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Danielp533 last won the day on May 10

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  1. Again, the flaw with cloneMMO is they did not implement a system that fixed the issue, and there were flaws in the algorithm. As my post suggested, there are solutions to the issue which haven't been tried out. One of those is allowing an option where you can breed a Pokemon on random, while not allowing that egg to be traded. It's your own.
  2. Again, the scenario I described was not what happened in the past. Please re-read my post. There are checks in place to ensure that doesn't happen
  3. First of all, No. An extreme scenario where everyone is running with maxed 6x31 is a logical fallacy known as the straw man argument. It's not what I said, at all. Second of all, it doesn't defeat the purpose of breeding. Breeding allows you to get more of a certain type of Pokemon. Giving the option to have your stats randomized, or to obtain Pokemon you can't trade wouldn't ruin anything. It's a choice, that allows people to enjoy this feature without murdering their parents
  4. This is a straw man logical fallacy. You are taking things to extremes. Again, I'm not suggesting a scenario where you can create "millions of 6x31 Pokemon". I made several suggestions in the post. One with randomization, two with limiting what can be sold on the market, etc
  5. There has probably been a billion posts on this by now, but hear me out There are 2 major issues with PokeMMO: A) They assume most players are competitive, when 95% are casual B) They make dumb decisions The breeding system is the best example of this. Breeding was one of the most fun activities in the original games. In PokeMMO, they changed it. Now, if you want an egg, you have to murder (or 'trade') the two parents to get the egg. Permanently Their logic is that two good iv Pokemon will create more good iv Pokemon, causing inflation in the market. The reason why this is terrible logic is because there are simple ways to fix this A) Make the eggs random. Equivalent to when you find Pokemon in the wild. This way there are no advantages B) Make certain eggs unable to be traded, or sold C) There's a lot more that I'm too tired to type Anyways, I understand why they wanted to do this. But again, their solution was terrible, and they also hurt casual players who make up most of the fanbase Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave thoughts in the comments
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