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Everything posted by gbwead

  1. I have no issue with someone being manager 3 seasons in a row. I draw the line at 4, but that's just me.
  2. HoF entries are significantly easier to track than PSL performance. I understand that your suggestion simplifies the formula, but it doesn't simplify the most obnoxious part of the formula.
  3. CC are not in HoF entries, so no issue regarding those. 32-man are no longer hosted and therefore get deflated from being old tournaments. A seasonal tournament win requires a qualifier tournament, so that's 2 entries which is worth a lot of pts by itself.
  4. The more than twice is for someone like RDL. Let's say he gets a manager spot this season. That would mean he got a manager spot 3 seasons in a row. Even if he does phenomenal in these 3 seasons, going into PSL 15, RDL should imo be automatically rejected. That would not apply for this season, but I think it's worth discussing that eventuality.
  5. It's to prevent someone like Madara, Enchanteur, Frags, SweetforU, etc to get an automatic manager spot 6 seasons in a row just because of their HoF entries. I believe it's important that new players get a chance to be managers too if they have proven themselves to be capable players appreciated by the community.
  6. Based on what I believe is important to be manager, I would improve the selection formula to this for future seasons (if it ever returns): HoF entries No Change PSL performance W/R instead of W-L 1 undefeated PSL season is worth the same as 2 HoF victories: I personally believe going 7-0 in PSL is almost twice as hard as winning an official tournament, but not more than that. Previous offenders 3 possibilities (Banned/Released/Neither) instead of 2 possibilities (Yes/No) Past PSL Winner as a Manager Possibility (Yes) has been reduced from a x2 multiplier to a x1.5 multiplier: to avoid too much overlap with the new popularity indicator Regular season performance as a Manager No Change Popularity Past PSL drafted players will be able to vote on who is their favorite candidate: this could be done through a forum club exclusive to previous players or in an open thread where votes are counted manually Something else I would add to the formula Unless in the previous season, the candidate won as a Manager or was first in Regular season, that candidate should not be able to get a manager spot back to back season more than twice.
  7. 2021 --> (2 second places)x1 = 1 PSL 13 --> no game played Banned/Released: No (x1) (1)x1= 1 = D tier Candidate
  8. 2021 --> (4 wins + 5 second places)x1 = 6.5 2020 --> (1 win + 1 second place)x0.9 = 1.35 PSL 13 --> (3 wins - 3 loses)/7 = 0 Banned/Released: No (x1) (4.5+1.35+0)x1 = 7.85 = C tier Candidate
  9. it's my disguised way of forcing him to choose who is his true love: JJ or DPP he can't have both
  10. I should put DPP in the court auction so people have to pay to keep it banned or to unban it.
  11. That sounds faire imo. Going 5-1 is pretty similar to going 3-0 if we are talking about the same tier.
  12. Mainly pointing out that in a tournaments, you can't go 8-1 and get a 1 pt (you would get 0.5 or 0). In PSL, you could go 8-1 and get a full pt.
  13. There are two other factors that explain why Mlhawk is C tier and Tawla A tier. Mlhawk already had a shot as a manager and his team was 5th after the regular season. That means he got a x0.75 multiplier. The multiplier is there to make sure new candidates have a shot compared to candidates that already has a chance to manage in the past and didn't do that well. Tawla won more recently compared to Mlhawk. That doesn't mean that Tawla is better than Mlhawk or simply means Tawla is probably more active. Tawla's point are not deflated unlike Mlhawk's points. The way I see it is that it takes 7 wins in a row to get 1 pt in tournaments. For PSL, I don't see how that should be different if you get 7 wins for 0 loses, you will also get a pt. The thing is there are more tournaments than PSL seasons, so it's pretty normal that when I look at competitive achivements that it's possible to earn more points through tournaments.
  14. Candidates Rankings as of this post: S tier Enchanteur Luke Mkns A tier Tawla Axellgor B tier RealDevilLegend Sebat Heichicoda C tier KaynineXL Mlhawk iMat D tier Daryl Endiii Kamimiii LeJovi Cali, let me know if you want to share the 0.5 penalty with Pachima.
  15. PSL 7 --> (2 wins - 1 lose)/13 = 0.077 PSL 8 --> (2 wins - 0 loses)/12 = 0.167 PSL 9 --> (5 wins - 3 loses)/11 = 0.182 PSL 10 --> (4 wins - 4 loses)/10 = 0 PSL 11 --> (1 win - 3 loses)/9 = -0.222 PSL 12 --> (4 wins - 4 loses)/8 = 0 Banned/Released: No (x1) (0.077+0.167+0.182+0-0.222+0)x1 = 0.204 = D tier Candidate
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