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Everything posted by Atumisk

  1. Hey guys. I'm still active in PokeMMO, unfortunately life has taken its awful "throw shit in your face and make you eat it" mentality and raped me with it. In Lamens terms, I won't be able to work on any sprites for a while. Sorry for those I was unable to get to. I still have everyone's requests written and pictures saved, so I'll be getting ahold of you once I'm able to to finish them. I still won't accept any payment. Doing good for another trainer is payment enough. Thanks for the awesome support and I'll be seeing you around. Hit me up in game when you get a chance. IG: Roenn cheers
  2. Holy hell, it's been 3 years

  3. That is messed up, but something that can't be avoided unless you really want to turn "Mom" into "Foster Mom" who just raises orphans to become Pokemon Trainers. Like some sort of Trainer farm in a little house in Pallet Town. That's even more messed up though. Personally, I think Legendaries should be available, but rarer to catch wild than Shinies. They exist, it gives the sense of a good "hunt" to the game (which, if you're looking for legendaries, makes them all the better to get), and you can have News Reports on the TVs stating which area certain ones were last seen. If you get there on time and get lucky enough to catch it, good for you. If you miss it, keep an eye on TVs throughout your journey for updates. Not many people will have one at first, but it'll be available to everyone. Oh, and eliminate the possibility of Breeding legendaries. The last thing we need is some money hungry trainer with a Ditto ruining the experience and rarity of a legendary Pokemon.
  4. I'm just saying, overall it's a server-based thing. It could be hacked, shutdown for whatever reason, etc. Worrying about the possibility of a "wipe" is nothing compared to whatever else could happen. So overall, just have fun and don't worry about shit all the time lol
  5. Regardless of a server wipe, ANYTHING at any time could happen to PokeMMO to cause a shutdown, wipe, or anything else to take it offline or reset it for good. It's a game hosted online, and nothing is forever. So losing your shinys and "wasting a year or more of your life" doesn't matter. Because it's technically wasted already. Just enjoy the fun you had/are having until it's gone, because any time between right now and years down the road, it will be. tl;dr: Enjoy what you have, and reminisce on what you had regardless. It won't last forever.
  6. Atumisk

    DDOS again?

    Not sure if it's still any consolation, but I'm on and it's running fine at the moment.
  7. Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. I won't be able to get any work done for another month or two until I get a new laptop, but I'll keep the requests written down and I'll send a message when I've done yours. Thanks, -Atumisk
  8. Hahaha thanks mate, that's one of my favs as well
  9. I can't do the animation quite yet but here
  10. Yeah, I'm just a little lost on which page I left off at. Yours was next? What page is it on?
  11. lol thanks. Nah I'm good, and thankfully my metabolism is so stupid fast it's impossible to gain weight, so that's one more worry off my plate. In other news, to everyone, I finally have Internet again, and I got a new job as a chef at the restaurant a couple blocks from here, so I'll start doing pixel work again :) And if anyone can tell me what channel you prefer to play on, I'll hop on when I can and adventure along
  12. I do get notifications and I have these requests written down. And many thanks for the compliments. I just moved and need to get new internet so it'll be a while until I can upload.
  13. I'm still here, sorry I haven't been keeping in touch. I've got a majority of them done in bulk, just haven't gotten around to uploading them yet. I fractured the core of my tibia in my leg and the Army is trying to chapter me out and send me back to New England since I'll probably never be able to run again, because of it. At least I can still walk, but it's been a huuuge process. I apologize for not being able to upload, guys. I'll get on it the immediate next freetime I get. Don't think your words are going unnoticed
  14. Did you make your sig? If you did, can you help make me one just like it? I made this new one for myself that I'd love to use. I can throw my own name over it in Photoshop
  15. That's easily fixable. I just need to put a darker strip just underneath it, or a little shadow on the forehead and that sweatband will pop out
  16. I was just showing that off to a few friends earlier.that was a fun request, and a good challenge. If you ever want more,you know where to find me. Merry Christmas, Kellar
  17. Sorry it took so long, I've been with the fam all day. Merry Christmas
  18. For "your character" I went off the one you requested at the beginning of the thread a few months ago. I hope it's alright
  19. It could be better, I'll keep working on it in my free time, but for now this is what I've got
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