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  1. 这个工单是我上一个号被封了, 新的账号还在审判中,但也已过了3天 都没消息。 如果这个号也被封了我会选择报案。 因为我的的却却没做过任何违规的事情 也得的却却按正规的网站充值。 如果说我第三软件,我也需要他们给我一个合理的证据 我的宝可梦4只闪光别人的OT, 一只alpha GTL 买的, 其余的都是乱抓的 具体我大概没超过7只宝可梦 剩余80k 和 1500-4000的RP 还没有用
  2. 第一个账号违规确实是我自己的问题玩了900多个小时,我都不清楚规矩就去和别人现金交易。 第二个也就是现在这个 遵守规矩了也支持这个游戏,充值了500多新币。 而且新账号 我还清清楚楚的记得我的RP 用在哪里也就被封了
  3. 这样对玩家很不公平。 等下就会一下管理员觉得这里不是你诉说的地方请去申诉等待你的最终结果。 我认为管理员如果看到了,我觉得要说根据你提供的信息 我们会让高层管理员知道。 而不是等待你的最终结果。 然而不给证据提供。 这样处理方式完全不合逻辑,我觉得可以报案 对不起我只想诉说。当一个坏人要改过自新 突然还是被人诬赖你的感觉 就如现在
  4. 如果是这样工作人员应该说不能使用同一个电邮注册。 而不是觉得之前同一个电邮犯了错 接下来使用同一个电邮注册的也一定犯错。
  5. 哪里会知道,也没说关于邮件的东西
  6. 我只通过一样的电子邮件去注册新的账号罢了,之前的账号也已删除。官方也说了可以注册新的账号 如果是那样就封锁我 我觉得他们不能这样做。 教训一吸取一次了, 玩家也更改自新去玩。
  7. 大家好, 我需要在这里诉说,我的账号在18/8/2023被封原因是被发现第三软件和金钱交易。 确实我的第一个账号的确有做过金钱交易但是那个号也已被封锁,对于我对这个游戏的热爱我还是选择玩这个游戏,就在13/8/2023我再次开新的账号名字为(GrassMasterGG). 在13号到17号之间我通过按规则游戏充值网站去充值500多块 = 大概能得到 65,000 Reward Point. 然而我在游戏面就一直和其他玩家做买卖交易,一张1,000 RP Voucher 在那期间可以买到2.65m。 假设我卖了35张 我就可以得到92.75m pokeyen。因为我新开的账号只有一些自己在闯关路上抓的宝可梦。 我就和其他玩家购买闪光 * 闪光尼多王和闪光耿鬼-10m,秘密闪光尼多后-19m 还有闪光妙蛙草61m+8个1,000RP voucher 和对方换。可能我还剩余2m那样 我就在GTL买了一只Alpha。还有一些物品(我忘了)最后就剩余80k罢了。 毕竟还在闯关我才抵达第五个道馆。我剩余的RP都还没用因为想闯关完了才购买30days的donation才开启刷闪的路。很不幸的是当天18号早上完成了更新当我开启游戏就看到我的号被封。 我好不甘心,就去找SGM&Admin&GM 问问。结果完全都不会回复,我也申请了申诉 3天了也没消息。 我一直在想是不是我之前有现金交易的行为,然后我所开的新的账号都一直会面临封号的风险。如果真的这种情况请把我充值的在新的账号的钱给回我吧。我会退出不再玩 因为我知道一旦被发现封号,他们都会封你也不会提供证据给玩家。就把你直接封了 很庆幸的是 我这个新的账号是新开的 然后我也有通过正规的管道充值也有证据 最后如果还是说我有现金交易真的麻烦给我一个证据。 如果说我有第三软件。 那就请麻烦看一看我手上的pokeyen和PC 有超过5只宝可梦吗== 4只闪光都是和别人购买,没有一个是我的OT。 我只希望能工作人员会去检查而不是官方说我预测到你有就有。 而且上一次的教训我已经吸取了,这次选择正规的游戏方法也还是被封号了。
  8. if they are mentioned I was using the 3rd party software. I wish they show me a prove when I using. pokeyen left 80,000 after purchase with other player shiny venusaur. total have 4 shiny. nindoking and gengar 10m - 19m secret shiny - 61m + 8 rp 1,000 ticket to get shiny venusaur. if use the third party software i guess i have more than 4 shiny and with my OT. currently no one shiny pokemon is under my OT.
  9. Hi Atumisk, I didn't use third party software. i was play pokemmo on my iphone IOS just now actually still can play. after update when i use sideloadly download the IPA and suddenly was ban.
  10. Hi Atumisk, I didn't use third party software. i was play pokemmo on my iphone IOS just now actually still can play. after update when i use sideloadly download the IPA and suddenly was ban.
  11. Hi Admin, Gm, SGM , Develop. Username : GrassMasterGG I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a recent issue I've encountered concerning my account, with the username "GrassMaster." I acknowledge that in the past, I had violated the rules by engaging in Real Money Trading (RMT). However, I have since learned from my mistake, and with my new account, I have adhered strictly to the rules and even invested a substantial amount of money, exceeding a hundred dollars, into my account. Despite my efforts to follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the game, I was surprised to find that I have once again been flagged for RMT activities. I believe this to be an unjust situation. I would like to provide further context regarding recent activities on my account. A couple of days ago, I made a significant top-up of approximately 300 dollars, which earned me reward points. To maximize these rewards, I engaged in transactions to exchange these points for POKEYEN. It came to my attention that other players were offering "Shiny Venusaur" for sale, and I decided to make a purchase from one such player. To ensure I was not inadvertently engaging in any prohibited activities, I sought clarification from Damian CM, who confirmed that this transaction was within the acceptable boundaries. In light of Damian CM's response, I proceeded with the transaction under the assumption that I was acting within the game's guidelines. I am now concerned that my account has been flagged for RMT despite taking steps to ensure compliance and seeking validation from a game representative. I kindly request a thorough review of my account's recent activities, taking into consideration my commitment to adhering to the rules. I understand the importance of maintaining a fair and balanced gaming environment, and I assure you that my intentions were genuine and compliant with the regulations. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. If necessary, I am more than willing to provide any additional information or documentation to support my case. I look forward to a resolution that is fair and just. Thank you for your understanding. I don't want to go apeal, once rejected my account will gone! Before I provide all my TOP UP received for your team reference. and also thru from the picture mentioned I use third party software also. However if I use third party software. my pokeyen now won't be $80,000 only, and also i current still in new account and Still in one map johto also haven't completed all the story yet in johto.
  12. 就算申诉也没有用, 系统侦测到了管理员也不会做深入的调查。
  13. 我刚下载不久这和游戏,pokemon 才lv20 就被封号了。 原因是因为我用第三软件? 我他妈在iphone玩怎样用第三软件? 就乱乱封号
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