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Everything posted by Leiyon

  1. Would that not overload the servers though? The amount of data needed to implement that would most likely cause servers to lag and in turn, affect gameplay.
  2. What I mean is that this bypasses that step entirely and would have the same dialog for using a watering can hotkey. Even with faster strings removing the dialog, you still need to click the "A" button 3 times each time after the first seed combinations, whereas watering can hotkey only needs one click and possibly even no dialog. Also, I find it tedious to select the combinations each time. It's not like you can have possible seed combinations from the get-go. Like if you wanted to plant Leppa, instead of selecting the seeds for each slot each time, you'd just select the berry that you want to plant and it automatically deducts the seeds from your bag.
  3. I want to suggest making whispers in-game have a prompt or icon appear when received. I just need visual confirmation sometimes cuz the notif sound gets drowned out by either game music or other sounds in my background. Make it like messaging apps or like an email - the whole Chat Tab will change color to green or something when there's a whisper, and stay the same color otherwise.
  4. This has been bothering me for a few weeks but I think the design for water levels in a plot needs to be changed. It's hard to tell sometimes if I watered a certain plant cuz the shades of blue aren't contrasting. The waterdrops are basically the same color unless you over-water your plant. Suggestion 1: I'd suggest maybe red for 1-2 waterdrops, yellow/green for 3-4, and keep the blue for 5. Suggestion 2: Make it vertical and shaped as one rectangle with divisions to look like a thermometer or battery levels. Also, the berry icons keep overlapping with the water indicators so they're covered, suggestion 2 would fix this rather than suggestion 1.
  5. I've seen that berries can be used as a hotkey but only to be used on party pokemon, but I was thinking of having berries get the option to be seed combinations in berry farming. My idea on how it would work is that if you have a certain berry in your bag *cough...Leppa*, and you also have the required seeds, it would function as a hotkey similar to how you use the Watering Cans in the game, but with no prompts appearing if you have planted the seeds (just if you don't have the seeds). It would probably be like this: [Select Berry >> Set as Hotkey >> Hotkey # >> "Option 1: Pokemon", "Option 2: Berry Farming"] This idea came to me when I realized I might destroy certain keyboard keys from using them so much because of farming. Devs please notice (9^9)
  6. Wouldn't this affect the leppa berry market tho? And since it's an item, you can't even use berries or medicines to fill the uses back up, and you'll have to go back and forth to the pokemon center which is the reason why the leppa berry market is thriving cuz most players can focus on shunting without the hassle of going back and forth
  7. I'm not sure if this was suggested but TOGGLE option for shiny version of a pokemon in Pokedex description, and even further a Shiny Tab added to National Pokedex so you see all the shiny versions of the pokemon
  8. I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this yet but DEVs can you guys put the egg group information of a user's pokemon inside its description box? In addition to that, I'd suggest making that egg group into a link to a separate tab in the pokedex where all pokemon within that egg group are there. Another idea on the topic of the Pokedex 1. Can you guys put arrows (left<->right) or maybe (up<->down) (like in 3rd gen) on each pokemon entry so that it's a seamless transition to the pokemon info before and after it? I keep going back and forth on the only 'go back' button even though I'm just looking at pokemon at the same evolution line. 2. Can you guys make a new dropdown box in the pokedex for pokemon types and group them up, same suggestion with the egg groups?
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