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About Argorok2017

  • Birthday 08/15/1995

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  1. IGN: xArgorok Discord: Argorok Time Zone: UTC ( -5 ) Tiers: UU Motivation: ur mum
  2. Absolutely fantastic theme, highly recommend. Clean and not distracting at all
  3. Listen dude, I'm just pointing out that the overall consensus for the team is that they cannot do all of the matches in one day on a Friday. If you want to space out the days for the matches or move them then fine. If not, then remove us from the current teams participating list.
  4. Hey Krimson, team LEM has not confirmed that we are joining this tourney due to the concern of trying to do all matches in one day. If this were to be held on a Saturday or Sunday when much less people are working, it might be better for our schedules.
  5. Amazing breeder, 10/10 would recommend for breeding Likes tea, can't recommend as a person tho 😛
  6. Favorite breeding service when I don't wanna do it myself, highly recommend
  7. Bro if you're gonna copy another shop, at least change the text so it says something different. Literally says the exact same thing under multiple text areas, even some of the colors.
  8. Pokemon: Weezing HA?: Doesn't have IVs: 31/x/31/27/27/27 Nature: Bold Gender: Doesn't matter Your OT?: Also doesn't matter Also....... QUACK
  9. League is always trash, but yet we end up back there anyways
  10. Doing signatures again, added my sig as an example on front page with some others
  11. HANNAH! Can I get a 2x31, 3x27 Timid Staryu? (Spatk/Speed 31 of course) I'll send monies in mail!
  12. Holy freaking speed! Thank you so much, highly recommend this service. 10/10 psyducks agree. Can I also get a 27+/x/27+/31/27+/31 Modest Deino?
  13. Can I get a Bold Yamask with 31/x/31/27+/27+/27+ I'll send the money in just a few minutes
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