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Everything posted by Pyroface

  1. To anyone who cares Hopy vs me happening in the next 10 min gg Hopy, i won
  2. Pyroface

    How to plants

    Might as well start an 'ETA when Darkshade' thread and add this along with Fuzzys 'CC2.0 when' thread
  3. Pyroface


    wow nice, did you write that all yourself? ...
  4. How to get a dramatic farewell from the community Step 1: say you're giving away free shit Step 2: wait
  5. Pyroface


    Careful throwing around numbers like that when referring to shiny hunting, you'll upset the vets with 10x as many hours as that kek. But yea end game is pretty shit, revolves back around what k9 said
  6. Bump, adjusted starting price, now 500k, someone place bids
  7. ufukingwotMMO? Auctioning comp Metagross A.K.A Dr. Phil Auction ends next Friday December 18th @11:59pm CST Starting bid at 400K outbids must be over 20k
  8. All natural shreaddedness, you guys are soft like ice cream
  9. Hey AQA I pmd you about our PSL match, let's see if this works any better, I'm free any time after 4pm CST (11am GMT) lemme know what works for you

    1. OrangeManiac


      Pyro that's 11 PM GMT.

    2. Pyroface


      I'm also just now waking up too, yea pm not am

    3. AQA


      weekend ?

  10. Recently contacted opponent, waiting to hear back and agree on a time
  11. Predictions 1. Shit Name Inc. 2. Who fucking cares
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