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Everything posted by DaftKitteh

  1. can't remember the exact name, but I know it had a number and a vampire reference + some variation of lover. even if I could remember I wouldn't give the exact name cause it's that cringe worthy kek
  2. 10/10 song I went through an emo phase and any time someone asked me why I wore all black I would quote that song
  3. DaftKitteh

    Laidback Zone

    I've never had problems with alts lol
  4. That's one situation, yeah, and it doesn't apply to all cases, but living an unhealthy lifestyle affects people around you. You've neglected the part where I mentioned the worry of your family dying long before you, which is a major concern and would apply to most cases of obesity. The health problems brought on by an extremely unhealthy lifestyle are financially draining and emotionally draining for an entire family, which is something that can apply to most cases of obesity. The argument "it's their life and they can do what they want and we should accept them for who they are" isn't a sound one. Accepting someones bad habits isn't a solution, it's essentially giving up on them, and you probably shouldn't give up on the people you care about. We've discussed already the difference between choosing an unhealthy lifestyle and being unable to live a healthy lifestyle cause of medical issues etc. Should we judge people and treat them differently because of it? no. Should we attempt to better ourselves and the people around us? yes. tl dr these arguments are pointless
  5. My outlook isn't really based on other strangers, it's more directed at my family and close friends. A close member of my family was quite obese as I was growing up, and I've seen how the laziness / depression that she had affected our entire family. I don't judge my family based on their appearance, when you live with someone for 18 years you get past that, but I do want them to live a healthy life so they don't die early and I encourage them to live a healthy life by cooking decent healthy foods for my family. If you're meaning just /slightly overweight/ and not a severely unhealthy case then yeah I agree, appearances shouldn't matter that much, and when you grow up that becomes more apparent, but when it's someone you care about who has, as plague put it, a self destructive lifestyle I think it takes quite a bit more maturity to confront them about it and try to help them improve. tl dr the bad life decisions someone makes doesn't always only affect them
  6. I consider it to be a point where you're life threateningly unhealthy and/or your weight is causing a significant problem in your life. Being slightly overweight is nothing to be ashamed of though, but I think people just want to be like the people they see on tv and in advertising because it's implied that these supermodels are the idea of perfection, and people want to be admired and thought of as perfect. To quote fight club: This movie is full of great quotes, but I think this one kinda fits with this theme of accepting yourself for who you are and not being influenced by what the rest of the world wants you to be.
  7. my first youtube channel was like vampir3luvr[insert random numbers here] or something and my only video was of me spraying axe hairspray on a grinding wheel and lighting it on fire so it'd make a giant fireball. yeah I was that hardcore as a kid edit: mfw my entire life is cringe worthy up until I was 17
  8. I lock threads when they become more effort than they're worth to moderate, are in violation of the rules and/or no longer serve their purpose. If you go back and look at that thread, the last few pages consisted of nothing but shit posting. iirc I also said I'd consider unlocking it if someone made a good argument, but everyone seems to take my word as the law and never challenges my decisions so it remained locked. Regardless I think I made the right choice with that thread in particular. on topic though, I think it's bad to judge someone negatively based on anything they can't control. I think there's a difference between being unhealthy by choice and being unhealthy for reasons beyond your control. There's no real excuse to be unhealthy by choice, healthy foods can be pretty cheap if you just figure out what to look for, and as for exercise you don't /need/ fancy equipment to get some. I do pull ups on a tree outside, push ups and sit ups in my living room, then run down a path through the woods a couple times and back to my house for exercise so that's evidence you can get plenty of exercise without any money invested. Even if it isn't super efficient, it's still something. Time and energy however is a different matter, it's very difficult to change ones lifestyle, and there are a variety of other factors that could affect ones ability to live a healthy life. If you ask yourself "Is it more beneficial for me to exercise and eat healthy than to not? Can I find the time and energy to worry about living a healthy life? Is there anything stopping me from living a healthy life?" if those questions are a yes(or a no for the last one), then the person should consider changing their lifestyle to be more healthy. I also think anyone should be /accepted/, however they shouldn't be catered to. I don't want someone who's overweight and unhealthy working in a job with me where being physically fit is practically a requirement the same way I wouldn't want someone really thin with little muscle working with me in a job where heavy lifting is required, or having someone who isn't intelligent and/or has no motivation to improve themself working in nuclear physics or something intellectually demanding, that's just how things are. I don't expect anyone to change for me, nor do I blame people for judging me for how I dress, my sexual orientation, or any other factors because I recognize that other humans have an opinion, and that applies to weight as well. If someone has an opinion on you that's fine, if someone bullies you using their opinion as a means to justify it then that's not okay. Also I don't want someone forcing the opinion "Obesity is beautiful" down my throat the same way I don't want people shoving the opinion that looking like a super thin supermodel is beautiful. I form an opinion on people on a case by case basis, and generally I'm very accepting of people. I believe strongly in my opinions, but I don't force them on anyone, however there are people so emotionally invested in their opinions that nothing, not even facts, will convince them that they're wrong so they continuously go against logic trying to convince people that their opinion is right, and they try to get other people to believe in their opinions and sadly those are the kinds of people that generally get noticed.
  9. I used to run around runescape calling people noobs. I was like the perfect stereotype for that annoying kid running around saying "wow noob dont make me get my main" edit: spoiler alert [spoiler] my main was combat level 72 and didn't have a single non combat skill above 30 [/spoiler]
  10. Locked as a duplicate for here: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/43534-steam-summer-sales/ If anyone has any issues with this decision send me a PM so we can discuss it.
  11. DaftKitteh

    Moemon Dodrio

    Yep, you're right. I asked one of the other mods and they agree with you. It's been moved back to OT. As for the image I like the sassy face, although I dunno if I like 3 or 4 better. Green eyes are cute, but the red ones fit with the other colors well.
  12. DaftKitteh

    Moemon Dodrio

    Moved to Client Customizations
  13. Removed the "Who is the worst" option for the poll. I think the first part of this poll is fine because it's positive, but having a poll about who is the worst is very negative and some might be hurt by it, causing it to be in violation of:
  14. DaftKitteh

    Laidback Zone

    what'd I miss also good morning
  15. DaftKitteh

    Movie Thread

    >no mention of Fight Club
  16. DaftKitteh

    Our Diary

    I'm just gonna leave this here.
  17. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-239092952 jesus christ I have never had so much RNG on my side in my life. I swept his first 3 pokes with a farfetched, a crit on each of them, and finished the game in 11 turns also ty showdown for your life threatening glitches
  18. he's got a really nice voice, but it's 2015 and I'm a bit tired of centuries of love songs.
  19. This is a good argument and I'll discuss it with another moderator, however from personal opinion I agree with vorred. Very rarely do I visit the first post of a thread, and I think it'd be better to get news out just to make a new post in the thread. Honestly if somebody wants a full fledged anime discussion forum with up to date news and useful links, they're probably not going to come to OT for it. Either way I'll discuss this topic with another moderator when they become available, that way these decisions aren't based solely on my opinion alone since you guys have made some pretty decent points. My opinion though is that I shouldn't lock this thread solely so king can make a new one of the exact same topic. There's value in history, and in this thread people can go back through the old pages and view past discussions, and get recommendations. This thread already has a good foundation as an Anime thread, and I don't see why I should destroy it for what seems to be king just wanting to be op of an anime topic.
  20. I still don't see why an active OP would be beneficial to the point where I should lock an age old thread that came long before my time.
  21. if there's a reason to unlock it, a great demand to unlock it (just you wanting it unlocked isn't a great demand), or it'd be better to have it unlocked than locked then I will. If you've got an argument to make as to why it should be unlocked then we can discuss that, but having two general anime threads is pointless and even if one is a recommendation thread and the other a discussion thread, they ended up being essentially two of the same threads, otherwise known as a duplicate thread. I thought that it'd work having them both, but it didn't. still if you've got an argument to make I'll hear it. tl dr
  22. DaftKitteh

    Laidback Zone

    guys why'd you act out while I was gone ;~; I.. I trusted you..
  23. DaftKitteh

    Laidback Zone

    mfw it's hard to tell if malorne is being nice ironically or srsly
  24. DaftKitteh

    Laidback Zone

    now i have to ask myself the question was I only hired because I had kitteh in my name?
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