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Everything posted by panpandame

  1. There was a global 20% boost for two weeks in the holiday event. Having another one just a month and a half later seems unnecessary to me.
  2. That's interesting because it's definitely not there for me: Although having done some more research, it turns out this move was called "Hail" until earlier this year, and I'm using custom strings, so perhaps my strings.xml still has the outdated "Hail" name! I guess that solves the mystery.
  3. Also, I have a feeling this is a dumb question, but what's the "Snowscape" move you mention in the team comp on Blastoise? I can't find any mention of such a move in Blastoise's Pokedex entry. I tried watching the video of your WR run to see what you're doing with it, but you don't even use Blastoise in the Opelucid fight there like you recommended in your guide. Is this a typo?
  4. Out of curiosity, is there a technical/performance reason why you started your 57:35 video by capping your FPS limit to 60? Does that somehow improve the time, or just something for the video?
  5. This is an extremely minor nitpick, but the EV requirements say 58 HP. 58 is not divisible by 4, so technically it should just be 56 HP and it would make no difference right? I'm only bringing it up because I was about to go respec this Smeargle until I realized it would make absolutely 0 difference: Thanks for the guide, though! πŸ™‚ Just finished building my 5x31 Smeargle from scratch, it's been very satisfying!
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