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  1. Due to my lack of proficiency in English, the content of my posts has been translated by translation software, and some of the vocabulary may be imprecise or even incorrect. I hope readers can tolerate it. I am very sorry
  2. 1.I hope to give some rewards based on the player's online duration, which is beneficial for you to retain the player. For example, if you give a small treasure chest for 5 minutes online, the treasure chest can open everything, but the items opened, including this treasure chest, will be treated as gifts and cannot be traded。 2.I hope to have a flash guarantee mechanism, which will definitely flash when encountering the same Pok é mon in 29999 without any flash 3.I know it may offend you, but I still want to say that the current flash probability is really too different from the official probability. I hope to slightly increase the flash probability Thank you for reading and I hope you can carefully consider my suggestion
  3. 长时间不出闪是被惩罚机制制裁了吗 某个大up说的有惩罚机制
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