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Everything posted by Matoka

  1. What is the Dev's stand on implementing items without their respective generation? I'm referring to something like Choice Scarf or Choice Specs etc, an item with similar function to items currently in the game however were not implemented until gen 4 etc, would devs ever considering implementing them before generation 4's pokemon / moves etc? This could lead to the issue of "You implemented A! Why won't you implement B?!" from people, but I can't remember hearing any particular stance on the matter, and i'm sure lots of people would be glad to have some of the items mentioned added to the game even without their respective generation, I guess i'm just asking if this is being considered or if it was decided not to be implemented until Sinnoh and beyond. Thanks for reading
  2. What i mean is, the battle log is entirely yellow, however I was wondering would it be possible for Pickup, Payday, finding items and shiny pokemon to have different coloured text in the battle log, so when looking at it at a glance you can see how much cash you found, what you picked up and if you encountered a shiny and killed it because you are a poor unfortunate soul. Edit; this is primarily for pickup as a small quality of life change, also, question, do you bump threads in suggestion box that got no response and are no longer on front page? (referring to my shedinja thread)
  3. Oh, Devs, feel free to tell us what you think will be in the next update, I feel like some of us would be interested to hear. [spoiler] inb4 Berry Update 3 / Other ;~; [/spoiler]
  4. Lemme know what you think is coming, I'm hoping for Contests and Milotic
  5. How am I meant to realistically get enough seeds to start the process after several failed attempts? to start with i had tons of seeds but now i have none, and berries cost too much and the rate of finding them in the wild is really uncommon, is there really not going to be a way to start out? no purchasable trash-tier seeds to give you a few random berries to start off? I'm just sad cause I've lost so many would-be berries so far and I can't really restart it.
  6. KappaPride People still using gay as an insult in 2016, Nice maturity levels
  7. Ok, 2nd day, I once again attempt to farm berries, x3 of plain seeds in order to get Very XXX seeds, I keep them perfectly moist, I go to sleep wake up and they are dead, Why is this a thing. If it takes us watering about once per hour for 10 hours are we meant to start as SOON as the day starts in order to get berries at like 2am in the morning? this is a little ridiculous, Can we either have it that water soil levels don't change when we are logged out or that it doesn't change when logged out, because currently this is ridiculous, I spend 9 hours in game, doing things and maintaining berries and then I need to go to sleep, I am not going to use this feature if it is this demanding. This is being too needy as a feature. Plants gave the "It was over watered" error again, yet I never over watered. Is this confirming it as a bug? They could not have been over watered so this is not a correct error message. Edit: The solution to this will not be increasing the yield while making it so it still takes 10 hours, Please making it in shorter bursts of say 3 hours for berries but we get fewer of them, it is unreasonable for the time frame of 10 hours. Berry prices are still extortionate meaning i doubt every one else made breakthroughs with this system. Edit edit; the only people able to maintain even the BASIC level of care for low tier berries are people who can come on once per hour at least 10 hours before they would go to bed, You are literally unable to do this unless you plan to do an all nighter for a "Passive process" or you get up early and do it. I may not be one of them, but there are also people who have actual jobs and school, i can tell you right now, If i was at school with 9am-3pm times, If i got home at 3:30pm and planted some low tier berries, I would need to care for them until 1am in order to reach 10 hours? and longer if it is a high tier berry? Kyu, please change it to Low yields of 2-3 over something like 2-3 hours, 1 hour per low tier berry and 1.5 hours per medium yield berry and 2 hours per high yield berry sound like good balance. not /Days/ for high tier berries
  8. Ofc you need to experiment to get the balancing of yields just right, but until then what are we meant to do about fixing EVs on pokemon? Do you want us to literally be unable to re-ev our pokemon until you guys fix the economy of berries which could take over a week to fix/stabilize and even then it will probably cost more than before?
  9. Berries becoming a new commodity type is a good thing on paper, however, EV reduction berries are an exception to this because: They are required in bulk They have 6 varieties, all of them important Their demand will exceed production 9 times out of 10 since you need so many Compare this to everstones, A well balanced commodity on the server: Needed constantly, comparable to EV reduction berries There are no variations of everstone, one type fits all natures so the market is not split You can flexibly farm this commodity without maintenance inbetween, you can farm for 10 minutes, take a break for a day and farm for 3 hours, either way it is more constant. Berry farming requires a consistent minimum care taking period of 8 hours which is a huge commitment I honestly think that even the x3 rate will not be enough, of course everything I am saying should be taken with a pinch of salt as this is essentially Stock market prediction simulator 2016, but the clear differences between a stable, reliable, consistent, good example of a commodity in Everstones vs. a volatile, long term investment like berries that we both know will fluctuate massively make this really risky to base one of thee most ESSENTIAL items in the game for any form of competitive play's method of obtaining around.
  10. Kyu, I understand that ideally people will supply enough berries for people to reliably purchase for reasonable prices, say about 1k, similar to their costs before, however, this system will have two cycles: People do not produce enough berries --> Prices increase --> People can't afford berries --> They try to do it themselves because they must People produce enough berries for price to be reasonable --> It's not profitable in terms of Time:Profit ratio --> People stop producing berries Telling people they can abstain isn't strictly true, It will be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to balance this so that profit is able to be made and that berries are available, otherwise people WILL be FORCED to grow berries, EV reducing berries will be the biggest culprit of this.
  11. Can we have flight locations added to the game for Route 123's berry house and/or route 104's berry shop. I mean yes part of it is laziness but still, it would be very nice. they have buildings so they make more sense than the other 2 berry spots. At least route 123, it is really out of the way, and it has the most squares. Pretty please with 70k cherri berries on top?
  12. Kyu said we can find seeds in hoenn, any confirmation or info on this?
  13. So in lehmans terms: Longer time to grow berries Less watering required for low tier berries, but more fine-tuned watering for higher tier berries still More time to collect berries before they die after growth finishes
  14. Can I just clarify, are you telling me that you have INCREASED the time it takes for low berries to finish growing, when the fact that it takes 9 hours of watering to produce berries, Kyu, why did you feel this was neccesary, increasing leniency on death timer was all that was needed, the growth time is already pushing it a little in terms of how long it takes. some people don't play your game for 9 hours in the day.
  15. This is incorrect, I actively checked my plants and they never reached "Flooded" I kept some of them moist and some of them wet to test the differences, I never flooded my plants. Also for people who do flood their plants how are they meant to know, why do you need to wait 9 hours to see that you have failed from flooding them 3 hours in, it literally wastes time. According to you, I looked after my berries completely fine but they died.
  16. Darkshade, on that point, berries did act as a money sink for De-Eving and buying pvp berries, i would have spent more on them than pokeballs probably. I understand you want to add an actual berry growing system but you, at least for now, have caused berry prices to become absurd and extremely painful to get any more of. I really like the concept here, i really really do, but honestly after trying to use it and having berries die due to me being selfish and going to sleep I just feel depressed about the whole thing.
  17. Ok, This is a little silly. My plants were flowering after 9 hours, I gave them a watering and then went to sleep, because it had been -9 HOURS- and when i log in this morning, less than 8 hours sleep for me btw, I get this wonderful sight: This is ridiculous, I am meant to stay with it watering constantly for over 9 hours? Devs, please. I really like the concept of this idea but this is horrendously unfair in practice, please can we change it. At least make it so when you are logged off the water status doesn't change from wet/moist etc but the berry continues to grow. Edit: Also it is giving me this (i guess error message?) on inspection: Please explain how they were overwatered when they weren't watered at all last night, is this an error or was keeping them wet/moist too much water? Devs I am begging you please give us some info about this feature
  18. Implementation of a new berry system is a good idea as a merchant really does remove a feature from the game, however this is only true if the system has a few things bundled with it, In my opinion those things are: Some form of tutorialization of how combinations work, and a way to receive hints. Not only that, but hints as to how to obtain "Very XXX Seeds", I've seen that on GTL etc but I have no idea how to get them, are they from high-end berries or just a lucky roll? I have no idea because there is 0 tutorialization for this feature making it painful to use and extremely daunting, probably to everyone. The feature is reasonable to use while continuing normal gameplay, 8+ hours for 2-3 berries seems insane, It has been mentioned that this was meant to be some form of passive feature that happens in the background to supply us with berries, A background feature should not require us to water it properly for 8+ hours, especially when apparently the berries we have no way of telling will grow from our non-tutorialized seed combos require different watering habits, Am i making it take longer? I don't know, how could I until I have waited 8 hours. The feature has a way to easily get started into from the base level, It seems like this is meant to be a tier system, harvest low-level berries, combine seeds for high level berries, makes sense. The low level berries cost 30k on GTL, and the other alternatives are slowly renewable berries in berry forest or Pickup pokemon, Why can we not purchase from the flower girl the most basic berries in order to start the system? Obviously this was implemented with good intentions, however, Oran berries are 30k, based on how cheap the seed harvesting tools are I assume you expected us to be able to access berries in bulk, in short, I dont understand 3 things: Why are low tier berries so inaccessible, high tier berries make sense but not the basics? Why does it take more than 1/4 of a real life day to receive 2-3 berries? Why is there no tutorial or hints in game helping us find out what on earth to do? Can we please, please, receive some info to give the community a kick start, It feels really frustrating for a shiny new feature to be added that is so unapparent how to use correctly for fairly basic needs, I feel like the feature has failed If i end up giving up after 8 hours to go and farm berry forest for pickups since that seems like a more reasonable way. Edit; I understand this is quite an opinionated thread and you obviously, At least I hope it should be obvious, tested this before launch, however I have been trying my best to take care of some berry plants for over 9 hours now. I honestly feel really unhappy with this, I just want this to feel somewhat decent to do
  19. Matoka


    Ofc this happens seconds before i must leave for school, MURPHY'S LAW Edit: Wait what happens to berries on the market, are they removed? or could we have "Stored them" on market
  20. Honestly, I don't understand why they can't make a check where if you attempt to fly from one region to the next if simply does the same thing clicking "YES I WANT TO GO TO HOENN/KANTO" does from the boat NPC's but through the fly menu, It could just do the exact same thing but portable I guess that is one factor, however I feel like the only possible significant change in area player density would be vermillion, I still see people going around on random routes and in caves, Game outside of vermillion seems pretty alive and vermillion is the only area i could even imagine taking a hit popularity wise from something like this
  21. The only reason i suggested it being end game post both E4 is because it has to be located in a region as far as i'm aware and by making sure you have finished both E4's you could safely assume the player can reach it , again revisions would obviously have to take place. If the ability to fly between hoenn and kanto was added, the fact that vermillion acts as the bridge between regions would no longer be a thing and then maybe this could replace it.
  22. ;~; im sorry, i will note this for future posts
  23. Oh! I assumed that thread was simply for suggestions for new cosmetics and conceptualization, not changes to already existing ones, whoops. my apologies
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