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Everything posted by bigbangattack

  1. Shiny pidgey sold to oldmantwerked for 3 comps thanks for the business
  2. I have no idea how anyone can be against this idea....13 year old kid catches a rare shiny doesn't always have the knowledge to protect himself and its not right to say no we shouldn't warn them bc they should know better...not to mention professor oak congratulating u on your shiny would be pretty awesome after the rush of catching a shiny for the nostalgia of the whole ordeal.....+10 for this to happen By the way if we are talking about a comp getting ripped off it happened to most of us but selling a 30m$ shiney for 2 mil$ nobody should have to o through that it's not a life lesson its being a word I can't say bc I don't want this post taken away
  3. Most likely yes can u show me stats of all 3
  4. Physical kingdra...most of the useable HP electrics slowbro/vap ect...dugtrio jolly reversal...that's just off the top of my head...hitmontop doubles (I think +def - spc atk)
  5. You know things are getting rough when you have to consider selling your first comps that are now little used or outdated for you....rip so many old war heroes :'0
  6. Love weedles comments but you get too far fetched from where we are....they can't decode the whole game to where everyone can have their own shop instead of npcs....although if they made all items farmable with a trade hub in theory that's amazing get rid of npcs and make money farming more exciting but its risky and impractical.... But u were spot on when u said earning money in other games isn't so boring....pokemmo is a game that wasn't built to be an mmo...that's why everyone gets mad at Nintendo and this game was made in the first place.... So once again....make breeding cheaper so u can close the gap between hours grinding and a comp.... Add automated tournys to reward comps Add money value to pve possibilities to keep non comp people happy and gradually add pve ideas as you can code them Central trade hub will be great Imo move things from npcs to mild grinding as you can so we can purchase cheap or grind And most important did I say this before.....lose the cost of braces and choosing gender....make it free
  7. Obviously I have made a mistake... Didn't have to call me out on it in front of everyone tho lol It's 4x0 bro 1x1 1x3
  8. Am I crazy for saying braces should be free....or 100$?? Bc then comps could be bought reasonably As far as the catching and breeding grind that kind of is pokemon Just make breeding cheap and better payouts The automated tournys would be freaking awesome and I think I remember that being in the works for future Also I've said this before.....wager option in the battle screen.....people will gamble more if its in the battle screen
  9. actually yes but they gotta be good and something my team needs so feel free to make multiple offers we will accept what we can use
  10. havent had one yet go ahead and offer
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