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Everything posted by Argorok2017

  1. Tfw I go 20/8/7 as Diana and the rest of my team feeds and we lose..... still get an S though to get my mastery 6
  2. • Theme About : God Eater (anime) • Your In Game Name : xVolvagiax • Your Team : Random Noob Gamers • Theme Login : Static Will send some money
  3. 5/0/25 with only the ap support item, wtf is that op power?
  4. Bard carry op Wait wtf is that a blitz jg?
  5. In case anyone would like to see PBE changes (aka @ShadowGary) http://www.surrenderat20.net/
  6. 1.) It would be easier to implement the other option already spoken about for Johto starters in previous suggestion threads. 2.) Ok that's fine, but again creating another region is a daunting task. 3.) I still think team owned housing would be a simpler way of doing this. Personal housing would be harder because there would have to be sooo many houses. Team housing I could see though. 4.) They already had plans on what to do with dungeons, it doesn't require a new region to implement them. 5.) The issue with this is the fact that the person must be able to stay online or else the person is unable to get the badge they need. Also a new region means startover with pokemon and if you give the gym to some person they could have all lvl 100s for the first gym. Not really something PvE players would be looking for. I like the 2nd idea, but again as I said it's a daunting task that doesn't have enough people to work on.
  7. You really don't read do you? I would love change, but it will not happen in large doses. Change in this game comes in small doses and if you haven't realized that by now then something is wrong. Maybe instead of brainstorming these large ideas you can think of how to break them into smaller ones so that way it gives the admins more incentive to work on them :)
  8. I have nothing to add to this because there is nothing to add to this. It's too big of a project for the current staff of MMO to worry about along with the current patches they have to keep sending out to make comp players happy (even PvE players with the recent Contest patch). Another reason this wouldnt happen anytime soon is because they have already stated that they will not start on anything new until Hoenn is finished, which BF isn't completely finished yet. I doubt anyone here would've heard of your Earthbound mmorpg anyways. But by suggesting these large scale changes you are actually doing nothing for the community itself because these ideas will not happen. Even asking for slight changes that barely change the game are more productive and willing to happen than your ideas.
  9. Yet you're here instead of leading your own project, shows how successful that "project" really was. Now, I before you go being an asshole actually look at what I said. Nowhere in my comment did I say to stop using your imagination. Maybe instead of thinking of large scale changes thinking of small scale changes that will improve MMO one step at a time. Now have a nice day because this won't happen :)
  10. Yes because yet again you posted another suggestion that is too big for the devs to handle. When are you going to learn???
  11. EXACTLY. Xatu you have no clue what it takes to actually code and design everything so it is cohesive and works well. With the current staff it is just too much work to handle to get this done. This isn't just some big game company who can do this in minimal time. EDIT: Also, @hannahtaylor said to stop ignoring her msgs
  12. The amount of coding that would take would be absolutely insane. Better to think small instead of these large ideas that will probably never happen
  13. ayy, I'll send the money after I'm done feeding on league
  14. Name: xVolvagiax Team: RÑG Render: Firecracker Jinx Donation: 50k (I'm broke af)
  15. Tfw I literally just bought Fiora and played 1 game
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