, or to be fair, both of boss and players have =] the boss can use 4moves in one round, but we can use 4moves ONLY if we have 4 pokemon Especially the monkey, he have instant kill while we dont have
  10. 現在套路感覺就是 一步一步開放一隻很難得到的幻獸/神獸 然後大家就乖乖賭那1/30000 1.1/30000 1.2/30000閃率 在那邊往死裡刷😢
  11. -巢穴 極差勁🥱 完全沒誠意 反制措施欠奉👎 外掛級先手狀態 連挑釁也不能用😅 RAID問題: 減傷太嚴重 而且是只有挑戰方減傷, BOSS打人傷害正常 回合數嚴重不公, 小怪存活各1 BOSS存活4 但我家要4人存活才能4次 剩1人就要吃4+小怪次數 回合至少要按我方存活而定才合理 現在巢穴就是純數值怪 還有腦癱聚氣+壓特性, 直接ct免疫強化 - 明雷 換衣服差勁 不好看又不值錢 明雷太多都捕捉率45 至少神秘高級150k>>>神秘貴重的50k - 年獸 好賺 大獎不太好看但意外大紅包的價格不錯
  12. 480只真的很難搞, 一堆捕獲率低的 還是電腦+手機雙開刷年獸賺些錢好 打得慢1小時也有4大52小, 一天刷5小時直接=平日10小時搬磚 =1天頂5天
  13. 更新完了不能打 搞不明白, 每次打完道館自動回狀態就不用卡注銷回狀態了 金幣又限一小時, 走路也算時間 直接改成對戰中才生效不行?? 改這個是為了擾民?
  14. 提高活动盒子出货概率 -->盒子價值是供需帶動, 及內容物, 萬聖人多東西又不好看, 還是30k不到 提高闪率 -->闪率高了黏著度就不夠了 限制每天活动的完成次数 --> 現在主流就是多角色遊玩 玩家要获得美好的游戏体验的話 只能看對手POKE FORCE搶走了多少玩家, 帶來多少壓力 令官方有危機意識迫切改變 個人很希望官方定期 低價 上架交易行賣絕版時裝, 控制一下市價 2018入市2件骷髏頭的賣1件就可以永遠不搬磚, 絕版時裝被炒到天價就是封了太多人, 打打地主就大部分都受惠了
  15. 炒股的話交易行也一堆人低買高賣, 不肯定是不是真人 不懂市價就被割韭菜, 不但賺少了還便宜了那些撿別人便宜的人 官方到現在也是阻止不到, 更何況炒時裝 但活動是很賺的, 只是重覆性很高, 把大多數人收入上下限盡量收窄了(如果只撿禮物的話) 如果不把時間花在單遇鳥 抓明雷, 只撿禮物, 肝一點(10h/day) 單一人物10M也是有可能
  16. 只能防生蛋跟交易, 放生還是沒法防止..
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